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Video: Thai man threatens fellow driver with a knife because he hooted him


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I miss the days where people would just give you the middle finger or shout abuse at you. Now you have to be ready to pull out a sword or some other weapon.

What's the problem with people now?

Some people use the term "stressed", I think this is BS, very few people are stressed in anyway.

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4 hours ago, kingkenny said:

Beeped his horn 

Blared, honked, hooted sounded and the most polite blipped or bipped. 

In Thailand the most I would dare is a bip or two now and then. Quick and low key.

If you drive a Merc and do your blaring, watch out!!!!

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4 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Confiscate his license and impound his car. Clearly the man in the black pickup should not be driving at all. He not only puts other road users on danger. He even puts his own family in danger. What kind of a man would endanger his own family.


Really pity the wife n kid, the were crying at him to stop n yet...

  I only see the wife waiving to the other driver to come closer and the child making aggressive movements.

Maybe the whole family should be locked up in a mental institute.

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In that situation, I'd have been VERY tempted to slowly back up, waving/taunting the punk towards me,, gained some room,, then hit drive, and given the jerk a good, "punt" into the road, just enough to put him on the ground as I was driving off,,, Sad,, but it seems it's the only type of action these idiots understand,,,, 

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My bugbear driving in northern Thailand is large pick ups and SUVs that seem to think that their sheer size gives them a right to bully others on the road, speed in stupid situations, cut in front and turn from the wrong lane at U turns. Black coloured pick ups, especially black Toyota Vigos, seem to be overly represented in these selfish driving habits.

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26 minutes ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

  I only see the wife waiving to the other driver to come closer and the child making aggressive movements.

Maybe the whole family should be locked up in a mental institute.

What you witnessed is called "chao baan" mentality. Morons.

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21 minutes ago, Dodgydownunder said:

My bugbear driving in northern Thailand is large pick ups and SUVs that seem to think that their sheer size gives them a right to bully others on the road, speed in stupid situations, cut in front and turn from the wrong lane at U turns. Black coloured pick ups, especially black Toyota Vigos, seem to be overly represented in these selfish driving habits.

Fortuners are the Most Entitled pricks

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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

They would have to build a lot more jails to house them, a simpler solution would be to cure the spread of the decease by disconnecting your horn and take a breath, don't allow someone with "small dick syndrome" infect you, nothing is going to change anywhere in the world in our life time, just smile and enjoy, its the best counter measure along with disconnecting your horn, hence keeping you safe from those infected with "small dick syndrome"

My horn wakes them up as they sleep drive along the lane markings or fall asleep in the roundabouts. 

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What the f is wrong with these baby clowns? A little  horn toot and they go crazy. What are horns for anyway? It is just a Damm warning. Not to honk at the neighbors house to get their attention and disturb the whole neighborhood.

Good thing I don't drive a car here...my blood pressure would be high.



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5 hours ago, seajae said:

nothing unusual here, these idiots refuse to obey the traffic laws, refuse to indicate, all want to drive in the right lane because of their own self importance then when someone dares to honk their horn when they are doing the wrong thing they lose face and want to attack them with knives etc. These idiots need to be locked up and taken off the roads, their is no place for face on the roads, hopefully the police will throw this idiot in jail

Police must do more:

take of the road the following offenders:

-fraudulent cops

-all those without:-a proper driver license (bike drivers, taxi-drivers....truck drivers ....bus drivers)

                                -a vehicle  insurance

                                -a modified car ,bikes , trucks......(esp.mufflers)


The few cars remaining on the road , will be mostly farang-cars ,less stress on the road ,less violence.....

So by just following the law ,the road problems are greatly resolved.

But since there are no more police man .......there is nobody left to enforce this . 


So lets keep on dreaming , take your mufflers off ,and drive slow on the right lane........and dont forget your bulletproof





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