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Posts posted by JOESHEAD

  1. I haven't used them for years and have no intention of musing them again until the whole industry is cleaned up.

    That's just it. You don't use them. I don't use them. The OP who started the thread doesn't use them. Nobody who has taken part in this thread uses them, so what's everybody getting their knickers in a twist about.

    I had no idea everybody was so principled that they are prepared to fight for a cause that has no bearing on themselves what so ever.

    They're there for the tourists primarily, and the vast majority don't seem to have any issues with them, so why not let them get on with it.

  2. Being "well situated" has nothing to do with land prices.

    It has nothing to do do with a single person's preference

    Must admit, your statement about location has nothing to do with land prices gave me the best laugh of the week,

    It's no accident that Patong has the highest land prices on the island.

    If that's the best laugh you've had all week, then may I suggest you get yourself out a bit more!

    A house being well situated has nothing to do with a persons preference??

    Patong has the highest land prices therefor a house in Patong is well situated for the airport, or for the BIS, or the phuket marina??

    What you're saying is, land in Patong is expensive because it's well situated for the amenities of Patong, but that land isn't worth a bucket of spit if you need to be within a 5 minute drive of the airport. For that, a house in Nai Yang is much better situated yet a fraction of the cost. Weather you can get your head around it or not, one does not always go hand in hand with the other.

    Still waiting for an answer to my question by the way!!

  3. "Being "well situated" has nothing to do with land prices."..... :):D:D:D:D

    Oh, that English sense of humour never fails to crack me up.

    So you couldn't answer the question either then!!

    What's well situated for one person may not be for another. The words well situated make reference to the things in the surrounding area and how far away they are. What those things are will be different for different people. The things you need and want to be near, may well be situated where the land prices are low, meaning there isn't necessarily a direct connection between land prices and a well situated property.

    Prove me wrong by answering my question. Given those four facts where will the house be which is best situated, if not Thalang??

  4. The amount of people coming to Phuket will never be affected by Tuk Tuk drivers, I assure you of that.

    That Mr.Joeshead is where you are so very very wrong.

    I totally refuse to be held hostage by these thugs charging more than a London taxi, so in November my wife and three other family members have booked into Kotakinabalu instead.

    So Mr. JH, you are wrong 5 times already!

    Sorry mate, that's not quite how it works. As you clicked on the 'Book Now' button to go where you're going (where is that) 1000 people clicked the 'Book Now' button to come to Phuket. Out of those 1000 people 999 of them will have a great holiday and 500 of them will probably come back again. If they don't it doesn't matter because another 1000 have just clicked the 'Book Now' button anyway.

    Global recession, changing trends and numerous other things may affect the tourism in Phuket. Tuk Tuks will not.

  5. Sorry, but Talang is not considered "well situated", if that is where your villa (read house) is located.

    Hmmm, I beg to differ there

    You can beg as much as you want. Doesn't change the fact that Talang has the cheapest land prices on the island and for a very good reason. It is a long way from the southern beaches and most of the tourist attractions.

    Being "well situated" has nothing to do with land prices. It's a subjective term. I only use one beach south of Bang tao, and even then only rarely, so being in the south wouldn't benefit me much.

    You didn't answer my question. If I have a boat in the Phuket Marina, a kid at the BIS, play golf at Laguna, and my favourite beach is Nai Thon, where would be a more "well situated " place to live than Thalang??

  6. With stories like these coming out every day, I'm cautiously optomistic change will come eventually.

    I'm going to throw caution to the wind and pessimistically say that things will undoubtedly stay the same.

    You sound like Melanie or Bob Dylan at Woodstock. I hate to tell you this, but they got it seriously wrong as well. This Tuk Tuk thing will eat you alive if you don't let it go.

  7. I spent all together in the last 20 years some years in Patong. I had never a big need to use Tuk Tuks or Motobike taxis, because I drive myself with car and Motobike. But sometimes I used and I use Tuk Tuks and Motobike taxis.

    I had never a bigger problem, I usualy drink not much alcohol and when, than I am still friendly and polite, my English is good, but Thai I still speak only some words which I always use.

    If the prices are to high they ask for, I say sorry, to expensive and usualy look for another driver.

    The price from Bangla to Nanai should now be in the early morning hours 200 B. when I on the way to a sexy adventure, I have no problem to pay that 4,5 Euro. I can live with that.

    Motobike is now about 40-50 Baht for Nanai to Soi Bangla, once a driver asked for 100 B. There is no argument than, I just move on.

    Alfredo you have made my night. Not only is your attitude spot on, but you express yourself better than most native English speakers on TV do. Dramas are so easily avoided if you're not an idiot. The huge majority of people get by in Thailand and Phuket without any run ins. Those of you that don't, maybe it's just you.

    Lets face it, when you're on the way to a 'sexy adventure' who cares who's driving?

  8. I am told that at least one other witness will be along soon to confirm my story as soon as he can get online.

    So that'll be one of your mates then??

    Let me guess, it happened just how you said.

    I haven't retracted anything I've said, as you claim. Sometimes conversations evolve and look at things on a larger scale. Apologies if you couldn't keep up. I have never said that I know what the Farang did, if anything, to cause the fracas, just that the probability was high that it was their own doing. The bigger picture was then being discussed. Other Tuk Tuk incidents and other bad behaviour by Farangs. Again, apologies if you couldn't keep up with the pace of the conversation.

    Your posts in the past have made it quite clear, that you are moments away from starting an anti Tuk Tuk movement, and dedicating your whole life to it. They're not that bad. Let it go.

  9. Joe, statistically, we are seing more and more negative incidents reported within this industry. I don't care who was at fault, however, 20 tuk-tuk drivers bashing 2 passengers draws attention, and that attention, is negative attention, and that negative attention results in lower numbers of passengers, which, I suspect, goes to increasing prices, in order to still maintain a similar profit margin (typic Thai business ethics). However, this will just create future conflict with passengers and more arguments, and when an argument ensues, that seems to be a green light for 20 other drivers to join in and bash the passengers and there's more negative publicity.

    Even if the 2 passengers, in this case, were in the wrong, HOW, can you justify the other 19 drivers joing in to bash the 2 passengers???? If this is an indication of the character of people who drive tuk-tuks in Phuket, what future has this industry got. The word is spreading through the media and internet not to use them, because of THEIR actions, not the actions of their passengers.

    Good post mate, although I must admit it threw me for a while, what with lack of sarcasm and bias. I'm afraid I still don't agree with you though.

    On Thai Visa, there's never anybody saying I told you so. I said this would happen and boom, there's the proof. It's only ever people making predictions that never come to fruition. The death of tourism in Phuket, the death of Tuk Tuks bla bla bla. It never happens.

    What people never get in to their heads, is for every, shock horror story on Thai Visa, Tuk Tuks have ferried tens of thousands of satisfied customers. People who weren't drunk, people who weren't abusive, people who didn't think there should be a baht bus, just people who wanted to get from A to B for 300 baht. That's why they were here 10 years ago, thats why they are here now, and that's why they will probably be here in 10 years time.

  10. a busy area ( tourists) and no videos or pictures have come out on this?

    Things like this are over as quick as they start. Unlikely footage will ever materialise. I would like to hear from the other Thai Visa members that witnessed the event, to hear if their account differs in any way from the OP. No disrespect 'Scubabuddha', I generally like your posts, but lets face it, 20 people was probably really 12 and I would guess no more than 8 of them landed any punches or kicks. Don't get me wrong that's still atrocious behaviour, but goes to show how things get exaggerated and blown way out of proportion. Think about it, 20 people around a Tuk Tuk! it would be physically impossible for them all to be actively involved. Unless they formed a queue of course. From the sound of the OP you would expect people to be on deaths door. The truth is probably a bruise or two. Again not making light of what happened, people just need to put a reality check on things.

  11. I didn't realize you knew the victims personally and had seen how this incident started. Glad we got that started out. We can close the book and the thread on this one now.

    BTW, why do you keep saying everyone is feeling sorry for the tourists and everyone is blaming the Thai's that started it? The posts have been fairly neutral and balanced. Your creating an argument against a position which doesn't exist. Everyone here knows that the tourists may have done something to start this.

    My discussion with 'F1fanatic' was talking in general terms and not referring to the original incident particularly, so your sarcasm, asking me if I knew the victims personally, is wasted.

    I think my original post was as about balanced and neural as they come. I said the drivers were wrong to retaliate the way they did, but there is a good chance, if not in this case then certainly in others, that they instigated their own beating with their behaviour, to which I have no sympathy. My lack of sympathy doesn't change just because their punishment was harsher than it needed to be.

    When 'NKMan' asked 'what will happen when 8 young guys on holiday refuse to get ripped off? he is undoubtedly implying that the tourists should be felt sorry for. When 'Thongkon' said 'people do silly things on holiday, you just let things go' he also was relieving the tourist of any blame. Just two examples of un-neutral posts, I'm sure there's plenty more.

    When you made your OP, it was just another, good old Thai Visa, anti tuk tuk post, where things always get blown out of proportion (I think the post about Thai men beating up old grannies is the new target to beat) I just think if they're going to get the constant attention (a lot of it deserved) then the pond life Farang, that are more often than not at the center of all trouble, should get a fair mention as well.

  12. O.K., but you've made no attempt to answer the points raised in my post - all of it, not just the bit you've quoted - although I would appreciate a response to that too.

    I kind of thought I just did!

    You seemed to imply that tourists are lulled in to a false sense of security, and aren't aware that the Thai mentality can be to retaliate mob handed, and if they knew maybe they would behave themselves better. My response to that was tough, play with fire and you'll get burnt.

    I also think your point is inaccurate because I believe the huge majority of tourists use Tuk Tuks without any negative feelings toward them or the driver, and that includes being happy to pay the price, which in holiday/tourist terms is pretty cheap. So as I said before, behave yourself, negotiate a price before you move and 99% of the time you will have no issues.

    You also said several times, that Thais were beating up people, without knowing the reason, just because they hate Farangs. I would suggest that Thai people, that way inclined, would be just as quick to pile in if their mate was hitting another Thai. Mob mentality is just that, there isn't to much logic or thought involved.

  13. If a drunken tourist starts a fight with a tuk-tuk driver, then he can expect a fight with the tuk-tuk driver - the same as in any other country. Again, the problem is that THE TOURIST DOESN'T KNOW that a large group of Thai's will join in just because they hate farangs!

    Be honest Joeshead, up until then the Thais have pretended they are incredibly friendly - how is the tourist to know that this is not the case at all??

    So your logic is that we should feel sorry for the drunk low life, playing up, being obnoxious, and throwing his weight around, because he didn't know what the consequences would be before hand??? That where I come from is called tough titties.

    I know before I say this people will ridicule, but I'll try not lose any sleep. People forget that Thai people are a small race, and having a huge Farang, who could easily be a foot taller than you and 5 stone heavier, being aggressive must be pretty daunting. No that means 20, 10 or even 5 to one is fair, but one on one certainly isn't either. Not all Thai men are proficient in Thai boxing.

  14. I am really sick or all these expat farangs who have been in Thailand so long and think they. know it all, Ex-pat's who look down on tourists as a breed below them.

    Who exactly do you think you are ??? You are not Thai that is for sure. Those who automatically blame the tourists especially in a situation where people are being beaten should do a double check of themselves.

    I would bet every person who blamed the tourist considers himself a ex-pat.

    I'm not an expat. Just someone who spends a lot of time in Phuket, and has done for a long time.

    I don't think it has anything to do with looking down on tourists. It's fairly obvious that ex-pats or long term residents, will have a different outlook and knowledge to that of tourists.

    Just as you're sick of ex-pats, I think you will find there are a lot of ex-pats who are sick of tourists coming to Phuket for two weeks and then shouting from the roof tops how bad it is, when quite clearly they have no clue.

  15. I live in a Tourist town, People do silly things when on holiday,You just let things go , because they keep you in a job , nobody deserves to be linched anywhere,

    Your not a politician from the UK by any chance are you?

    It's that wishy washy, spineless attitude, that people should get away with being tw*ts just because they put money in your pocket that turns countries in to sh!t holes.

    I'll say it again for those hard of reading: The Tuk Tuk drivers were wrong to do what they did, but if Farang didn't have this 'I'm on holiday, I'll do what ever I like' attitude, these things wouldn't happen. When they do, the blame has to fall at their feet first.

  16. Every decent Thai and foreign person I know is ashamed of the behaviour of the tuk tuk drivers. Yet somehow, for whatever reason, you've decided to turn this round and blame the foreigner. A mob beating is justified becuase farang pond life makes you sick.

    Many people are affected by the actions of the tuk tuk drivers. You can assure us all you like but you're in the minority on this one.

    I find it quite tedious when people can't read from one end of a thread to the other, without changing things and miss quoting. Please show me where I said that a mob beating is justified!! I think you'll find that in every post I made it's quite clear that I said other people getting involved was wrong. You would have to be a pretty strange person not to accept that.

    I did however, say, without the benefit of the complete story as no one has, that their behaviour was more than likely 100% the reason the incident happened. But saying that in no way condones the way the drivers reacted, but simply implies that if you're stupid enough to miss behave with such people then you can't expect sympathy when it goes wrong.

    Don't be a drunken <deleted> and you'll be just fine in a tuk tuk, and everywhere else in Phuket.

  17. It makes me wonder - who is to blame? the tourists showing off their wealth and being demanding and often rude when not receiving standards of service up to western standards, OR the locals in these areas just trying to grab as much money as quickly as possible with no concern or recognition of its origins (Tourism).

    The answer to that question is quite simply, both.

    What you and a huge amount of other people aren't smart enough to work out, either because you are tourists to Thailand or expats from elsewhere, who are tourists to Phuket, is that those two groups of people are just like the skin you get on top of a cup of tea when you leave it too long. Dim or over sensitive people may throw it away, but the fact of the matter is, underneath the layer of skin, the tea is just fine.

    Phuket will always be different to everywhere else in Thailand, simply because there is nowhere like it in the whole of the Kingdom, but there are plenty of good Thai people here, you just need to know where to look, and more importantly where not to.

  18. Some of those posts make me sick.

    Drunk, obnoxious, disrespectful, Farang, pond life make me sick. I bet you anything you care to wager, that I've seen more of those than you have badly behaved Tuk Tuk drivers.

    I hope you don't find yourself in the same predicament and expect sympathy.

    That's the whole point. Unless you are the tiny minority, (French family) It wont happen to anybody behaving themselves. Stand up everybody that's lived in Phuket for a while. Now sit down if you've never been attacked by a Tuk Tuk driver. What percent of the people standing are still standing?

    And if this happened in your home country would you be OK with that?

    I can't wait for the day that low life scum, get dealt with in an appropriate way. In my country the laws and the police enforcing them are a joke. Bring back the good old days of police men, clipping yobs round the ear without being taken to court, maybe my home country wouldn't be such a sh!t hole.

    I can only hope that enough tourists saw it and will take the vivid picture home with them and tell everyone never to come to Thailand!

    If only I had 10 Baht for every time someone made that naive comment. 99% of people use Tuk Tuks without a single issue, and that includes the high prices. The amount of people coming to Phuket will never be affected by Tuk Tuk drivers, I assure you of that.

  19. when, because of slippery road and malfunctioning breaks, my car crashed into a taxi coming from the opposite direction.

    Not condoning his behaviour, if that's what happened, but really??? Slippery road and malfunctioning brakes were the sole cause of the accident??? If the brakes were dodgy, it was your responsibility not to be driving over a mountain! Sorry, sounds highly dubious to me.

  20. Well seeing as how they know their fellow educated brethren get away with almost anything ( the driver in Kata that beat the crap out of a French family and his elderly parents, along with the most recent case of a tuk tuk murderer getting bail the next day for only 500K) why not jump in with all the others and beat the sh*** out of a tourist that argued over 300 baht? F***** geniuses and thugs.

    To all you clowns that say they deserved it, just be glad it wasn't one of your family members.

    I pointed out that the numbers involved was inappropriate, and uncalled for, but to automatically have sympathy for the tourists without knowing what they did, is just typical bias, which is to be expected on this forum when it comes to Tuk Tuks. I was suitable impressed that there were a few replies, not defending the drivers, but showing a lack of sympathy for the tourists, who lets face it were most likely misbehaving, before the 'Tuk Tuks are the bane of Phuket, mob gets in full stride, which they undoubtedly will.

    You quoted the French family from a while back. A violent, unprovoked act like that is not a common occurrence, how many more example are there?

    It does highlight however, that people know their reputations, and either should abstain from using them or make sure they don't provoke any trouble. If they do, then surely they deserve anything that happens to them.

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