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PM preoccupied with teenage singer Lamyai’s twerking


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She should go out, buy a Ferrari, get loaded on booze and coke and then run down & kill a police officer. The PM didn't comment on that one. 


Good to see that killing police officers is okay, but dancing suggestively is what makes people question Thailand's morals. 


Sanctimonious drivel! 

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Geez has the Junta leader ever been to Pattaya?  Pattaya does far more to tarnish Thailand's image than one single Thai singer who no one outside of Thailand has probably heard of.  If he kept his mouth shut no one would have known, she should that Prayuth for making her known internationally.

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11 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha on Monday has asked the public and media to warn a teenage “look thung” singer about her suggestive dance moves and scanty outfits.


He'll have to sue the entire entertainment and model industry, because they are full of sexy celebrities ............. Big brother coming soon.

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11 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

For 18 she is way overweight a poor example for teens.

Is having a gob filled with braces and rubberbands stylish now?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You must like the ultra skinny ones.

Those are most certainly a very bad example

She looks exactly like a ......woman.

And a gob filled with braces and elastic bands indeed is a fashion statement, just like way to big glasses.

The PM should get agitated about the awful tattoos on women, or men.


Edited by hansnl
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2 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

Is this really something a prime minister should be commenting on when there are so many things that need his attention?


Yes I agree, he should confine he's effort to dirty beaches , Taxis, street markets and High speed rail........................:cheesy:

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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Critics have said the 18-year-old singer’s dance moves and scanty outfits were unsuitable to Thai culture.

...makes me wonder which culture thousands of go go bars in the country refer to.

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12 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

For 18 she is way overweight a poor example for teens

I guess u're into anorexic girls?

I see a girl with great sexy body. Female curves. Very good in twerking too. She can call me anytime for part 10-150 of those mives ???

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16 minutes ago, hansnl said:


You must like the ultra skinny ones.

Those are most certainly a very bad example

She looks exactly like a ......woman.

And a gob filled with braces and elastic bands indeed is a fashion statement, just like way to big glasses.

The PM should get agitated about the awful tattoos on women, or men.


Sorry. I posted similar comment as i hadnt read yours. The ultra skinny ones are grim (or guys!) ?

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6 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Prayut lives in the fifties,  the Presley era, I always thought Prayut was pre-occupied with something , quite obviously he hands are full with this one, just sayin....................................:cheesy: 

"Prayut lives in the fifties,  the Presley era,..."



I think you would agree that Elvis was doing similar sexy movements in 1956 that caused as much uproar in the media as does this young female crotch thruster in today's Thailand..

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17 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Yes I agree, he should confine he's effort to dirty beaches , Taxis, street markets and High speed rail........................:cheesy:

'Yes I agree, he should confine  he's effort to dirty beaches , ...'

Actually,I think that is exactly what he thinks of her.

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5 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



Hot! Who is she?

 Lamyai Haithongkham.     https://www.google.co.th/search?q=haitongkham&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDztCw5bnUAhVCqo8KHcDMAGUQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=638#tbm=isch&q=lamyai+haitongkham 


The subject of all the excitement and this thread. 

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"Critics have said the 18-year-old singer’s dance moves and scanty outfits were unsuitable to Thai culture."


I think these 'Critics' have never been to a rural THAI wedding or THAI temple fair which are places filled with THAI people. A culture is a set of practices that a community engages in and is usually passed down from generation to generation - it is not a theory that can be applied.  Different parts of this country do things differently and have different cultures. :saai:


A hate when people talk about "Thai culture", it's almost like talking about "Black culture" or "White culture".  Race is intrinsic, culture is extrinsic. If I was raised by a Japanese family in Tokyo I'd be speaking Japanese and enjoying the traditions of where I grew up - my skin colour wouldn't suddenly override that one day. :shock1:

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9 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Luckily Prayuth wasn't around yet as armed forces commander-in-chief when that other girl sang about how itchy her "ear" was. He would've steamed in his juices and probably staged a coup to save Thailand from its impending descent into moral depravation.


To be frank, I'd rather watch nine (or three, as the case may be) pelvis thrusts of a mediocre, slightly overweight singer than having to listen to one of the general's lame, sleep-inducing, corny songs one more time.


Oh well, Thai "culture", such a fragile thing.






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The 'twerks' are almost as obscene at the purchase of Chinese submarines.  I suggest that Prayuth put 'twerking' on the agenda when he meets with Trump -- maybe it will 'grab' his attention!

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12 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Disgusting i'm sure all will agree :shock1:




12 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Don't think that's her but says it is. That's an old song but is from same company Top line. She's not a very good singer in my opinion.


It is definitely not the one in the video you posted, since that must have been a teenager 20 years ago

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"Critics have said the 18-year-old singer’s dance moves and scanty outfits were unsuitable to Thai culture."

Mor lam sing is Thai culture.


Mor lam sing (Thai/Isan หมอลำซิ่ง) is a fast-paced, racy and modernized version of the traditional Lao/Isan song form mor lam (for ex:in 1986) . Sing comes from the English word "racing" (a reference to the music's speed and its origins among Isan's biker fraternity). In this style, the lead singer is accompanied by the khaen, Western drums, electric guitar, electric keyboards and bass guitar. The style was invented in Chaiyaphum province around 1985 and was popularised over the next few years after it was taken up by Ratdri Sivilai in Khon Kaen. It is based on the Khon Kaen style of lam tang san but incorporates string instrumentation and luk thung singing styles and extensive use of the Central Thai language rather than Isan.

A live performance of mor lam sing.

The songs are often about disappointment in love and hardships during life away from Northeast Thailand.
The songs are full of sexual innuendo, and feature "hang khreuang" - young female dancers in fanciful dress.


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More of the creeping Purtanism which Big Chief Five Rivers is bringing to the country.  No problem with this, if that is what the people want. But when will get  the chance to say yea or nay?

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Mor lam sing is Thai Culture.
Even the EU have a culture co sponsering programm for Mor lam sing.
And the dancers can dance properly, usually for hours.
In contrast, the dancer performances in gogo bars are boring.

Courtesy Mueang Phon Municipality, partner in the Isan Culture Maintenance and Revitalization Programme, facilitated by the College of Local Administration at Khon Kaen University and co-sponsored by the European Union; ethnomusicology in cooperation with the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at KKU



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