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US$1.2 million fake notes seized as Thai police bust counterfeit gang

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It's really time America did something about the ease their money can be copied---all bank notes the same size--Bleach the one dollar and you have the genuine paper etc....I dont know for a high Tec country why they do not have plastic notes..

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19 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

It's really time America did something about the ease their money can be copied---all bank notes the same size--Bleach the one dollar and you have the genuine paper etc....I dont know for a high Tec country why they do not have plastic notes..

IIRC all bills higher than USD1 have a security thread and the newer notes are watermarked with the face of the president pictured.

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Yes they have done some long over due updates halloween--- but most of those are great for banks etc---but that's not usually where they float them-- normal traders etc wont pick up so much on security changes, like a thread etc. For some reason there seems to be so much resistance to any change in the $$ format...everything the same colour--& everything the same size, (which must be a nightmare for your blind population) --- even the UK is now changing to a plastic note

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12 hours ago, saminoz said:

As Mike Bell said above, I only hope your truth dawns without ridiculous cost to you and yours, financially or physically.

Hilarious, says he is not a thai basher, then continues on bashing Thais.

I've been in Thailand for many years, had a few interactions with thai police, as have many of my expat friends - not once were any of us threatened with physical or financial abuse.

Only on Thiavisa does it seem like so many of these whinging Farangs seem to have so many problems with the people of thailand,, and the police.

I see a common theme running here, ppl that have nothing better to do then to whinge about everything, and always seem to have a problem with the RTP, now I wonder what the common denominator is??? It's certainly not those that don't whinge and have never had a problem.

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10 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

You think the local bib did the bust?


No they where told to do it by the US Secret Service officers


Otherwise there may have been a bust but not so much money found

And you know this how?

It's funny how if any other country has a joint operation in busting criminal gangs, both countries jointly get congrats, but oh no, cant see the racist farangs praising both teams equally in Thailand now can we, always have to lay the racist bot in any opportunity you can, to show how meaningful and better you are.

If your going to make up cheap racist stories, back it up! Show us all your inner knowledge of how the "secret service" made RTP do a bust, in there own country, or show us your other made up bulldust about how not so much money would be found. Or add usual, your just taking another cheap dig at something you can prove..

Edited by psyvolt
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21 hours ago, saminoz said:

The story is very conveniently "light" on the involvement of the US Secret Service team.  They are nowhere to be seen in the obligatory photo (for obvious reasons).

I'm afraid that with too many years of experience of the RTP, I cannot help but be cynical about whether the amount would have been reported correctly without the US involvement, or whether it would have been reported at all (of course, without the US involvement, one wonders whether the gang would ever have been caught).

And from what side does you experience with the RTP relate?  Give them a break when it is deserved and leave the cynicism behind the door for once. Given you expertise one would think that you would know that most police forces throughout the world rely on the sharing of information to catch criminals.  And of course the Americans would be involved, it is their currency that is being affected, not Thai.

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