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Alarm sounded over girls’ drinking


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Alarm sounded over girls’ drinking




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BANGKOK: -- A LARGE majority of older secondary schoolgirls in Thailand reportedly consume more than five glasses of alcohol during drinking sessions, a recent study stated during a Bangkok seminar yesterday.

The discussion titled “Truth about women and alcohol: Impacts to be burdened” was held at a Lak Si Hotel by the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation (WMP), the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) and the Stop Drink Network.


Savitree Assanangkornchai, director of the Centre for Alcohol Studies, told the audience that one in 50 Thai women drank alcohol on a weekly basis because of easy access, the desire to socialise and party with others, and alcohol beverage advertising. 


She also said 75 per cent of surveyed teenage girls in the last two years of secondary school responded that they consumed more than five glasses of alcohol when drinking. 


In addition to problems related to drinking such as accidents, fights and sexual harassment, Savitree warned that alcohol affected women differently because their metabolism was slower than men’s, which could cause chronic illnesses such as breast cancer. 


Women drinking during their pregnancies and while breastfeeding also risked their foetuses and babies’ development, she added. Angkhana Inthasa, head of WMP gender equality promotion, cited a 2012-2016 joint report finding that among 1,136 women subjected to domestic and sexual violence, about 29.3 per cent or 333 cases reportedly stemmed from alcohol consumption. 


She said the number of female drinkers was on the rise and contributing factors were stress and promotion campaigns by alcoholic beverage firms. 


In families with male drinkers, female members were also disproportionately subjected to aggression and violence, and in some cases male drinkers then committed sexual assaults, rape or physical assault, she said.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30323344

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-08-10
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From a health perspective (and many other angles), drinking alcohol is stupid and dangerous.  I am a dad and have been step-father to over 20 kids.  None of them have drinking problems, most of them don't drink at all, as their dad doesn't.  So none of them have the problems that drinking brings:  physiological, mental, family schisms, driving carnage, forgetfulness, walking through glass doors, falling down stairs, vomiting on furniture, etc. ad nauseum.


WW, alcoholic drinks are the ONLY legal recreational drug.  There are several reasons, not least; the trillion dollar alcoholic drinks industry doesn't want any competition. Another reason; nearly all law-makers, incl. judges, are drinkers of fermented sugars.      

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

the problems that drinking brings:  physiological, mental, family schisms, driving carnage, forgetfulness, walking through glass doors, falling down stairs, vomiting on furniture, etc. ad nauseum.

I have met thousands of people who drink alcohol, during my lifetime. I would go as far as to say that NONE of the drinkers I have known have ever done, or experienced ANY of your above examples.I would also add that, 99.99% of the ones I have met are nice, friendly, sociable people, a[l of whom do more good than bad.

Yes, there are a very small minority that can be a problem after consuming alcohol to excess, but just because you, personally, are against it, does not make it wrong to take part.

There is nothing worse than the 'holier than thou' anti drinking brigade.

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

In addition to problems related to drinking such as accidents, fights and sexual harassment,

Sexual harassment has nothing to do with women drinking and everything to do with the predatory behaviour of those low lifes who harass women. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

From a health perspective (and many other angles), drinking alcohol is stupid and dangerous.  I am a dad and have been step-father to over 20 kids.  None of them have drinking problems, most of them don't drink at all, as their dad doesn't.  So none of them have the problems that drinking brings:  physiological, mental, family schisms, driving carnage, forgetfulness, walking through glass doors, falling down stairs, vomiting on furniture, etc. ad nauseum.


WW, alcoholic drinks are the ONLY legal recreational drug.  There are several reasons, not least; the trillion dollar alcoholic drinks industry doesn't want any competition. Another reason; nearly all law-makers, incl. judges, are drinkers of fermented sugars.      

Drinking and smoking both.


Quitting smoking has left me with with an unbalanced metabolism - I can eat 20% of my former diet and still put on weight. Quitting drinking more or less when I was 26 had no ill effects...


Now we're seeing the meaning of corruption on the worldwide scale. Not only Thai's, they just have a special talent for making it laughable.


Having said that, I think it's just plain ignorant to imagine that more than a tiny percentage of drinkers have problems.


Women going out and getting lashed often do it to lower their barriers - I often feel the same way when I see a pisshead getting mugged outside the club, no sympathy but no need to regulate drinkers over it. Just put up more cameras.

Edited by ben2talk
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Even Thai girls who drive a car drink far too much and drive home.


In Places like Tawan Daeng they have beerdrinking contests on stage for girls. the one who can drink a huge glass of beer the fastest wins something. It's fun to watch but real ladies don't do such thing.



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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Sexual harassment has nothing to do with women drinking and everything to do with the predatory behaviour of those low lifes who harass women. 

I'd venture to say you're contradicting yourself within the one sentence.  Predatory men encourage/trick females into drinking too much, so the females become dumb, uncoordinated, vulnerable or pass out - to enable the predators to stick their gnobs in their slippery hollows.  I learned that at 9 years.  


At a Thai outdoor music festival (if you can call their sappy crud 'music'), I saw two girls, about 14, hanging out beyond the perimeter of the mob.  It was 11 pm, I was driving home.   They looked extremely vulnerable.  There were a few guys hanging nearby, with the ubiquitous brown bottles.  What were the odds those girls were going to get date raped that night?   probably 20 to 1.    Multiply that by half a million, and you get an idea of the immensity of the date-rape (fueled by alcohol) problem in Thailand.


50 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

I have met thousands of people who drink alcohol, during my lifetime. I would go as far as to say that NONE of the drinkers I have known have ever done, or experienced ANY of your above examples.I would also add that, 99.99% of the ones I have met are nice, friendly, sociable people, a[l of whom do more good than bad. Yes, there are a very small minority that can be a problem after consuming alcohol to excess, but just because you, personally, are against it, does not make it wrong to take part. There is nothing worse than the 'holier than thou' anti drinking brigade.

Well, we've certainly met different people.  Of the thousands of drinkers I've known in my 65 years, few DON'T have any of the problems I listed.   How long have you been wearing rose-colored glasses?

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I'd venture to say you're contradicting yourself within the one sentence.  Predatory men encourage/trick females into drinking too much, so the females become dumb, uncoordinated, vulnerable or pass out - to enable the predators to stick their gnobs in their slippery hollows.  I learned that at 9 years.  


At a Thai outdoor music festival (if you can call their sappy crud 'music'), I saw two girls, about 14, hanging out beyond the perimeter of the mob.  It was 11 pm, I was driving home.   They looked extremely vulnerable.  There were a few guys hanging nearby, with the ubiquitous brown bottles.  What were the odds those girls were going to get date raped that night?   probably 20 to 1.    Multiply that by half a million, and you get an idea of the immensity of the date-rape (fueled by alcohol) problem in Thailand.


Well, we've certainly met different people.  Of the thousands of drinkers I've known in my 65 years, few DON'T have any of the problems I listed.   How long have you been wearing rose-colored glasses?

No contradiction. 


Women can drink as much as they like. 


As often as they like. 


That is no reason they should be predicated upon by low lifes. 


Nor should victims be held responsible for the behaviour of such scum.  


The ones who are to blame for sexual harassment are the predatory scum who harass. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, Thaiwrath said:

.........but just because you, personally, are against it, does not make it wrong to take part.

There is nothing worse than the 'holier than thou' anti drinking brigade.

NOTHING WORSE?!?    Here are some worse things......


>>>  an average of 35 to 40 highway deaths PER DAY in Thailand, most involve drinking alcohol.

>>>  wife beatings

>>>   bar fights, in the bars and out on the sidewalks.  Occasional killings, like happened to the Brit who was knifed and killed in front of his son by a drunk Thai guy.   Or the Aussie woman who was knifed and killed by a Thai guy in southern Thailand because 'he wanted money to buy more beer.' 

>>>   liver transplants, sick-beds occupied in hospitals - which crowd out others who don't have alcohol-related sicknesses.

>>>   babies born with proportionately small heads and/or mentally deficient, due to alcohol drinking mothers.   In some Indian reservations in the US, they actually lock pregnant mothers up in jail cells, to keep them from drinking and damaging fetuses.

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If there's one thing worse than a drunk it's a reformed drinker droning on pompously about the evils of drink. People want to be left alone to live their own lives as they see fit, we don't what to be told what to eat and drink, what to think and what we can or cannot do, especially from governments. Having a drink is one of life's few pleasures for a lot of people so stop the misery statistics, drink helps a lot of people get through the day, to socialise and to have fun, and there's nothing wrong with that

Edited by Orton Rd
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31 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:



Well, we've certainly met different people.  Of the thousands of drinkers I've known in my 65 years, few DON'T have any of the problems I listed.   How long have you been wearing rose-colored glasses?

Worked in the alcohol industry all my working life, including 10 years owning and running a bar in Thailand.

I would suggest that I have seen it more 'first hand', rather than hearing stories from 'a friend of a friend', or reading unconfirmed stories in the media like yourself.

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1 hour ago, inThailand said:

Getting drunk is as much a part of growing up as getting high, driving fast, having sex or unprotected sex. Most kids grow out of it, the rest are in Pattaya.

15 years ago it was ya-ba, nowadays it's alcohol. Btw, I'd love to get drunk sometimes, but when I go shopping, it is usually when sales of alcohol are banned - maybe I should shop at mom-and-pop shops, where the kids buy their booze at any time of day...

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1 hour ago, Thaiwrath said:

Worked in the alcohol industry all my working life, including 10 years owning and running a bar in Thailand.

I would suggest that I have seen it more 'first hand', rather than hearing stories from 'a friend of a friend', or reading unconfirmed stories in the media like yourself.

I bet most of the bar stools guys with reserved seats have just as much experience as anyone. They have invested heavy in having fun. Good on them!

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

.... People want to be left alone to live their own lives as they see fit, we don't what to be told what to eat and drink, 

.....except drunks cause carnage on roads, on sidewalks, in homes (wife beatings) at parties (date rapes).   Maybe drinkers want to be left alone.  I do too.   


Pot smokers are a different story.  They mind their own beeswax. They usually sit calmly, listen to music, eat a lot, .....but they don't go and harm others, or drive crazy, like alcohol drinkers.


p.s. I don't smoke or drink, and I don't fk other peoples' lives up.

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4 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:


Probably an ad for their water  . . . .  :smile:

Indeed it is. First Chang had to pull down all their (beer) signs and they replaced them with blue ones for their water. Now they introduced mineral water in a green bottle so the ad is in fact an ad for Chang water.


I was so surprised to see mega large billboards in Pattaya and Bangkok (sometimes as big as a skyscraper) advertising LEO. I thought any alcohol advertisement was forbidden? Turns out it is for LEO soda water. You can't buy this anywhere, but apparently you can but up advertisements for it. Banana republic, really.

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8 minutes ago, wump said:

I was so surprised to see mega large billboards in Pattaya and Bangkok (sometimes as big as a skyscraper) advertising LEO. I thought any alcohol advertisement was forbidden? Turns out it is for LEO soda water. You can't buy this anywhere, but apparently you can...

Actually very clever! Everyone knows what it is about, as everyone knows Leo beer, so it's advertising for the beer through the backdoor.:partytime2:

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Even Thai girls who drive a car drink far too much and drive home.
In Places like Tawan Daeng they have beerdrinking contests on stage for girls. the one who can drink a huge glass of beer the fastest wins something. It's fun to watch but real ladies don't do such thing.

"It's fun to watch but real ladies don't do such thing".
I know which type I'd rather spend time with. And it wouldn't be the type I'd take home to meet Mum.
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Ah yes. Of course. Another perfectly objective article relating to men and women, were as more women starting to drink more becoming a problem and getting attention, while men seemingly just have a steady go at it since forever and it's a non issue...besides of course all the accidents, fights and sexual harassment that's perfectly unilateral phenomenon I suppose.


Did we already have news about female suicides on the rise that needs attention yet?



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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

I'd venture to say you're contradicting yourself within the one sentence.  Predatory men encourage/trick females into drinking too much, so the females become dumb, uncoordinated, vulnerable or pass out - to enable the predators to stick their gnobs in their slippery hollows.  I learned that at 9 years.  


At a Thai outdoor music festival (if you can call their sappy crud 'music'), I saw two girls, about 14, hanging out beyond the perimeter of the mob.  It was 11 pm, I was driving home.   They looked extremely vulnerable.  There were a few guys hanging nearby, with the ubiquitous brown bottles.  What were the odds those girls were going to get date raped that night?   probably 20 to 1.    Multiply that by half a million, and you get an idea of the immensity of the date-rape (fueled by alcohol) problem in Thailand.


Well, we've certainly met different people.  Of the thousands of drinkers I've known in my 65 years, few DON'T have any of the problems I listed.   How long have you been wearing rose-colored glasses?

You present one anecdotal instance, then go on to claim to have met thousands of drinkers. I really doubt that.

ATLANTA (Reuters) - "Contrary to popular opinion, only 10 percent of U.S. adults who drink too much are alcoholics, according to a federal study released on Thursday, a finding that could have implications for reducing consumption of beer, wine and liquor."

From: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-alcohol-study-idUSKCN0J428D20141120
And a number of additional medical, scientific studies.

Young girls drinking five actual alcoholic drinks are in trouble, for sure. That is the upper limit for adult males to be considered a problem.
I say "actual", because I have been to parties where a "drink" is one cap full of Regency in a tall glass of ice and soda. I bet most of the young women are consuming up to five wine coolers e.g., though.


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