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Chinese kid pooping outside Central Festival


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I didn't believe my eyes the other day , when I witnessed in broad daylight a Chinese family letting their kid poop on beach rd , right in front of Central.   There is a toilet only 30 meters away , the kid was trying to poop for 5 minutes with his parents waiting and for everyone to see. And I hate to say it but it was a lot of poop. 


I was shocked , but then I googled poop and China and guess what , it's a normal daily activity to poop in public in China!  


So what do you think , should we just let them carry on with their "business" ?


Pattaya Central Festival 





Maybe we need to put up some signs : 











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I don't get it.

What happened? 

Emergency, couldn't walk a few minutes?

Didn't know there were toilets in modern shopping malls?

Didn't know they were free?

Making a statement about their feelings of Pattaya?




Edited by Jingthing
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I think its just tradition , after reading a few articles about this weird behavior. in China 

The kid could have waited or shit his pants . 




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Central Festival, like many malls/shopping centers in Pattaya, has free public toilets on every floor though it appears they are on the beach side of the street and maybe were unaware. 


However if it took the kid 5 minutes to do his business he either didn't really have to go or was just dragging it out (literally) maybe to take a break. I guess if it's common to do where they come from it might not occur to them to even ask where a public toilet may be.




Edited by Kerryd
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44 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't get it.

What happened? 

Emergency, couldn't walk a few minutes?

Didn't know there were toilets in modern shopping malls?

Didn't know they were free?

Making a statement about their feelings of Pattaya?




(E) all of the above!!!

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Yep, a normal thing when I lived in Zhengzhou, China.  It's normal for the babies, toddlers, and children usually have a hole cut in the back of their undies and they just pop a squat.  The children usually carry some tissue with them for a gift wrapping on top of their business.  I've seen a few adults do it but it's not as common. Possibly because their public bathrooms are in the worst conditions you could ever imagine (Squatters, no doors, hole in the ground, literally shit everywhere, and the worst smell humanly known to man). It's a little different in first tier cities like Szchenchen and Shanghai but a normal thing in every other city.   That being said, you think that would be on the list of things their tour guide should educate them on what not to do in any other country in the world. 

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Just now, brewsterbudgen said:

Actually I'm always incredulous about the absence of dog poo bearing in mind the number of soi dogs around. London is far worse for it.

Yeah, but isn't it weird that people find people poo on the streets much more disgusting than pooch poo? Weird, but right! 

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44 minutes ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Disgusting and no excuse for it.

Disgusting to us - certainly, no excuse for it? how about they know no better?

40 years ago these people and their families were poor peasants crapping where they lived and worked! now they have money and the world welcomes them! despite their total lack of socially acceptable behavior!

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I've travelled all over China on business and this is definitely common place. If you consider this together with their rude behaviour and no respect for others nationalities you have the "Quality Tourists" Thailand wants. Farang's are fast becoming second class tourists unless you are Russian or Australian :smile:

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42 minutes ago, diddygq said:

That being said, you think that would be on the list of things their tour guide should educate them on what not to do in any other country in the world. 

agreed; there is this little detail about being in another country

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It's normal in China. Worked there on and off since the late 80's. Never stopped being surprised by the filth and depravity on display. Public pooping, peeing ( men & women ) disgusting foul toilets, bins in toilets overflowing with used toilet paper, sanitary napkins etc, the spitting and the gut wrenching noise of hacking and throat clearing. Not to mention the atrocious table manners and the eating with wide open mouths. The pushing, shoving and the shouted conversations.

It really can be shocking. On one rig I worked on a Chinese rigger had squatted for a poop on the deck. The 10m walk to the toilet was too much trouble. They were too lazy to pee over the side into the ocean and would urinate pretty much anywhere outside. Consequently the vessel stunk of pi55...

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