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The poisonous Brother in Law


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8 hours ago, oldhippy said:

I spent 3 years in Polynesia. Nothing comparable to this ever happened to me there.

because they're hard <deleted> and you don't mess with them ........

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7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

Listen troll boy what's the deal?


Anyone trying to be clever like you is clearly only experienced in failure and that failure drives you on in your besmirch  campaigns which has been to death by plenty of plonkers like you.


So would you mind explaining why you are the hardest working fool when it comes to trolling?




Tat angry, are you not :post-4641-1156694083: ?

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I have to ask the two guys that are in a difficult situation: how are things progressing?

Getting all this off your chests is fine and no doubt therapeutic, however after reading all the other sad stories I wonder if you have the mind set to get out of your situation, or just try to cope with the abuse and monetary and emotional expense?

I would really like to hear that even one of you has made the brake and is on the way to a new and less stressful life.

We are not talking about digging a tunnel, just getting in a taxi when nobody is watching.

Action speaks louder than words, and if neither of you get as far as the airport, I believe the wives might just get the message you have had enough and will stand for no more!

Time to go for it and do a Steve McQueen...






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19 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

This has been an interesting read. Before I jumped into this thread, I wanted to see how things panned out. I want to wish TDL the best for the coming future.


Been here for ten years. Seven years in one relationship. It taught me a lot about Thai people. Sometime back I left my last partner because of just toxic reasons and of my sexuality. Many things written here have resounded with me. I loved my partner very much. The saddest day in my life was when I packed one bag, left a great business and a house I built with my own hands behind me. That hurt so much as I loved this person, but I knew in time, I was just wasting effort. It was mostly my fault as I knew too much now about this damn country, the fact the family could not bully me anymore, and I was young enough to get this right.


I should have got out years before; I had a brick thrown at my head in a public park after a hissy fit a few years prior in front of a lot of people, and I should have gone then, but in many ways, I was in love and maybe scared of this person. We all think we can work things out, but sometimes, it is just not possible.


I took that sadness and everything I learnt about this country and the people and vowed never to get put back into such a position. I did not want to leave Thailand, and I did not want to be lonely, but I knew just about all the drawbacks after eight years that this country has to offer. That eight years of knowledge brought me after literally meeting 100's of women (and yes, many just wanted security and did not give a damn about me) me now to my current wife. I had learnt enough to blanket out all the rubbish and for me to be the person in power. I am finally with a decent human-being. It is possible.


I feel for all you guys here. I am content now but nights like tonight and reading all of this gave me the insight that I am still very much hurt over my past mistakes here in Thailand. That what I did was right, but it still hurts, and I did destroy someone's life leaving in the process, and it leaves you much like TDL says, battered, confused and mostly for a long time, in shock.


I have seen it all here; friends knifed by the girlfriends, houses locked out, BIL's that were in fact boyfriends. If you are in a toxic situation, you're the only one that can get yourself out of it. Mostly, what most of us have given up to start again here in Thailand, very few can do. Most men I know leave within three years. 


This is to TDL; that feeling of walking out and leaving them with what you feel is nothing is something that even to this day is hard to shake for me as it proves we are good people and that we do have a heart. Do not let it get to you because from my personal experience it eats slowly into your mind. You self-doubt; many things will never be the same. My ex is now living a very, very hard life. For her, it was not quite back to zero for her due to our house and business; she fell a great height in front of her friends and family, and now, she cannot even get a 100 baht loan off any of them. She is now regarded as useless as she lost her farang. That loss of Face was her undoing, and some of that was my fault, and I attain to that fact. 


It also makes me understand that the hurt that I feel even tonight in leaving her in an unfortunate predicament, it was better than another fight or a chance of a brick in the head. The problem is for a long time you may view things through Rose Coloured Glasses. Just see the good times. It is funny how our mind works. Remembering the bad stuff is hard to do. Well for me, it is or was like that. I still remember the first lunch I had with her on a beautiful lake. The laughter and the fun of that afternoon linger almost ten years later. It is just how our mind works, but it all passes in time.


All our stories are complicated but just one day at a time from this point on. Tears will come, heartache at times will follow and so will feelings of guilt. I had them all but time believe me heals everything. I do not open up like this on a public forum. Doing this on ThaiVisa is like committing suicide and inviting attacks by those with ill intentions of the gang of ''I told you so'', but I do hope this helps others in some sense.


Best of luck.


toxic reasons and of my sexuality


what did you mean by that?  anyway glad you are ok now but learn to look forward never backwards: remember Omar's words:



“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

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4 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

George your comments are welcomed and it can be seen you are a genuine guy but my advice would be slightly different. I would say to anyone don't get involved for a variety of reasons:


  1. You don't need to there are tons of welcoming arms and, as Elvis said, "why buy a cow when you can get milk under the fence"
  2. You can't trust Thais - period - different thinking, different culture and those 20+ years younger than you are not in it for "love"  sorry but it's true - you are a means to an end
  3. You will never, let's say it again, NEVER, be considered a Thais equal either in law or family or anything else. Don't forget:  their family 1st, their friends 2nd, their pets 3rd and you, dear farang, are after all things Thai

Stay single, find a GF/Gik and give an allowance but always have an 'escape route'. Most Thai ladies will accept this 'deal' and if it don't work out it's bye, bye and welcome the new one. Do I sound cynical?  the hell YES because of the comments on here and 1000s more.


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12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

What was I thinking; 4/5 days of normality smashed by this evening's tantrum.


Why the tantrum?? Some insurance money had arrived in the post for the daughter (not the 7 year). I asked the the wife if she would ask her daughter to return some of the money she stole from me (yes stole not borrowed).


WW3 has started.





Sorry, Wise Old Owl......

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On 7/9/2017 at 3:16 PM, sanemax said:

 Many of us adhered to that mentality and got involved with classless uneducated backward people, expecting then to "all be the same" as us

    I do not mean this in a derogatory way , but I went to a zoo recently and stood watching the small monkeys for quite a while, observing their behavior , and it dawned on me that my (now ex) gfs families behavior was very similar to theirs

The irony in your defence of the indefensible is hilarious. Why would any sensible person attach themselves to "classless, uneducated backward people" and expect any other result but personal disaster? Of course, it had nothing to do with an exaggerated sense pf innate superiority - possibly for the first time in your life - that enabled you to feel justified in lording it over all and sundry in your new community in the guv'nor's role you were certain you finally deserved? Oh no., you just wanted to elevate those poor noggies with the benefit of the vast complex of sophisticated western white cultural knowledge you apparently absorbed by osmosis during your own years of dullard servitude. A great opportunity to elevate yourself from white menial to white masta can be hard to resist, but dressing up that need for smug superiority is delusional. Most insular westerners  need to maintain that illusion of superiority due to the financial disparities between the west and other parts of the planet. Many don't seem to understand, when they ventuire out from the cocoon of their privileged existence, how their ill-hidden arrogance has damaged human relationships across the planet. You're making the same mistakes thousands of missionaries over at least two centuries have made, and continue to do so.

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