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Brit orders final drink - then jumps from seventh floor of Bangkok hotel restaurant


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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Yes, but nearly every thread someone will reply with "In America blah blah blah" and the discussion turns to the USA .

   I have nothing against the USA, just get bored with the constant comparisons on a Thai centric forum

   At least sometimes make some comparisons to China or Japan , Ecuador or some other place sometimes

Why.. the majority of people come from the US or UK.. only natural that comparisons are made with those countries. We are talking here about suicide and how it can be prevented by euthanasia. However Christians often oppose it, recently in my country the Christians wanted to change parts of the law. It made me mad as hell to see those people based on their book limit the choices of others they had nothing to do with.


I only compared it with the US because I know the Christians are even more fanatic over there. I just really dislike it when others make free choice a crime because it does not agree with their religion. I can understand it when it directly harms them or others, this however harms nobody but the person who choices to end it (does have an impact on his family but so does him suffering). Now people are forced to jump of buildings.. or in front of trains to end it. All things that do impact others a lot and are just not needed. 

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

May he Rest In Peace.

  I can relate to why a man would do this for medical reasons.  have been having an emotional fight with this same thing for the past while. 

My bladder quit and I catheter every day and have constant pain that the doctors do not know why. Sometimes it makes it impossible to get around. My life is spent cherishing moments of no pain. Then today I think I had a mini stroke. I got out of bed could not use my leg arm or hand,had no control of the hand or arm. I felt dizzy and disorientated. took about an hour to feel normal. Ending it is present in my mind constantly.Today gave me great concern and made me realize I have to decide soon or I may have a stroke and be unable to do anything and be at the mercy of the medical field.

  So I wish to ask robblok if non citizens of Belgium can go there and be euthanised?


God bless you sir I feel your pain


Just for today I am maybe in remission on two different lots of cancer


Dying with pain also scares me greatly, not the dying bit but the pain bit


You are obviously still mentally well being able to post what you did and I know talking about something can help me


I will continue to think about you and wish you courage


Life is sometimes a bitch and then you die


Try and keep a sense of humour and smile it help me


I will PM you with my tel number call me if you need



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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

So I wish to ask robblok if non citizens of Belgium can go there and be euthanised?

Lovelomsak....do you live in Thailand ?


If so there is no reason to have to go to Holland/Belgium/ Switzerland . You will see some post here that The BIB broke into a apartment and found a dead person and a glass with pink liquid.   So ----much to consternation of the keyboard sleuths on TV----they are calling it suicide.


The Pink pill---- Its turns bright Pink whatever it is put in liquid --so to stop people using it to harm others. It was quite available in Thailand until The Australian Doctor Philip Nitschke--"Doctor of death" , decided to publish the places where you can buy it in Thailand for the Australians in need. He done this because he had successfully campaigned to have a legal euthanasia law passed in Australia's Northern territory. It operated for a short time & helped a few, until the usual Christian groups got it overturned because they felt that suffering/humiliation/Pain/indignity ---they were all part of Gods gifts------Funny really... in a city named after Darwin.


The good news is that it is still available in Cambo---or was when I was last there  4 years ago.

I brought some then--& if need be will go out to with the stones Exile On Main Street  playing so loud that after 24hrs even the Thais will bang on the door to see what the mad farang is doing-- If you need directions--PM me .....good luck mate.




Edited by oxo1947
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I can't be bothered to trawl through all the posts because I don't want to read any silly/negative comments 


I feel sad for this man.....he came here for a better way of life and for whatever reason his last moments must have been tragically lonely


There but for the grace of God 


R I P 

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As tragic as this is for his family back in the UK, if he had health problems, why didn't he return to the UK to have those problems treated using the UK's universal health care program which many Brits consider to be good ?


Aside from this poor fellow's case, it seems like more expats are committing suicide in the LOS than I remember years earlier. Could it be they think that somehow their troubles will stay behind in their home countries when they come here ? I have met many expats who seem to think that way when the reality is one has to have their act together even more so in a foreign country than their home country. Just my observation and personal experience.

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38 minutes ago, robblok said:

Why.. the majority of people come from the US or UK.. only natural that comparisons are made with those countries. We are talking here about suicide and how it can be prevented by euthanasia. However Christians often oppose it, recently in my country the Christians wanted to change parts of the law. It made me mad as hell to see those people based on their book limit the choices of others they had nothing to do with.


I only compared it with the US because I know the Christians are even more fanatic over there. I just really dislike it when others make free choice a crime because it does not agree with their religion. I can understand it when it directly harms them or others, this however harms nobody but the person who choices to end it (does have an impact on his family but so does him suffering). Now people are forced to jump of buildings.. or in front of trains to end it. All things that do impact others a lot and are just not needed. 

Interesting points. The notion that all means should be brought to bear to keep someone alive in their old age is worth discussing rationally. I guess I can add to such a discussion by saying I have informed my two kids in the US that I do not want extraordinary means used to prolong my life unless their is a good chance ( at least 80% ?) that such means would render full recovery. My thought is I don't want to burn through all my assets just so I can only fog up a mirror. I'd rather die with dignity and leave meaningful assets to my kids. I just hope I have the courage to endure whatever pain and suffering I may experience in my final days. I'm not a fan of assisted suicide, but rather be allowed to die a natural death.

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3 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:

Cocaine, and lots of it. That'll be my choice 

alcohol and pills for me, but i do think you have to be mentally unstable to take your on life the way this poor man did. RIP 

Edited by catman20
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4 hours ago, robblok said:

In some countries like the Netherlands there is its called euthanasia, however in many other countries there is not such a things as religious fanatics decide you have to stay alive. Though in the Netherlands those Christian fanatics are trying to limit the right to die. (i get it for people that are not of sound mind) But all others should have that right and religious fanatical Christians should just shut up and not use the option themselves instead of banning it for others. 

There are far more things which religious fanatics simply ought to avoid themselves if they don't like it.

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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Don't these aholes understand that there are people walking below who they could land on?


also, what about kids who maybe around to see them splat?



A person committing suicide may not be thinking of other people; their principal thought is most likely their own demise.

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4 hours ago, Marley01 said:

Too much of this happening. my thoughts are with the family and friends, the staff at the restaurant and those that found the body. Such a selfish way to go.

Quite so but it is a shame that other more certain and easier ways are not always available or accessible. 

There is an epidemic of suicides in many countries I hope I am never in that situation as he must have been faced with some dreadful options. 

RIP and Condolences to his family and friends. 

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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Don't these aholes understand that there are people walking below who they could land on?


also, what about kids who maybe around to see them splat?



Harsh, but true. 

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2 hours ago, claffey said:

I am not a fanatical Christian but I find your comments disturbing. Suicide or Euthanasia or whatever you want to call it is a cowards way out. If you have no family or responsibility then OK. But if you are leaving behind wives, children and other family then you are a coward. I also believe euthanasia should be illegal as life is precious as is the life of your family. By doing this you are destroying their lives too... As for jumping from a high building. Wouldn't it be easier and less gruesome to take an overdose of something...A cowards way out...

I cannot see how it can be the business of anyone else in cases where the person's mental facilities are in place, but they made a conscious decision and simply do not want live.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

In some countries like the Netherlands there is its called euthanasia, however in many other countries there is not such a things as religious fanatics decide you have to stay alive. Though in the Netherlands those Christian fanatics are trying to limit the right to die. (i get it for people that are not of sound mind) But all others should have that right and religious fanatical Christians should just shut up and not use the option themselves instead of banning it for others. 

My, oh my, hating Christians, are you.

It is your political right to ask for euthanasia.

It is the Christians political right to try to try to ban it.

While I am not against euthanasia, I do think that certain political parties go to far now in their wish to open up possible avenues to criminal acts.

And I agree, oh wonder, with the Christian political objections.

Besides, the fanatics, in Christian circles in NL?

You better start to worry about followers of islam in NL, they are much more dangerous.

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You are real harsh, and a religious fanatic in my book. If euthanasia was legal he would not have to jump. He would have had time to consult with his family about this and end it in a civilized way. People don't end their lives because they are feeling well, they do so because they are in pain or have an incurable disease.
But what i hate most about your kind of people is that you limits others options, I can understand you not taking that option yourself. But why forbid others. Its their life and their choice. Now of course they should consult their family but in the end its their choice.

Whilst we're on the subject of fanaticism, do you not see the irony in making statements such as "you're the reason he jumped" and declaring that you "hate" people because their reasoned views, formed by their beliefs, do not accord with yours?

Leaving aside the matter that you spend much of your time on this forum laying down the law on what is right or wrong, and how people should live their lives, rarely tolerating a dissenting view...:rolleyes:
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4 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I cannot see how it can be the business of anyone else in cases where the person's mental facilities are in place, but they made a conscious decision and simply do not want live.

I think that the rights of children and the family should be protected by the state. Otherwise we could have people in their 20's or 30's popping into the euthanasia clinic to end it all just because of stress at work or financial difficulties. People need to fight to improve their lives and not give up so easily. It's about having those type of values and morals in our society...


PS. I am not religious but feel that life should be protected by the state and its laws. Otherwise the fabric of society will fail completely. People cannot be trusted to make correct decisions so the state should do it for them, in certain cases...

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I just know that Americans are quite religious and that you can't do it over there. I also know that in my country the people against euthanasia are in general the Christians. So i just put one and one together. Now I am sure there are Americans that are pro euthanasia but obviously not enough.

That statement is not true and quite frankly based in ignorance. Not all Americans are religious and in California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Oregon, Vermont and Washington physician-assisted suicide is legal. Montana has a court case pending its legality and several states have no law against suicide.


People who want to commit suicide simply do it. Even in a state where suicide is illegal, the law is ridiculous when suicide is successful, what is the penalty?

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People like us are abandoned by the British National Health Service when you become an expat

Yes, but I do wonder, if (heaven forbid) one was to make it back to the UK and present yourself at a hospital, homeless and in the final stages of some terminal disease, they would leave you to die in distress in the bus shelter outside?
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14 minutes ago, claffey said:

I think that the rights of children and the family should be protected by the state. Otherwise we could have people in their 20's or 30's popping into the euthanasia clinic to end it all just because of stress at work or financial difficulties. People need to fight to improve their lives and not give up so easily. It's about having those type of values and morals in our society...


PS. I am not religious but feel that life should be protected by the state and its laws. Otherwise the fabric of society will fail completely. People cannot be trusted to make correct decisions so the state should do it for them, in certain cases...

No, I don't believe people would be popping into places to suicide as one might order a coffee. Of course we need to have some barriers to stop the spur of the moment, emotional decision. So it shouldn't be made easy. ( 2 media pieces look at that question: 1. The Terry Pratchett film on Dignitas. Very, very hard to watch it and extremely disturbing....about one man's death. 2. The Bridge. Suicides at Golden Gate Bridge).

So...reasonable balance between protecting the individual from a rushed decision but also the fundamental right to end it when the alternative becomes impossible.

Meanwhile the majority of us will continue to cling on to the slippery pole and are blessed to be able to do so and to enjoy life and (relatively) good health.

Much more disturbing (for everyone, most notably families) is denying choice so that some are forced to splatter themselves on pavements as with this chap. RIP.


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11 minutes ago, JAG said:


Whilst we're on the subject of fanaticism, do you not see the irony in making statements such as "you're the reason he jumped" and declaring that you "hate" people because their reasoned views, formed by their beliefs, do not accord with yours?

Leaving aside the matter that you spend much of your time on this forum laying down the law on what is right or wrong, and how people should live their lives, rarely tolerating a dissenting view...:rolleyes:




We are talking here about a personal choice that does not affect anyone else (ending your life) Why should it be prohibited by total strangers because of what is in their religion ?. The things we are often debating about where you have totally opposite views are things that do touch other people. In my book that is totally different. I have often agreed that you and I see things different and agree to disagree. Political debates are totally different. 


Now tell me what are your view on this matter.. instead of attacking me enlighten me. 

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Just now, robblok said:



We are talking here about a personal choice that does not affect anyone else (ending your life) Why should it be prohibited by total strangers because of what is in their religion ?. The things we are often debating about where you have totally opposite views are things that do touch other people. In my book that is totally different. I have often agreed that you and I see things different and agree to disagree. Political debates are totally different. 


Now tell me what are your view on this matter.. instead of attacking me enlighten me. 

It affects your family.

It affects the people who have to pay for your funeral.

It affects your friends.

It affects the state if it has to dispose of your body.

It affects the person who finds your body.

It affects the person who has to scrape your body off the ground if you've jumped from a high building. etc etc etc.


It affects a lot of other people and is, unless in the most exceptional circumstances, a decision full of selfishness and cowardice.

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21 minutes ago, hansnl said:

My, oh my, hating Christians, are you.

It is your political right to ask for euthanasia.

It is the Christians political right to try to try to ban it.

While I am not against euthanasia, I do think that certain political parties go to far now in their wish to open up possible avenues to criminal acts.

And I agree, oh wonder, with the Christian political objections.

Besides, the fanatics, in Christian circles in NL?

You better start to worry about followers of islam in NL, they are much more dangerous.

Yea I do hate Christians and any other religion that forces others to adhere to their religion. I can understand things like don't kill people or don't rob people as those things directly impact others. However the right to die does not impact others (besides family) and should be a free choice.


That I have problems with the Christians, does not mean I don't have problems with the Muslims if they force their ideas on me. I am more anti religion (but accept that they want to live their life in their way) but don't get it why they wan't others not of their faith do the same. 

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4 hours ago, Marley01 said:

Too much of this happening. my thoughts are with the family and friends, the staff at the restaurant and those that found the body. Such a selfish way to go.

When you gotta go you gotta.

If you haven't had the need, then you wouldn't know.

I guess what you leave behind is furthest from your mind. 

I can't imagine, how anyone could get into that state. . . 

We all have a death wish

you never know when it decides or how

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1 minute ago, claffey said:

It affects your family.

It affects the people who have to pay for your funeral.

It affects your friends.

It affects the state if it has to dispose of your body.

It affects the person who finds your body.

It affects the person who has to scrape your body off the ground if you've jumped from a high building. etc etc etc.


It affects a lot of other people and is, unless in the most exceptional circumstances, a decision full of selfishness and cowardice.

Your not being clear here.

It affects the state if it has to dispose of your body.... goes the same if you die of natural causes so that one does not count

It affects the person who finds your body..... same if you go by natural causes, however if you die by euthanasia its clear who will find you as the doctor is with you.

I don't get it why you keep banging on about jumping as I am talking about euthanasia.. jumping is something I don't see as a good thing at all because of the reasons you mentioned (i already addressed that in a post and you liked it.. your being forgetful)

The people who have to pay for your funeral would be the same as with natural causes.

Your right it affects family and friends, but in the end its your choice if you want to die. But most people consult with their family when they do euthanasia.

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11 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

No, I don't believe people would be popping into places to suicide as one might order a coffee. Of course we need to have some barriers to stop the spur of the moment, emotional decision. So it shouldn't be made easy. ( 2 media pieces look at that question: 1. The Terry Pratchett film on Dignitas. Very, very hard to watch it and extremely disturbing....about one man's death. 2. The Bridge. Suicides at Golden Gate Bridge).

So...reasonable balance between protecting the individual from a rushed decision but also the fundamental right to end it when the alternative becomes impossible.

Meanwhile the majority of us will continue to cling on to the slippery pole and are blessed to be able to do so and to enjoy life and (relatively) good health.

Much more disturbing (for everyone, most notably families) is denying choice so that some are forced to splatter themselves on pavements as with this chap. RIP.


Euthanasia is not easy at all, there are quite a few steps to take before it is granted. Its not like you walk in to a Dr and ask can you end my life and you are done. Of course it should not be TOO easy otherwise as you see people will do it at the spur of the moment. 


You are totally right, but forbidding it you will have people jumping and splattering on the pavement like this chap. Forbidding it is not going to end it. 

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