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Posts posted by wildknights

  1. Child Labour?

    I worked since I was 13 years of age. First delivering free newspapers, then in restaurants and hotels and later in a travel business when I reached 17. There was nobody to protect me and the many others who still work during their teen years back in sunny England.

    LOL So true...

    however you chose to do those things and I guess in your free time, correct? I think this is forced and instead of education etc.

  2. It shows why we allow discussion of the LM laws, but not a discussion of the Royal Family itself. Keep that in mind when posting.

    We are all guests in this country. We must respect the rules and laws of the host country whether we agree or not.

    It is better to be safe and free than to be sorry and in jail... unless one enjoys fish head soup 2 times a day, every day.


    Wish 'guests' in my home country took this attitude. One of the main reasons I left!

  3. The amusing part of the letter handed in to the U.N. by the Red Shirts was that the current situation here is like it was in the Congo citing genocide ethnic cleansing and rampant abuses of civil rights by torture etc.

    This was from a reliable source who is a U.N. staffer and actually read the letter, said letter was filed in the rubbish file.

    Methinks we should recall Thaksins memorable remark.

    ''The United Nations is not my father''

    and your point is?

  4. I am ferang and I agree with the Red Shirts. Most of the people I talk to who do not support the Red shirts are almost totally ignorant of the facts behind the issues errr like the winning of elections and what democracy is.

    However I have to disagree with you a little. Sure I am Ferang but I live here AND I pay my tax course I have a right to speak out.

    I would also like to point out, having seen the red shirts demo's and enjoyed the good spirited PEACEFUL manner they are conducted they are a different breed to the violent yellow shirts who caused such problems when they lost the last election.

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