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Trump's attacks could leave him friendless if impeachment comes


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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

The man took two hundred million and turned it into a net worth of four and a half billion over three decades in a very competitive field full of extremely astute business people. Real estate values change his net worth, by the way.


The remainder of your criticisms are nothing more than unsubstantiated accusations.


My tail between my legs? Why? I could care less if he gets re-elected or finishes his term or doesn't run again. That doesn't change the fact he's a successful man of business.

How do you know what his estate his worth? Has Trump confided in you? He certainly doesn't want the American electorate to know.

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On 8/18/2017 at 6:36 PM, craigt3365 said:

I think what would be better is an insider who knows how to navigate Washington. And ready to make the necessary changes. Sadly, Congress needs to be part of this and they are completely dysfunctional.  LOL


Tough times!


How can congress be functional when they are mostly/all cowards whose only goal is re-election? They won't speak out for America b/c of their pathetic fear of the most repugnant elected official ever.

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17 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Collective hallucinations are very rare.  But luckily you're in the group of those 'in the know'. 

So you are saying he doesn't lie? If so, count yourself among his hard core followers who either don't know he's lying or don't care. Sad.

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2 hours ago, selftaopath said:

How can congress be functional when they are mostly/all cowards whose only goal is re-election? They won't speak out for America b/c of their pathetic fear of the most repugnant elected official ever.

A president with balls might be able to change things. But you are right. Congress is worse than our current lying president!  LOL

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

A president with balls might be able to change things. But you are right. Congress is worse than our current lying president!  LOL

Therein lies the problem.

Trump is a brand, hardly Republican, and within the Republican hardcore base, he seems to be more popular than the GOP itself.

So, especially GOP members in the House figure that their survival, regardless of what they actually think of Trump depends on them keeping their mouths shut, biting their lip and hoping that they survive until what they probably hope is a successful primary challenge to Trump in 2020

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24 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Therein lies the problem.

Trump is a brand, hardly Republican, and within the Republican hardcore base, he seems to be more popular than the GOP itself.

In politics follow who legislation and proposed legislation will benefit. Trump's proposals overwhelmingly favor the very wealthful. Also, his first supreme court choice is very pro-corporation and very anti-labor. So where it counts, Trump is very Republican.

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On August 23, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Ramen087 said:

you're once again making connections and assertions that are only cheered on by those who have already reached a conclusion based on irrational dislike of an extremely successful man who has created a life of chronic achievement...




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On 8/25/2017 at 2:35 PM, Andaman Al said:

Apart from the obsequious sycophants around him now and those with crap all over their noses and 3 children terrified they will be cut out of Daddy's empire unless they say and do exactly as he wants, Trump is friendless already. As for his supporters, never a truer word was spoken by Clinton - deplorables! The truth is, just as we saw the REAL Trump in Arizona the other night, we are actually witnessing the real USA. 300 Million people incapable of removing a dangerous sociopathic liar from office................Sad!



I don't think they are "incapable." Unwilling certainly. Why? I have no idea.

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The simple fact is that anyone listening to Donald Trump and understand America's history must know that he is ignorant and incompetent. He doesn't understand history and he has no knowledge of how the middle class and the poor exist. He has never done a real day's work in his life and he has existed based upon inherited family wealth. He has never walked in the streets of America or I am sure ever sat down one on one with an African American or an Immigrant family.
While I did not vote for him when he was elected I expected him to stop his divisive rhetoric and move the country together by providing an agenda that was inclusive. Instead, he did the opposite. He pushed for a border wall that costs $20 Billion and angered Mexico by informing them they are going to pay for it. Never going to happen.  He then supported a Healthcare bill that will throw millions off the healthcare insurance rolls instead of going to a single payer system or working with Democrats to fix Obamacare. He is now pushing for an Immigration bill that will exclude foreigners who cannot speak English or are poor. Under this plan my grandfather and grandmother could have never come to America from Europe. Then to top it off- his tax 'reform' package will give the wealthy a huge tax cut which they will pocket while continuing to exploit the poor and middle class.
His supporters claim those who oppose his policies are Socialists, Communists and every other negative word there is. Yet, they don't realize his agenda will push them further and further down the economic path to ruin.
Donald Trump is a pariah- a narcissistic meglomaniac that cares only for himself and he is leading America on a destructive path. His opposition is not fake news but they are the patriots that are exposing his lies and deceit and his plan to make America a neo fascist state which excludes others based upon their skin color, ethnicity or religion. He refuses to understand that what really makes America great is its diversity and openness to other people's of the World who come in to America work hard and contribute to society.

Well written!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 2:00 PM, Thaidream said:

The simple fact is that anyone listening to Donald Trump and understand America's history must know that he is ignorant and incompetent. He doesn't understand history and he has no knowledge of how the middle class and the poor exist. He has never done a real day's work in his life and he has existed based upon inherited family wealth. He has never walked in the streets of America or I am sure ever sat down one on one with an African American or an Immigrant family.


While I did not vote for him when he was elected I expected him to stop his divisive rhetoric and move the country together by providing an agenda that was inclusive. Instead, he did the opposite. He pushed for a border wall that costs $20 Billion and angered Mexico by informing them they are going to pay for it. Never going to happen.  He then supported a Healthcare bill that will throw millions off the healthcare insurance rolls instead of going to a single payer system or working with Democrats to fix Obamacare. He is now pushing for an Immigration bill that will exclude foreigners who cannot speak English or are poor. Under this plan my grandfather and grandmother could have never come to America from Europe. Then to top it off- his tax 'reform' package will give the wealthy a huge tax cut which they will pocket while continuing to exploit the poor and middle class.


His supporters claim those who oppose his policies are Socialists, Communists and every other negative word there is. Yet, they don't realize his agenda will push them further and further down the economic path to ruin.


Donald Trump is a pariah- a narcissistic meglomaniac that cares only for himself and he is leading America on a destructive path. His opposition is not fake news but they are the patriots that are exposing his lies and deceit and his plan to make America a neo fascist state which excludes others based upon their skin color, ethnicity or religion. He refuses to understand that what really makes America great is its diversity and openness to other people's of the World who come in to America work hard and contribute to society.

This post is on the money (dripping sarcasm and pun intended).  It has to be true simply as the person who posted it clearly speaks from personal expertise.  The irony of the submission could never be overstated.  Amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:26 PM, RobFord said:


So you're saying exactly what?
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Inference is not your specialty I presume... President Donald Trump wears custom made John Lobbs, by the way.  Just another useless dig at a very successful man.  Don't see why anyone would feel entitled to knock success, but people do it all the time.

Edited by Ramen087
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LOL.   Sure.  Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are before they'd go ahead and play their games, and Trump called them out on it.  What WILL the left wing loser loons think of next to whine about?  Richard Petty got it right!  ('Look it up, wingnuts.)




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15 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

LOL.   Sure.  Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are before they'd go ahead and play their games, and Trump called them out on it.  What WILL the left wing loser loons think of next to whine about?  Richard Petty got it right!  ('Look it up, wingnuts.)




You mean before the the football controversy there was no ongoing investigation? What planet are you reporting on? Alternate Trumpworld?

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51 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Inference is not your specialty I presume... President Donald Trump wears custom made John Lobbs, by the way.  Just another useless dig at a very successful man.  Don't see why anyone would feel entitled to knock success, but people do it all the time.

You mean if he just bought off the rack shoes the dig would be okay? And what kind of over-top-Trump idolator do you have to be to know what kind of shoes he wears?

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean before the the football controversy there was no ongoing investigation? What planet are you reporting on? Alternate Trumpworld?

Trump has had it in for the NFL for some time.  Ever since he got turned down for buying the Buffalo Bills. LOL

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50 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

LOL.   Sure.  Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are before they'd go ahead and play their games, and Trump called them out on it.  What WILL the left wing loser loons think of next to whine about?  Richard Petty got it right!  ('Look it up, wingnuts.)

Exactly. Since when does being a competent, or above average or excellent football player qualify one to be a thought leader on social or political issues? They're all part of the one percent, even by league established minimum pay scales.  Many are in the top one half of one percent, or higher.  

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1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

LOL.   Sure.  Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are before they'd go ahead and play their games, and Trump called them out on it.  What WILL the left wing loser loons think of next to whine about?  Richard Petty got it right!  ('Look it up, wingnuts.)


11 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Exactly. Since when does being a competent, or above average or excellent football player qualify one to be a thought leader on social or political issues? They're all part of the one percent, even by league established minimum pay scales.  Many are in the top one half of one percent, or higher.  



So you agree that  "Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are..."

How exactly did the "princesses" manage to do tht?

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2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Donald Trump is NOW a candidate for impeachment because some insanely overpaid spoiled-brat athletes had to put on a little act like the princesses some of them are before they'd go ahead and play their games, and Trump called them out on it

You appear a bit confused. NFL players reacted after the dotard went on an insulting rant at his Mussolini-esque rally about a player who silently kneeled as a protest a year ago.


2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

What WILL the left wing loser loons think of next to whine about?

More divisive, marginalizing gibberish from the acolytes as expected.


2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Richard Petty got it right!  ('Look it up, wingnuts.)

More adolescent, divisive insulting blather. Expected


You mean the guy who heads an organization that had one black driver?


Bill Lester Talks Being a Black NASCAR Driver on CNN: ‘I Was Not Really Embraced’


Retired black NASCAR driver Bill Lester remembers being booed: ‘I wasn’t really embraced’




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