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Three CNN journalists resign after Russia-related article retracted


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Three CNN journalists resign after Russia-related article retracted


(Reuters) - Time Warner's news division CNN has accepted the resignations of three journalists after the publication of a Russia-related article that was later retracted, a CNN spokesperson said on Monday.


The three journalists included Thomas Frank, the writer of the story; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in CNN's investigative unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, the network had earlier reported. [http://cnnmon.ie/2td7Ufy]


The Russia-related story, published on Thursday, reported Congress was investigating the ties of a Russian investment fund to an aide of U.S. President Donald Trump.


CNN had reported an internal investigation by its management found that certain editorial processes were not followed when the article was published.


The report said CNN had deleted the story from its website on Friday night after its investigation.


The story was replaced with an editor's note of apology to Anthony Scaramucci, the Trump aide who was reported to be investigated in the story. [http://cnn.it/2rVWDgm]


Trump has been critical of CNN, calling the news outlet "fake news" and refusing to take a CNN reporter's questions at his first formal news conference earlier in the year after his Nov. 8 electoral win.


(Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Bill Trott)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-27
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3 people resigned?  That sounds draconian.  


Was the article factually wrong?  .....to what degree?    Could not a retraction have sufficed?   


Methinks there is more to this story.  Perhaps the implicated person (Scaramucci) had threatened a mega lawsuit.    That's usually how despots get their way in that realm.  Both Thaksin and Trump have threatened and instigated hundreds of frivolous lawsuits - to try and shut people up from speaking truths.   It's an ugly trend.

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41 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

3 people resigned?  That sounds draconian.  


Was the article factually wrong?  .....to what degree?    Could not a retraction have sufficed?   


Methinks there is more to this story.  Perhaps the implicated person (Scaramucci) had threatened a mega lawsuit.    That's usually how despots get their way in that realm.  Both Thaksin and Trump have threatened and instigated hundreds of frivolous lawsuits - to try and shut people up from speaking truths.   It's an ugly trend.

trust you to defend the making up of fake news and then claim the people who made it up should not have resigned

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First of all you can not call these people Journalists! These are Fake News Creators! CNN is no longer a news outlet, but a Propaganda Outfit for the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party of America (PSDA)! CNN along with the PSDA are batting 0-5 to President Trump, but only bad news will continue to follow these two groups over the next 8 years. God Bless President Trump! Making America Strong Again one day at a time. Drain the Swamp in 2017!

Edited by tomwct
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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

3 people resigned?  That sounds draconian.  


Was the article factually wrong?  .....to what degree?    Could not a retraction have sufficed?   


Methinks there is more to this story.  Perhaps the implicated person (Scaramucci) had threatened a mega lawsuit.    That's usually how despots get their way in that realm.  Both Thaksin and Trump have threatened and instigated hundreds of frivolous lawsuits - to try and shut people up from speaking truths.   It's an ugly trend.

From speaking, that is.

Truth or untruth.

Many news sites can not be overmuch bothered with objectivity.

If a fabricated story hits the street, there is not much that can be done but a lawsuit.

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3 hours ago, tomwct said:

First of all you can not call these people Journalists! These are Fake News Creators! CNN is no longer a news outlet, but a Propaganda Outfit for the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party of America (PSDA)! CNN along with the PSDA are batting 0-5 to President Trump, but only bad news will continue to follow these two groups over the next 8 years. God Bless President Trump! Making America Strong Again one day at a time. Drain the Swamp in 2017!

At least when CNN reporters get a story wrong there are resignations and an apology. When FOX gets it wrong, nothing happens. Even Trump is now admitting in his latest series of tweets that the Russians intervened in the election in his favour. The only question now is if there was collusion from anyone in the Trump campaign. There seem to have been plenty of contact between Trump associates and the Russians during the campaign. What the hell were they talking about?


The biggest mistake of Obama's presidency was not taking more serious action to prevent this fiasco. The USA is now truly a world-wide laughing stock, and Vladimir Putin is the one laughing hardest.

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22 minutes ago, charmonman said:

At least when CNN reporters get a story wrong there are resignations and an apology. When FOX gets it wrong, nothing happens. Even Trump is now admitting in his latest series of tweets that the Russians intervened in the election in his favour. The only question now is if there was collusion from anyone in the Trump campaign. There seem to have been plenty of contact between Trump associates and the Russians during the campaign. What the hell were they talking about?


The biggest mistake of Obama's presidency was not taking more serious action to prevent this fiasco. The USA is now truly a world-wide laughing stock, and Vladimir Putin is the one laughing hardest.

And when Breitbart reporters get it wrong, they get a raise...Nah. I''m only kidding. If Breitbart reporters got a raise every time they got it wrong, they'd all be millionaires by now.

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41 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Nonsense. Particularlyy in the case of Breitbart.

 You're being served a product, they package and market it to your lefy demographic.Same as any corporation does for it's customers. Soon as a few more pct points of the viewer shares jump from the trump brigade, Fox will begin their shift in marketing to folks like you. Just like McDs changes their menu and for the same reasons.


Edited by Rob13
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2 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

I have read this deleted article. The CNN Journalists did think they get a 100% proof of Trump interaction with a soviet military general. They show this picture to demonstrate this

Снимок экрана 2017-06-27 в 3.17.24 PM.png

I Love it! Go Trump!

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13 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

 You're being served a product, they package and market it to your lefy demographic.Same as any corporation does for it's customers. Soon as a few more pct points of the viewer shares jump from the trump brigade, Fox will begin their shift in marketing to folks like you. Just like McDs changes their menu and for the same reasons.


Nonsense. Organizaitons like the Times do research and have a proven track record. And they acknowledge when they are wrong. Breitbart does not at all. Fox just skirts issues that it doesn't want to delve into. LIke the current health care bill in the Senate. No real discussion of it at all.

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55 minutes ago, charmonman said:

At least when CNN reporters get a story wrong there are resignations and an apology. When FOX gets it wrong, nothing happens. Even Trump is now admitting in his latest series of tweets that the Russians intervened in the election in his favour. The only question now is if there was collusion from anyone in the Trump campaign. There seem to have been plenty of contact between Trump associates and the Russians during the campaign. What the hell were they talking about?


The biggest mistake of Obama's presidency was not taking more serious action to prevent this fiasco. The USA is now truly a world-wide laughing stock, and Vladimir Putin is the one laughing hardest.

You are clearly looking for a job at CNN - what a load of fake rubbish (underlined).


This is Trump's tweets - on the public record;

The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win..

...and did not want to "rock the boat." He didn't "choke," he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good.

The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia...

..under a magnifying glass, they have zero "tapes" of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction. I should be given apology!


And the latest happening is that a CNN Executive has been caught on hidden camera admitting the whole Russia story is fake and it is all just for ratings - not just this one story where they went too far legally. Look it up!!

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Nonsense. Organizaitons like the Times do research and have a proven track record. And they acknowledge when they are wrong. Breitbart does not at all. Fox just skirts issues that it doesn't want to delve into. LIke the current health care bill in the Senate. No real discussion of it at all.

You're confusing honest but biased 'news' with  impartial reporting. NYT has major Clinton donors for shareholders. It's impossible for them to be objective. 

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Just now, Rob13 said:

You're confusing honest but biased 'news' with  impartial reporting. NYT has major Clinton donors for shareholders. It's impossible for them to be objective. 

And it's biggest sharelholder is Carlos Slim of Mexico. Do you have any evidence that these shareholders or Carlos Slim are exercising undue influence on the Times? And are you taking into account the fact that the Times has 2 classes of shares, "a" and "b" and the "b" shares are controlled by a sulzberger family trust? And even if this weren't the case, even if all shares were equal, it seems that all you have drawn is  "it stands to reason" conclusion. Yours is just an all-purpose cynicism masquerading as insight.

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And it's biggest sharelholder is Carlos Slim of Mexico. Do you have any evidence that these shareholders or Carlos Slim are exercising undue influence on the Times? And are you taking into account the fact that the Times has 2 classes of shares, "a" and "b" and the "b" shares are controlled by a sulzberger family trust? And even if this weren't the case, even if all shares were equal, it seems that all you have drawn is  "it stands to reason" conclusion. Yours is just an all-purpose cynicism masquerading as insight.

Proofs in the pudding. I had home delivery of the NYT for years. I stopped it last year after i got fed up with pro HRC bs they called news. Doubt you would have noticed as they're telling you what you want to hear. 

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46 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Nonsense. Organizaitons like the Times do research and have a proven track record. And they acknowledge when they are wrong. Breitbart does not at all. Fox just skirts issues that it doesn't want to delve into. LIke the current health care bill in the Senate. No real discussion of it at all.

Yes, got to get the story........or a multi mil$$ book deal?



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31 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:


The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling.


And the latest happening is that a CNN Executive has been caught on hidden camera admitting the whole Russia story is fake and it is all just for ratings - not just this one story where they went too far legally. Look it up!!

You are re-writing history or as more commonly called these days, "fake news". The CNN story you refer to is by a subsidiary of Breibart who don't have a history of factual reporting and currently being sued by an aggrieved party for editing of video to create a 'fake news' video article. Perhaps more interesting is the source you referenced  has previously received funding from Trump. In case you don't know Breitbart is not treated as a creditable source by TV. 

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Newspaper and television reporters leave a lot to be desired in general. I remember one where the reporter is huddled up behind a wall saying that there was fierce fighting and gunfire happening all around him. Apparently this did not deter a woman behind him who came out and very casually hung up her washing on the clothes line ! BBC is equally bad, specializing in reporting facts that they obviously have no clue about (right, Rachel ?).

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26 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Proofs in the pudding. I had home delivery of the NYT for years. I stopped it last year after i got fed up with pro HRC bs they called news. Doubt you would have noticed as they're telling you what you want to hear. 

Well, if that's your idea of proof, then probably the New York Times isn't for you.

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5 hours ago, tomwct said:

First of all you can not call these people Journalists! These are Fake News Creators! CNN is no longer a news outlet, but a Propaganda Outfit for the Progressive Socialist Democratic Party of America (PSDA)! CNN along with the PSDA are batting 0-5 to President Trump, but only bad news will continue to follow these two groups over the next 8 years. God Bless President Trump! Making America Strong Again one day at a time. Drain the Swamp in 2017!


I agree with TVF member Champers : Quote I believe Fox News has one or two vacancies.Unquote

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41 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, if that's your idea of proof, then probably the New York Times isn't for you.

You figured that out? Real Einstein aren't ya. 


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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:


President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling


Actually President Obama did come out publicly and tell American's of the hacking. Many of us heard him. The media reported it but did not follow through till after the election. President Obama also threw Russians out of the country, but should have detained them. He closed down their compounds, placed sanctions, had a word with putin. Hillary Clinton then attempted to warn voters that the Russians were hacking and interfering. Meanwhile trump was screaming for Russia to hack his opponent.




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the CNN story just gets worse. In a late release,

"James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has struck again: This time, a senior CNN producer was caught on camera by one of O’Keefe’s investigators admitting that the network’s relentless bashing of President Donald Trump with the Russia scandal lacks proof.

“Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now,” the CNN producer, John Bonifield, said in a video O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released on Tuesday, when asked about his thoughts on the Russia investigation.

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