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Posts posted by oldgent

  1. 2 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Or perhaps the car was travelling on the highway the motorcycle and side car entered from a side road without looking, no lights etc......


    I prefer to wait hear the full details before I join the "hang em high" crowd.

    I forgot to add if Guilty. but this is Thailand and Car verses motor bike 

  2. 10 hours ago, Ossy said:

    Ossy's Headlines: Thailand's 2 most under-performing elements, law and order (the RTP, under the Interior Minister) and education do not see new faces at the top positions. Prayut is evidently satisfied that, whilst his invisible police force oversee the world's deadliest roads, his education ministry is responsible for Thailand's shameful position - 48th out of 70 - on the table of education performance indicators, measured amongst the world's so-called developed nations.


    Prayut, it would seem, is happy with these awful figures, so I guess there will be little improvement in either department during the next 12 pre-election months . . . INTERESTING. Is that a gun he's holding to his head? His best idea, yet.

    looking crazy.jpg

    there is something missing in the photo .. O yes got it the gun

  3. ok looks like i,m touching a nerve that,s why you are not answering me.

    reading from your reply,s I think you are a family man and a loving father

    and can not bear to be apart from your family, but you have to make sarcrafices

    in life, and now is the time. your wife must have family so they will help her and give her a 

    place to stay . its time to man up do the right thing

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