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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry


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23 hours ago, curlylekan said:

I think you're quite wrong to state that any nation would not function without illegal workers, there are many nations that are homogeneous in nature, but function, have functioned and will continue to function just fine. Throughout history, societies have done this. Their are millions of migrants in the US who are there illegally and will continue to be. To say that any job exists that the nationals will not do I think is illogical. 


Now, to your second point, yes immigration does need to be looked at in a new way, but if you are illegally in a country, then you are illegal in a country. If I had a family to provide for, I certainly would take the risks where I can find a better life, but first, I would try legal means to do it, and if that doesn't work and my family is still crying for support, I might chance other means.


To clarify, I said that I believe that neither Thailand, nor the US could function without illegal labor. I believe this to be the case. I am sure many other countries can do this, just fine. Thailand and the US are too dependent on a class of laborers who are willing to work for less, outside of the system. And we are talking about millions, who fit into this category. There are simply not enough Americans or Thais, willing to do the hard work they do, for low wages, and no benefits. That is a fact. I have seen this all over Thailand. Without Burma and Cambodia, to a lesser degree, Thailand would be closed for business. The country would literally shut down.


As to your second thought, many working in the US want to be legal. But it is a high hurdle to jump over. If it were easy and reasonable to do, many would do it. But, it is not. It is a broken system, with bizarre quotas, and heavy restrictions. Cheeto absolutely refuses to even discuss this. He would rather talk about the wall, and the good old days, and hallucinogenic fantasies, like making America great again. All that is, is a code language meaning, I want to go back to the days when I did not have to share my country with so many people of color. A churlish, silly pipe dream. Those days are gone. Houston is now 46% Latino! I am happy about that. I love the ethnic mix in the US. I think it is a far better country with all of the color, and ethnicity. Granted it could be even better, if we allowed the best from around the world to come and work there. Many of the best and the brightest can longer get a visa to work in the US, due to these outdated, ridiculous, and antiquated quotas. If Cheeto is really serious about making America great again, that would be the best place to start. You don't build a fantasy wall to keep everyone out. You fix the system, and start attracting geniuses from all over the world again. That is a real solution. Not a fake narrative. 


The demographers agreed: At some point in 2014, Latinos would pass whites as the largest ethnic group in California. Determining when exactly that milestone would occur was more of a tricky question. Counting people isn't like counting movie ticket receipts.

The official confirmation had to wait until new population figures were released by the Census Bureau this summer. The new tally, released in late June, shows that as of July 1, 2014, about 14.99 million Latinos live in California, edging out the 14.92 million whites in the state. The shift shouldn't come as a surprise. State demographers had previously expected the change to occur sometime in 2013, but slow population growth pushed back projections. In January 2014, the state Department of Finance estimated the shift would take place at some point in March.


Either way, the moment has officially arrived. "This is sort of the official statistical recognition of something that has been underway for almost an entire generation," said Roberto Suro, director of the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute at USC.





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On 6/28/2017 at 3:23 PM, r136dg said:

We've had 4 (FOUR) Thai gentlemen out to our new place, gave us estimates on the perimeter wall, we all agreed & not one of them showed up to work. I wonder how much pain & suffering would be rendered if I went out there & slammed the block in?

youd  get a  much better  wall if you did it yourself

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On 7/1/2017 at 2:55 PM, spidermike007 said:

The stupidity of "illegal Immigration" is a worldwide plague. Everyone benefits and no one suffers from it.



To clarify, I said that I believe that neither Thailand, nor the US could function without illegal labor. I believe this to be the case. I am sure many other countries can do this, just fine. Thailand and the US are too dependent on a class of laborers who are willing to work for less, outside of the system. And we are talking about millions, who fit into this category. There are simply not enough Americans or Thais, willing to do the hard work they do, for low wages, and no benefits. That is a fact. I have seen this all over Thailand. Without Burma and Cambodia, to a lesser degree, Thailand would be closed for business. The country would literally shut down.




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This means that every government school in the country employing foreign teachers is guilty of labor violations since none actually pay the minimum amount required by government regulations to qualify for a work permit. 

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