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  1. Meh. I guess they an be sexy sometimes. One thing I feel for sure, more is not better.
  2. Rent, utilities, taxis to and from work and I am at 20,000 baht. That is before I have eaten the first biscuit. I don't know what my monthly total is.
  3. This is my understanding as well. I would guess there are very few exceptions to this.
  4. What is the purpose of the prohibited list?
  5. "Violence against farangs happens daily." Not really a criticism of Thailand. Some types will find a beating wherever they go.
  6. One source of relief from a great deal of what the OP complains about: MYOB.
  7. Agreed. The types the OP describes are not completely useless... They can always serve as bad examples.
  8. So you think that foreign English teachers are taking jobs away from all the Thai people who wish to teach English?
  9. "I live in a part of Bangkok where I may not see another Westerner for six months or so." "Hard to imagine that is possible unless you live at the end of a dead end Soi and never leave the area around the house. " I can easily imagine it. I live in an eastern suburb of Bangkok with essentially no tourist attractions. I rarely see any westerners although I don't count the days. My workplace is next door to a TOPS market and TOPS is usually popular with westerners, but I rarely see any farangs. Although, I do occasionally see farangs, if I saw 2 in a day that would be exceptional. I used to live in Ratchayotin and same thing, could go days without seeing a westerner. Bangkok has a lot of neighborhoods where you won't see many westerners.
  10. Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. The problem is you.
  11. Sometimes people make this claim (that Nazis were socialists) because of the name of the party being National Socialists. But the Nazis were not socialists in spite of their name. They were not known for adhering strictly to the truth. Witness the doctrine of "The Big Lie".
  12. "The mad old woman can believe whatever she wants to believe. " Apparently she can't teach others those beliefs though.
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