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Bringing methadone to Thailand with only a letter from your doctor in Europe


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The husband of a good friend of mine is going to Thailand on a 3-week vacation in November. He is going to bring 21 methadone-doses of 150 mg each with him. He is in a methadone program here Europe, so he gets the stuff from his doctor. I have told him that he needs to apply to the Thai Food & Drug Administration to get an IC-2 permit which he needs to carry with him and perhaps show to Immigration or Customs at the airport in Thailand when he arrives. But this man has friends who have gone on vacation to Thailand before with only a letter from their doctor in Europe - or even just a letter from the local pharmacy in Europe where they got the drugs - and they "had no problems". I guess what happened was that these friends were never stopped and searched at the airport or on the streets, so then there was no problem... I'm worried this idiot husband of a friend of mine will not listen to me, but to his idiot friends instead.


My question is: what will happen to someone who is caught in Thailand with 2-3 weeks worth of methadone without a permit from the Thai FDA? I'm guessing a letter from a European doctor won't help much. What are they looking at in terms of a prison sentence? Methadone is a Category II drug in Thailand up there with cocaine & opium. Would they get life in prison or "just" 10-20 years? Or would they be let off easy and only deported from Thailand? Has this happened already - are there any news reports on this? Or does anyone know someone this has happened to? Please help!

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There's an old thread on Thai Visa here



Be aware this is from 2006 and things change.


Good advice is to call the Thai Embassy in your home country for advice and any paperwork get translated into Thai (and certified) before he gets here.


Good luck.

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1 hour ago, grollies said:

There's an old thread on Thai Visa here



Be aware this is from 2006 and things change.


Good advice is to call the Thai Embassy in your home country for advice and any paperwork get translated into Thai (and certified) before he gets here.


Good luck.

The rules changed around 2008, I think. I know the rules & regs on this, what I don't know is what happens if you break them. That was my question in the original post.


When I contacted the Thai Embassy in my country in Europe they told me I had to apply by snail-mail to the Thai FDA and get a permit from them. I have even downloaded the form from the internet pages of the Thai FDA. And if I was the person on methadone, then I would have filled out the form, enclosed 2 passport-photos and a letter from my doctor and SENT IT. About a month later I would have gotten a reply, positive or negative. I know all this. But that was not my question.

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What I want is to be able to show the husband of my friend what happens if he is caught in Thailand by the police with a rather large quantity of methadone and no permit.


If I could show him a newspaper article on this about someone else who got a heavy prison sentence, then I would be able to (most likely) convince him to get the permit and do his vacation the safe way.

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Here are the new regs from September 2009:


Personal Medications Containing Narcotic Drugs/Psychotropic Substances into Thailand


This guidance issued by the Narcotics Control Division, Food and Drug Administration, provides travellers to Thailand under medical treatment with current regulations concerning the transport of personal medications containing narcotic drugs of Category 2, or psychotropic substances of Categories 2, 3, and 4. The transport of any medications into/out of Thailand for personal use may be subject to a range of stringent import and export controls. The import and export of narcotics and/or psychotropic substances into/out of Thailand are general prohibited. Those travellers to Thailand under treatment who need to carry medications containing narcotic drugs and/or psychotropic substances into/out of Thailand must follow the applicable regulations strictly.

With the exception of medications containing narcotic drugs of Category 2 under the Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 (1979), or psychotropic substances of Categories 2, 3, and 4 under the Psychotropic Substances Act B.E. 2518 (1975), the importation/exportation of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances into/out of Thailand is prohibited.


1. Carrying Personal Medications into Thailand


A. Medications containing narcotic drugs of category 2


The Ministry of Public Health issued the Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2552 (2009) under the Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 (1979), amended by the Narcotics Act B.E. 2545 (2002). It became effective on September 29, 2009. According to the new regulation, travellers to Thailand under medical treatment are allowed to carry medications containing narcotic drugs of Category 2 for personal treatment in a quantity not exceeding 30 days of prescribed usage and must follow the
applicable regulations strictly. Travellers to Thailand under treatment of these medications are required to obtain a permit (Form IC-2) issued by the Food and Drug Administration before travelling to Thailand. The quantity of the medication transported into Thailand must not exceed 30 days of prescribed usage.


To request for the permit, please apply using online service on http://permitfortraveler.fda.moph.go.th/ at least two weeks before the arrival date. The original copies of the documents must still be sent by post - airmail if possible.


The following documents must be submitted:

1.1 Application form (Form IC-1)
1.2 Copy of passport
1.3 Medical prescription written by the physician who provided the medical treatment, which must contain the following:
-the name and address of the patient
-the identified medical condition
-the name of the medications and the reason that those medications were prescribed for the patient's treatment
-the posology and total amount of medications prescribed
-the name, address, and license number of the prescribing physician and/or
1.4 Certificate issued by a competent authority of the country of departure to confirm the patient’s legal authorization to carry those medications for personal use. [see Appendix A. Model Form of the Certificate for the Carrying by Travellers under Treatment of Medications Containing Narcotic Drugs and/or Psychotropic Substances]


The category of substances can be searched from http://permitfortraveler.fda.moph.go.th/

Examples of narcotic drugs in Category 2 according to The Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 (1979),: Codeine, Dextropropoxyphene, Dihydrocodeine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Methadone, Morphine, Oxycodone and, Pethidine.

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4. Advice for Travellers to Thailand carrying Medications
- Those travellers carrying medications containing narcotics of category 2 are
required to declare the medications
they are carrying into/out of Thailand.
Please have all medications and documents prepared and available for inspection:

- Entry into Thailand: you must present the medications/documents at the
Customs Dept. Red Channel

- Exit from Thailand: you must present the medications/documents at the
Customs Dept. official upon request
All related documents should be kept with the traveller throughout their stay in

- Those travellers carrying all other medications into Thailand (including medications
containing psychotropic substances of Categories 2, 3, and 4) do not have to declare
their medications at the Customs Dept. Red Channel if the medication is for personal
treatment in
a quantity not exceeding 30 days of prescribed usage and
accompanied by a certificate/medical prescription from the prescribing physician.
Those medications are then considered personal belongings. The
prescription/certificate should be kept with the traveller throughout their stay in

- The medications must be kept in the original prescription bottles with the contents
clearly marked.

- Travellers to Thailand are forbidden to sell or supply their medications to others.
- Travellers must not assume that medications which are legal in foreign countries are
also approved for use in Thailand. Those products may be illegal in Thailand. In the
case that a traveller's medications are prohibited from import into Thailand, the
traveller should consult their doctor to determine alternate medications.

- As requirements concerning medications may change, travellers should check the
requirements on
http://permitfortraveler.fda.moph.go.th/ for the
importation/exportation of medications prior to each visit.


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It is really easy to get methadone in Thailand. However, he probably won't want to take the chance on being refused for some reason. Lots of junkies vacation in Thailand, because they can get as stoned on methadone as they like and most Thai doctors won't restrict their dose. Maybe call a Thai clinic and make arrangements in advance. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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OP, one other thing to consider, unless it is a direct flight from your (your friend's) home country is the laws in any country you/he spends in transit as regards to methadone.


Thinking mostly Emirates and other middle eastern transits/stop-overs........................:wink:

Edited by chrisinth
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14 hours ago, Atum said:

The rules changed around 2008, I think. I know the rules & regs on this, what I don't know is what happens if you break them. That was my question in the original post.


When I contacted the Thai Embassy in my country in Europe they told me I had to apply by snail-mail to the Thai FDA and get a permit from them. I have even downloaded the form from the internet pages of the Thai FDA. And if I was the person on methadone, then I would have filled out the form, enclosed 2 passport-photos and a letter from my doctor and SENT IT. About a month later I would have gotten a reply, positive or negative. I know all this. But that was not my question.

The answer to your question then is, if he gets caught with non-permitted narcotics.....prison time and plenty of it.


My (wife's) nephew got caught with a load of methamphetamine recently. He's looking at 10 years, halved because he admitted his crime and, if he's lucky, as his trial is around the time of the late King's cremation, some time off for that too. But caught with drugs here, jailtime.


And @chrisinth makes a very good, pertinent point.

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A number of unhelpful, unconstructive replies remoived


OP: Indeed those who "had no problem"  bringing it in simply were not caught.


The  process for doing this legally is not as bad as it sounds and most people report getting swift response from Thai FDA.


Whereas everyone who has spent time in a Thai prison gives it bad reviews...:sleep:


In addition to following correct procedure for bringing it in he should make sue to always have with him the import permit he gets and always keep the drug in labelled prescription bottle. It is not only customs to worry about. Tourists do sometimes get shaken down/asked to do drug tests by police.

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I am thinking why is someone proscribed methadone, maybe there are more reasons than I can think of...


I would say travel and entry to any country where one has no right of abode is a privilege and not a right so if Thailand or any other country refuses entry to persons with addiction to narcotics, so be it.


I doubt anyone would be allowed into USA if it were known that they were prescribed methadone...

Edited by Basil B
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Hi, 150 mls of methadone a day is a lot, enough to knock a normal person out or put you in hospital, if he loses or breaks the bottles, whats he going to do, That amount of Methadone is highly addictive, I,d think twice about coming, Methadone is a Heroin substitute, maybe better wait until he is free from drugs, Hope this Helps.

Edited by SteveMack
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5 hours ago, SteveMack said:

Hi, 150 mls of methadone a day is a lot, enough to knock a normal person out or put you in hospital, if he loses or breaks the bottles, whats he going to do, That amount of Methadone is highly addictive, I,d think twice about coming, Methadone is a Heroin substitute, maybe better wait until he is free from drugs, Hope this Helps.

I thought about that, too. I know it is a very high dose - the highest that can be prescribed by a doctor in my home country.


He will be bringing the methadone in tablet form, not as a liquid. Is that any better, though? (exept that pills do not break like glass bottles can do)

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Quality drug addicted Tourist's - wanting to import drugs, because the purity of what they use is suspect in Thailand - what will they think of next??  Anarchists that want to import the best explosive from Europe because they can't trust the stuff they have here..............

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This is maybe a drug addict who is in the process of cleaning his act up


Maybe he is in a 12 step program, if so just enquire has he discussed it with his sponsor and counsellor or in a general meeting


To me what he is planning is not sense but then his life to date may also not be sense


You have to give tough love and stand back, and stop enabling

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On 8/22/2017 at 8:36 PM, Atum said:

The rules changed around 2008, I think. I know the rules & regs on this, what I don't know is what happens if you break them. That was my question in the original post.


When I contacted the Thai Embassy in my country in Europe they told me I had to apply by snail-mail to the Thai FDA and get a permit from them. I have even downloaded the form from the internet pages of the Thai FDA. And if I was the person on methadone, then I would have filled out the form, enclosed 2 passport-photos and a letter from my doctor and SENT IT. About a month later I would have gotten a reply, positive or negative. I know all this. But that was not my question.

Yes, but why are you contacting the Thai embassy ?

This is all none of your business! !!!

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10 hours ago, Sheryl said:

An unhelpful post has been removed.


The FDA permit does not have to be done by "snail mail" and does not take a month.


E-mail, few days.

Yes, you can apply online and via email, but the original documents still have to be sent by snail mail. Documents like the doctor's certificate. Yes, these can be scanned and emailed, but the Thai FDA still wants the original documents.


But you are saying that despite this it is possible to get an answer, a final decision, from the Thai FDA just based on an electronic application with scanned documents? And what about the permit itself, will they send you this by email, too? I thought you had to wait for a snail mail letter from the FDA with a signed & stamped original permit.


I hope you are right and I am wrong in this! Becuase this would make things so much easier and faster.  :-)

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By the time you the OP finish discussing this, "husband of a friends" problem he will have been and gone. 

PS what gives you the right to interfear has the "husband of a friend" given you permision to put out all this about him and seek out permission to bring Methadone into Thailand? 

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Are we all not falling into the trap of aiding abetting and enabling, the whole question of coming to Thailand, in these circumstances, is shall I say illogical


Maybe we should all go quiet and withdraw


just some observations


God Bless there is a lot of pain around on this

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8 hours ago, Atum said:

Yes, you can apply online and via email, but the original documents still have to be sent by snail mail. Documents like the doctor's certificate. Yes, these can be scanned and emailed, but the Thai FDA still wants the original documents.


But you are saying that despite this it is possible to get an answer, a final decision, from the Thai FDA just based on an electronic application with scanned documents? And what about the permit itself, will they send you this by email, too? I thought you had to wait for a snail mail letter from the FDA with a signed & stamped original permit.


I hope you are right and I am wrong in this! Becuase this would make things so much easier and faster.  :-)

Yes and yes, according to what others on TV have reported.

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As far as I am concerned all the relevant information about bringing methadone and other narcotics or psychotropics into Thailand has now been answered. I now have all the knowledge I need. ThaiVisa.com and it's forums are a GREAT resource for things like this. There is always someone or several someones who have real knowledge they are willing to share about almost any topic related to Thailand. And that turned out to be true in this case, too. :smile:


Thanx to everyone who contributed to this thread.


As the OP I am now requesting that this thread be closed. It is beginning to descend into pointless, irrelevant, personal bickering that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

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