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Posts posted by sicktodeathofit

  1. Never ceases to amaze me how a legitimate post involving the US seems to bring out all the ThaiVisa cheap shot artists. How many who have posted responses actually hold US passports? So why should the OP concern you? Pretty pathetic.

    probably in response to all the pathetic drum beating from the sceptics and their false sense of importance, and I guess also in response to the sad comments that the same sceptics choose to write in any thread involving 'brits'.

    Get over yourself, the world does not involve around you as much as you like to think it does. :)

    Post of the week by TW. :D

  2. No words are needed, every time the Reds talk about being peaceful , show this which happened last Friday at Din Daeng, do you think his body has been turned in or just disappeared to keep the PR story intact


    Disgusting sickening animals, the parasites that harmed the soldier are the lowest scum form on planet earth, mindless, buffalo mentality imbeciles, I pray you are punished servilely for your crimes against your own blood.

  3. This is why I love living here see. You can pretend to be who you want, me well i haven't got a pot to piddle in so what I say is and have been saying the same thing for years, is, "the property market will crash here" it works a charm and gets me out of embarrassing situations with others who I know from back home who bought here 10 years ago, I was running out of excuses but after the Bangkok troubles its giving me more ammunition (no pun intended) to back up my claim. So here I am got nothing and never will have, i often join in on forum threads about the FTSE, Gold, which way the markets going etc....i dont have an absoulte clue what im on about but people think i do, so if you got nothing like me just tell people "its gonna crash im not buying anything here" just rent your little room and your honda wave and stand in the bars with your head high and shout "I'm a millionaire but i wouldn't buy anything here!"

  4. Some of you people are so anal and deter people asking questions. I can't see anything wrong with someone asking about happy hours?

    No harm in asking I am genuinely intrigued though if it really makes a big difference in ones life if one bar sells a beer for 5,10,15 or even 20 baht a bottle cheaper then the other bar, does it really make a big difference in ones life? I'm not having a pop just interested to know.

  5. Does anyone believe any promise Abhisit makes? Hasn't he promised all of this before? Maybe someone should tell him the cry wolf story. What a useless prime minister, hate him or not at least Thaksin had the balls to do things not just talk, talk, talk,promise, promise, promise. Most anti red Thais I know dont think Abhisit is capable of doing his job and want rid of him. Enough is enough disolve parliament in 3 months time and lets have elections we will see just how popular he is then. :)

    Abhisit is becoming more and more popular as each day goes by, he's a very smart man.

  6. Whats with this stupid word stretched out at the end of the sentence I keep hearing all about?

    I like you suuuuuurrrrrreeee

    I come back suuuuuurrrreee

    I big money suuuuureeeeeee

    Yeah right, jog on you lemon.

  7. My gal pays her way with her platinum card everywhere we go. I met her by chance whilst looking to buy some Gold in China Town. Her family are very affluent and of Chinese origin. She drives a Benz has skin whiter then an albino's backside and speaks proper English fluently. Guess we all not as lucky as me, oh well such is life, chin chin.

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