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Trump pledges to act 'very strongly' on North Korea missile threat


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i dont think you have to worry about trump 

not far away from him being in a small room in a straight jacket

did you see him getting off plane in Poland

car parked at bottom of plane  steps 

he turns and wandering away from car 

he is on podium with Poland head 

starts talking about how much money he made for TV station .on apprentice

then wanders off standing there like a lost child

and this is the crazy aloud near nukes /?


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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

Reading the lefty comments on here, it seems like they're hoping for N Korea to nuke the US just to get one up on Pres Trump.


Strange people lefties, hate their own kind more than the ones trying to destroy them. Some sort of birth defect IMHO.


Yep and they will go on about "decent" Americans blah blah blah


I'm enjoying them losing sleep over President Trumps every move and their so called resistance - truly laughable.

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55 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump has very limited options. The best options are to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on the pig leaders in China. After all, they are the only reason Kim is able to get away with being a despot. In terms of a military action, it could spiral out of control very quickly. Kim is very unpredictable, and unstable mentally. If provoked, who knows what he is capable of. I think it is fairly safe to say he plays by a different set of rules!


China and Russia have to be very worried, with their shared borders with N. Korea. The last thing in the world they want is a major refugee crisis, which is exactly what could happen, if this escalates and their govt. is destabilized. I am not sure if there are any easy or "not terrible" solutions here. Rumor has it that Russia and China have given their silent blessing to the US, to wage cyber warfare and attempt to take out the electrical grid. But, that is just a rumor. China is in a bad position. The entire world knows they are the primary support, for this despot regime.


“You have this massive agglomeration of everything that is important in South Korea — government, business and the huge population — and all of it is in this gigantic megalopolis that starts 30 miles from the border and ends 70 miles from the border,” said Robert E. Kelly, a professor of political science at Pusan National University in South Korea. “In terms of national security, it’s just nuts.”

North Korea has positioned as many as 8,000 artillery cannons and rocket launchers on its side of the Demilitarized Zone, analysts say, an arsenal capable of raining up to 300,000 rounds on the South in the first hour of a counterattack. That means it can inflict tremendous damage without resorting to weapons of mass destruction.




But North Korea's generals—whose heads would be spinning after hearing they've just been attacked—will be wondering if there are more attacks coming. North Korea is obviously prepared for a quick response to the start (actually the resumption) of war on the peninsula, and it has a short window to put the hurt on the US before it loses a lot of its capabilities. If cooler heads don't prevail very quickly at command and control in Pyongyang, this becomes a real war.


Then, North Korea will let loose with whatever cyber weapons it's been preparing for the occasion, and no one knows how severe that might be. There could be one giant, coordinated DDOS effort to halt traffic on the South Korean internet or a pre-installed Trojan horse lying in wait to, say, brick every smartphone in South Korea. North Korea will also deploy special operations forces, some of whom are probably already walking around, not just in South Korea, Baker said, but "maybe even off on mini subs near US bases in and around Japan."


In South Korea, grisly images of civilian casualties will proliferate quickly thanks to social media. "There's a speed to the movement of information [that] you really haven't had in the past. You've always had the use of imagery of violence, but it's often long delayed. It's not that overwhelming real-time immediacy," Baker told me.






It is easy for guys like Trump, and the western press to make light of Kim's relative lack of strength, but he has cash, he is a very strange man, he has a substantial degree of megalomania, and he has a very significant military. None of that should be taken lightly, when factoring what our alternatives are. The reality is, this could end up being another long, costly, intractable war, that we just do not need. 




Edited by spidermike007
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yeah, North Korea is a really big problem.... not 

this week.. today.... we learn that Science Advances says we've been (as we have been all along).... way too optimistic... and an astrobiologist suggests that the last of our 4 terrestrials... is covered with a toxic cocktail of what is called "perchlorates"....  

but that ain't even "news" for most folks....

our whole culture and political systems stink. not just Trumpie pooh.


Edited by maewang99
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I thought NK was going to get delt with a few months ago


And a few months before that


And a few months before that again


Ill believe it when i see it and lets be honest, NK just wants nukes as another ace in the hole to keep imperial aggressors like the usa in check

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40 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


It is easy for guys like Trump, and the western press to make light of Kim's relative lack of strength, but he has cash, he is a very strange man, he has a substantial degree of megalomania, and he has a very significant military. None of that should be taken lightly, when factoring what our alternatives are. The reality is, this could end up being another long, costly, intractable war, that we just do not need. 




What I think is so scary about the N.K. dictator is that it seems very clear that rather than give up the power of his family dynasty regime he would be willing to not only die but also see millions of his people die. Some people may think he is faking that but how can you be so sure?


On the American side, getting real here, trump shows signs of being somewhat similar to Kim in that way as far as preserving his family empire (not so much in politics as business).


If there is a war soon, I think the x factor is trump. Kim hasn't really changed much. Some people call him crazy but he's mostly PREDICTABLE. But the new x factor is trump. His political brand is UNPREDICTABLY. It seems to me a war in which millions die is definitely more likely due to the election of trump. Wouldn't say probable or inevitable but more likely. 

Edited by Jingthing
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20 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

Whatever the outcome he'll sell it as a victory to his base in mid-America, many of whom thought the (supposedly funny) film The Interview with Seth Rogen and James Franco    was a documentary.



Don't think so, fewer than many even went to see it.

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What I think is so scary about the N.K. dictator is that it seems very clear that rather than give up the power of his family dynasty regime he would be willing to not only die but also see millions of his people die. Some people may think he is faking that but how can you be so sure?


On the American side, getting real here, trump shows signs of being somewhat similar to Kim in that way as far as preserving his family empire (not so much in politics as business).


If there is a war soon, I think the x factor is trump. Kim hasn't really changed much. Some people call him crazy but he's mostly PREDICTABLE. But the new x factor is trump. His political brand is UNPREDICTABLY. It seems to me a war in which millions die is definitely more likely due to the election of trump. Wouldn't say probable or inevitable but more likely. 

You are right of course. The Kim family and their affiliates have been in total control since some time after the Korean war. That is quite some time for 'crazies', but of course they aren't. They know exactly what they are doing and it has worked thus far.

Think about it: An economically insignificant country approximately the size of England on the edge of the world that has the biggest nations on earth running around like headless chickens, year after year. That's pretty good going...

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1 hour ago, baboon said:

They know exactly what they are doing and it has worked thus far.

That may have been true for Kim's grandfather and less so for his father, but Kim Jong Un has more problems from within North Korea which is why he's purged so many military and family members and why he's so intent on projecting himself as such a force internationally.




"Kim Jong Un appears increasingly to the elites as ineffective and not a particularly good leader, which is likely how he's viewed now," said Bruce Bennett, senior defense analyst at research organization Rand. "Other than North Korea's weapons and [the] ballistic missiles of this regime, Kim Jong Un doesn't really have a lot to make him feel empowered," Bennett said, noting that recent events such as the murder of the dictator's older half brother show how the leader is "clearly paranoid."

Moreover, if Kim were to die suddenly, North Korea's elites would probably not choose a successor from Kim's family, ending their dominance since the state's founding more than half a century ago, Bennett said, based on his interviews with defectors.



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22 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

That may have been true for Kim's grandfather and less so for his father, but Kim Jong Un has more problems from within North Korea which is why he's purged so many military and family members and why he's so intent on projecting himself as such a force internationally.



Hmm. I can quite imagine a good few of the old guard being annoyed by Kim Jong Un's youth and inexperience, but he is purging them and bringing in his own people. Plus they need one another to maintain their system, rather like a country familiar to all Thaivisa readers.

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Hmm. I can quite imagine a good few of the old guard being annoyed by Kim Jong Un's youth and inexperience, but he is purging them and bringing in his own people. Plus they need one another to maintain their system, rather like a country familiar to all Thaivisa readers.

Not just annoyed, but blown up, too.

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23 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What I think is so scary about the N.K. dictator is that it seems very clear that rather than give up the power of his family dynasty regime he would be willing to not only die but also see millions of his people die. Some people may think he is faking that but how can you be so sure?


On the American side, getting real here, trump shows signs of being somewhat similar to Kim in that way as far as preserving his family empire (not so much in politics as business).


If there is a war soon, I think the x factor is trump. Kim hasn't really changed much. Some people call him crazy but he's mostly PREDICTABLE. But the new x factor is trump. His political brand is UNPREDICTABLY. It seems to me a war in which millions die is definitely more likely due to the election of trump. Wouldn't say probable or inevitable but more likely. 



Well, I have to agree with you that Trump is highly unpredictable, and very dangerous. I do not think he considers much, prior to uttering his hyperbole, or shooting out a tweet. That is dangerous for a world leader. There is a reason why only 22% of the 40,000 people interviewed in 37 countries, believe he is a beneficial force, and a good thing for the world. He is not. Never has been, and never will be. He remains a goon, a huckster, and a charlatan. His recent meeting with Putin proved that. He took Putin's word, that there was no meddling. Imagine trusting the word of a former KGB director, over your own intelligence agencies? Who would do that, but the most naive amongst us? He is eroding relationships that have been built up for decades, by the hour, with his foolishness, naivety, and stubborn refusal to study the issues. Putin went into that meeting after tens of hours of counseling with his top advisors, and reading dozens of briefs. Trump no doubt spent four minutes looking at the briefs his intelligence people spent days or weeks preparing. And that was painful for him. His severe ADD means that it is hard for him to concentrate, or sit still for more than 20 seconds at a time. I wish he would take his medication. 

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14 hours ago, YetAnother said:

hard to believe with long time trading partners

It is claimed N.K. has suffered very poor agricultural output due to bad weather conditions, therefore recent increased volume of imports.

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