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How To Get Rid Of Mother In Law


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Firstly, the topic title doesn't mean burying her 6 feet under, concrete boots ect . I have a great life with my wife looking after our daughter.But, few weeks ago my mother in law decided to leave her husband and plant herself smack bang in the house we live in. Don't get me wrong she is a good babysitter but gets on my nerves a fair bit. I know the Thai family thing pretty well, but this is too much . Any advice apart from buying the house next door ? maybe make up some ghost stories ?

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I am guilty as he11, when I saw 'How To Get Rid Of Mother In Law' I wanted to post "Magnum 44".

Seems two answers above are correct, get used to. Make the best of it, in Thailand and not only here, you marry the family. Get the MiL on your side and your wife will love you forever.

Sorry mate, only thing that comes to my mind.

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The only solution I can see is to somehow try to get her back with hubby. But dont suggest he moves in as well to work things out with her, cos then you are double screwed.

Many falangs worst nightmare i'm afraid. Hope it works out.

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Got the same problem myself. The walking around naked thing DOES'NT work and can get ###### right scary (you don't want to know). Inviting lot's of friends round to get drunk on a regular basis does quite well, but there's a danger the missus will leave also. Guess what, your stuck with her!! :o

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Back in the 80's a farang was found dead at the bottom of a well.

He had married a Thai girl, bought the house, then Mother in Law had him popped off. Perhaps this story needs a replay, with a twist?

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Maybe you could try being too friendly with the MiL.

The wife might get jealous and send her on her way.

Not with my MiL. Built like a brick shithouse, with the brains to match.

(Don't tell the wife :o )

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