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Thai immigration officers on alert for fleeing scam suspects


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Thai immigration officers on alert for fleeing scam suspects

By The Nation




Immigration police in Sa Kaew have beefed up monitoring for suspects trying to flee into Thailand after Cambodian authorities raided a 212-member “call-centre” scam in Poipet on Wednesday.

Pol Colonel Benjapol Rodsawad, the Sa Kaew immigration chief, said on Thursday that his office and Sa Kaew police and para-military officers were monitoring tourists, especially those of Chinese nationality coming from Poipet. They were also patrolling border lines to prevent fugitives entering the Kingdom. 


The increased surveillance came after Cambodian police raided two commercial buildings in the Poipet Market area on Wednesday afternoon and rounded up 212 Chinese suspects along with electronic devices and 100 cell phones. 


Chinese suspects who could not present proper documents for legal entry to Cambodia were charged with illegal entry and working without permission before being sent for further prosecution in Phnom Penh. 


As Cambodian police suspected more “call centre” suspects had fled the two buildings before the raid and might try to flee the country, they alerted the Thai police to watch out for and intercept fugitives, he said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30322681

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-8-3
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I don't know why they are asking the Thais to be on the lookout. Thailand has proven that it is incapable of stopping its own fugitives leaving, even when they knew who they were and that they were a flight risk. Anyone coming in with the required 20 Grand will probably pass the non criminal test and slip through.

Edited by darksidedog
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1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

On the alert for fat brown envelopes more like... 


1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

On the alert for fat brown envelopes more like... 

these childish farang fantasy brown envelope posts are beggining to get very tedious, havent you got anything better to do. ?

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1 hour ago, gamini said:


these childish farang fantasy brown envelope posts are beggining to get very tedious, havent you got anything better to do. ?

i  agree  totaly if people can not act like a grown up insted of a child with that sort or remarks why even bother to make remarks on thai visa  


this site is for things of intrest help by visa problems 

maybe you should look what ubon joe or ither global people at to the forum could learn much  they never have rubbish replys 

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4 hours ago, gamini said:

these childish farang fantasy brown envelope posts are beggining to get very tedious, havent you got anything better to do. ?

So true.

They simply have nothing better to do with their time, so like to repeat the same boring one liners over and over again.

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all about money...............................absolutely everything is about filling the pocket


The only sector that I can think of were Thailand is forced to spend money and I will bet it hurts real bad that they have to conform is ...............................airports - air safety - air maintenance ........... INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS that they are forced to comply with, the funny thing is that they still don't get why it all works ...........................oh we had better comply but we hate it.


Now if a few other international standards were forced on Thailand they might just start to realise were they are going wrong.


A fine example is law enforcement (I use the term lightly) time for the police in this country to answer to the public, that is who they are supposed to serve but they just don't get it - no understanding or international standards.


The police here make judgements...seriously not their job................................ their job is to enforce the law and when someone breaks the law then they present it for prosecution and prosecutors decide if there is a case to answer not the police


Prayut Chan O Cha........you want to reform the police in Thailand then they must realise exactly the roll they are playing, they cannot decide whether to pursue a case or not............that is not their job, if someone breaks the law - their job is to detect it make a case and present it....................from there only a court can decide, someone attacking another person with a sword it is not up to the police to decide where that goes...........................it is not up to them


No policeman no matter who they are or rank has the power to decide - their number one goal is to catch people breaking the law and then present it to a court possibly through some legal experts that will decide if there is a case to answer




Yeah reform the police lol, they just have no clue what role the police should be playing in society ...........................NUMBER ONE RULE........................they answer to the public.....everyone - that is who they serve - that is who pays them.....the public


NUMBER TWO RULE..................enforce the law


anyone found breaking the law ................ it is not up to police to decide what to do with them....................THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB


your job is to enforce the law and detect those breaking the law...............the concept does not exist in Thailand...they just don't get it, they just don't understand .......................................exactly why I keep saying Thailand  needs outside help, from policing - the justice system - road safety .............................. the answers exist.....................they exist all over the world, time to accept that you cannot do it on your own - cut the crap and get outside help..............................Thailand has absolutely not a clue, oh hub this hub that .........sorry - no clue and still 3rd world, everything you do here in Thailand that matters and that works is always enforced and supported from abroad...................... stuff like road safety .........................oh yes it is all going seriously well on your own right ? what is it - 2nd from the bottom on the planet...............yes you have a really good handle on road safety right ?


Prayut Chan O cha, you seem more interested in your own moral values and perhaps family values, you might be personally against certain things which is fine, but as a leader you cannot force your morals on the nation especially when you are using the military to do so, I judge you on several fronts..............at the top are corruption and road safety, you have put in place a constitutional framework that might just work going forward, you have not gone far enough with law enforcement and the justice system - my guess is you just don't understand what it should be and are now out of your depth in terms of change, you refuse to look outside Thailand for guidance or a model to work from - it works for the aircraft industry right ? oh yeah you have no choice but to comply with those pesky foreigners ..........


and no China is not you friend.


Anyway, time to let it go and test it with elections, you had your chance to make changes and it is now showing no further progress ...................................if the constitution is strong and the institutions you have put in place will stop the abuse of the past then it is time to move forward


some of the stuff you are doing needs to stop concerning human rights and privacy - you were not elected - not everyone agrees with what you are doing, you now don't seem able to separate your personal beliefs and what is best for the people the country

and freedom.............Prayut Chan O cha .............time to move on



OK Rant over .....................................and not proof reading any of it  


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Just now, smedly said:



all about money...............................absolutely everything is about filling the pocket


The only sector that I can think of were Thailand is forced to spend money and I will bet it hurts real bad that they have to conform is ...............................airports - air safety - air maintenance ........... INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS that they are forced to comply with, the funny thing is that they still don't get why it all works ...........................oh we had better comply but we hate it.


Now if a few other international standards were forced on Thailand they might just start to realise were they are going wrong.


A fine example is law enforcement (I use the term lightly) time for the police in this country to answer to the public, that is who they are supposed to serve but they just don't get it - no understanding or international standards.


The police here make judgements...seriously not their job................................ their job is to enforce the law and when someone breaks the law then they present it for prosecution and prosecutors decide if there is a case to answer not the police


Prayut Chan O Cha........you want to reform the police in Thailand then they must realise exactly the roll they are playing, they cannot decide whether to pursue a case or not............that is not their job, if someone breaks the law - their job is to detect it make a case and present it....................from there only a court can decide, someone attacking another person with a sword it is not up to the police to decide where that goes...........................it is not up to them


No policeman no matter who they are or rank has the power to decide - their number one goal is to catch people breaking the law and then present it to a court possibly through some legal experts that will decide if there is a case to answer




Yeah reform the police lol, they just have no clue what role the police should be playing in society ...........................NUMBER ONE RULE........................they answer to the public.....everyone - that is who they serve - that is who pays them.....the public


NUMBER TWO RULE..................enforce the law


anyone found breaking the law ................ it is not up to police to decide what to do with them....................THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB


your job is to enforce the law and detect those breaking the law...............the concept does not exist in Thailand...they just don't get it, they just don't understand .......................................exactly why I keep saying Thailand  needs outside help, from policing - the justice system - road safety .............................. the answers exist.....................they exist all over the world, time to accept that you cannot do it on your own - cut the crap and get outside help..............................Thailand has absolutely not a clue, oh hub this hub that .........sorry - no clue and still 3rd world, everything you do here in Thailand that matters and that works is always enforced and supported from abroad...................... stuff like road safety .........................oh yes it is all going seriously well on your own right ? what is it - 2nd from the bottom on the planet...............yes you have a really good handle on road safety right ?


Prayut Chan O cha, you seem more interested in your own moral values and perhaps family values, you might be personally against certain things which is fine, but as a leader you cannot force your morals on the nation especially when you are using the military to do so, I judge you on several fronts..............at the top are corruption and road safety, you have put in place a constitutional framework that might just work going forward, you have not gone far enough with law enforcement and the justice system - my guess is you just don't understand what it should be and are now out of your depth in terms of change, you refuse to look outside Thailand for guidance or a model to work from - it works for the aircraft industry right ? oh yeah you have no choice but to comply with those pesky foreigners ..........


and no China is not you friend.


Anyway, time to let it go and test it with elections, you had your chance to make changes and it is now showing no further progress ...................................if the constitution is strong and the institutions you have put in place will stop the abuse of the past then it is time to move forward


some of the stuff you are doing needs to stop concerning human rights and privacy - you were not elected - not everyone agrees with what you are doing, you now don't seem able to separate your personal beliefs and what is best for the people the country

and freedom.............Prayut Chan O cha .............time to move on



OK Rant over .....................................and not proof reading any of it  


ok....you win the longest post of the day.


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7 hours ago, gamini said:


these childish farang fantasy brown envelope posts are beggining to get very tedious, havent you got anything better to do. ?

One question, do you work for RTP?

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10 hours ago, gamini said:


these childish farang fantasy brown envelope posts are beggining to get very tedious, havent you got anything better to do. ?

gamini  you say that brown envelope posts are tedious.

Please answer 1 question, have you ever been in a situation where you have been asked for your contribution, or are you just posting for some attention?

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Are they jobless in China ? The economy in China is so good, why they have to be living like dogs ? Greedy ?


I am not sure why they are doing this business. Big Income scamming ?


May be the big fish still in China. Also Chinese government cracking down private VPNs , and underground dark sites.


Birth of New North Korea ?

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Totally agree with the cranky old bugger above.  Mr Gamini, until you have suffered injustice at the hands of Thai police, I suggest you quit posting about fantasy brown envelopes.  They are REAL.  I frequent six bars regularly and ALL pay 'protection' money to the police.  A personal friend has just closed and sold up as he could no longer afford the 24,000 baht demanded every month.


I used to be like you; gazing at the Thai world through rose-coloured glasses but my encounter with a bent racist cop has cost me about 80, 000 baht + an undisclosed sum (from my wife who pawned her gold) to ensure the trumped up charges were dismissed.

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13 minutes ago, mikebell said:

Totally agree with the cranky old bugger above.  Mr Gamini, until you have suffered injustice at the hands of Thai police, I suggest you quit posting about fantasy brown envelopes.  They are REAL.  I frequent six bars regularly and ALL pay 'protection' money to the police.  A personal friend has just closed and sold up as he could no longer afford the 24,000 baht demanded every month.


I used to be like you; gazing at the Thai world through rose-coloured glasses but my encounter with a bent racist cop has cost me about 80, 000 baht + an undisclosed sum (from my wife who pawned her gold) to ensure the trumped up charges were dismissed.

Cost me 10K for a traffic accident my wife was involved in....Because she had a farang name. Accident, err, wreck was caused by a speeding idiot on a moto that was passing in a no passing zone. No license, no insurance. My wife had both.


Cop said, "You have farang name. Must pay me 10K baht or I make big problem for you".



A nice Dutch guy I met ran a family friendly pool/restaurant & sold a few beers & an occasional shot of whiskey. I took my 5 year old daughter there regularly.


He was open 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM off Soi Khaotalo in Pattaya. He played really nice classic rock music on outdoor, waterproof speaker from a radio station in Germany that he got via satellite.


Cops raided & took his 100,000 baht sound system because he wouldn't pay them off. He hung it all up & sold the place shortly after. Last time I saw it, it was an empty shell and an empty pool.



I was involved with an RTA potential parts purchase & saw the agent handing over a brown envelope just for the contract to be considered.


I did some work for the agent, and he told me he wished he could pay me more, but he had to pay off the RTA officers a LOT to get the contract.


He & I walked into an RTAF maintenance facility once. He told me "It's much nicer here, because the Air Force general doesn't take so much money away like Army chief does.".


General P was Chief of the Army at the time........So, no, the brown envelope posts will never get old.


Was it not the Erawan bombers that got in by bribing immigration with 18,000 baht?

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There are so many stories, Jaywalker.  Mine occurred as I waited to turn right & two boys: under-age; no licence; lost control at over 90kph and smashed me amidships.  My insurance, Thanachart, paid all expenses; + compensation + repairs or replaced motorbike despite the boys being 100% in the wrong and their client (now ex-client) 100% in the right.

Meanwhile the bent cop who fabricated the charge got paid off both ends.

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1 minute ago, mikebell said:

There are so many stories, Jaywalker.  Mine occurred as I waited to turn right & two boys: under-age; no licence; lost control at over 90kph and smashed me amidships.  My insurance, Thanachart, paid all expenses; + compensation + repairs or replaced motorbike despite the boys being 100% in the wrong and their client (now ex-client) 100% in the right.

Meanwhile the bent cop who fabricated the charge got paid off both ends.

I have a friend, turning right on 3rd Road Pattaya off Pattaya Klang. He had a green light to turn right.


He was new to Thailand at the time, A moto came zooming around and hit his right front fender, flew over the handlebars, jumped up and ran away.


He got charged, protested, and got to spend the night on Soi 9 till his wife could cough up 50K baht the next day.


NO, the brown envelope posts never get old. They are sadly all too true.

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I wrote that post slightly tongue in cheek, although with little doubt that it was the truth, thanks for the defense people, from the rose tinted glasses boys who I appear to have struck a nerve with lol

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