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Posts posted by rubin

  1. Bpuumike, thank you for your reply, yes I know where amber is produced, however just curious are there any dealers of amber in Thailand?

    The most knowledgeable gem dealer I know, and he is very knowledgeable, is Kh. Lee at Thai Gemstones and have dealt with him for some 10 years.

    I don't know if the mod gods permit the rest of this, in which case PM.

    They have what sounds like a very unsalubrious location inside the Nana Hotel on BKK Sukhumvit Soi 4 but have been established there for many years.

    Enter the Nana Hotel, keep walking directly ahead across the foyer and you will eventually find them on the right.

    They seriously know gemstones and will know if genuine amber is available. If you decide to visit then send me a PM as I'm sure my name would get you some sort of discount.

    Disclaimer: I have no business relationship with Thai Gemstones, I am merely a satisfied customer of many years and they know their stuff.

    Many thanks, Bpuumike, I'll PM you before visiting Thai Gemstones.

  2. The latest Reuters polls show that only 20% of the Americans support aggression against Syria, 53% of the people are AGAINST it.

    Yes, and it also says a whole lot about Russians fot Russia supporting a war criminal commiting genocide. If Russia for once would step up and do the right thing, it would end a lot of suffering for innocent women and children. Alas, Russia and Putin care little about suffering caused to it own people so why should they care about poor little Strian children getting toasted by napalm.

    And the whole story shows a lot about a small part (20%) of American people supporting Syrian 'opposition' bandits from Al Quaeda, Chechnya and Kosovo massacring its own people and slitting throats of Christian priests. These part of people are constantly being brainwashed or just don't know much what the suffering, loss and war is.

  3. The latest Reuters polls show that only 20% of the Americans support aggression against Syria, 53% of the people are AGAINST it.

    So what? Where's your link anyway? It's just a poll. Leaders make decisions based on what's right for their country, not polls.

    BTW, right now I wish my old hero JOHN KERRY was president, not Obama. Obama seems to have lost his mojo. This isn't good for the world. I wish it wasn't true, but he's too bloody WEAK.

    Here is your link http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/31/un-experts-pull-out-syria-as-obama-edges-toward-limited-strike/

  4. You know, in Russia no one cares what the West is thinking about it. And I'd refrain to address to the whole World, which is big and does not consist of America lovers.

    In Russia, one is not allowed to go against the government's opinion. It can end up with you in jail or worse.

    Yes, in Russia anyone who is against the government is quartered on the Red Square by a drunk bear. How did you know that?

    • Like 1
  5. This classified report containing some secret proofs which can not be disclosed to public are beyond any criticism. The UN specialists on chemical weapons have arrived to the Hague today and are asking 2 weeks to make the results. Then we will know the truth, but now it reminds Mr Bush's operation of eradication of the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which were not found.

  6. Putin is defending Russia's national security interests in the Middle East same as Mr Obama is doing for his own country. This controversy can be endless.

    However, Putin is calling for peace and negotiations while the US is calling for war and punishment for unproven facts of the Syrian govt using chemicals. Putin is supporting Assad but whom does Obama support? The Al Qaeda, Chechen, Kosovo bandits from all over the world from the ''opposition'' who are cutting heads of the Roman Catholic priests in front of guerrillas' children who will grow up and will be chopping heads of the Americans and EU troops fighting in the next Middle East wars.

    • Like 2
  7. Russian President Vladimir Putin urges U.S. President Barack Obama to think about possible fatalities in Syria if he decides to launch a military operation against this country.

    "I would like to address Obama as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate: before using force in Syria, it would be good to think about future casualties," Putin told journalists in Vladivostok on Saturday.

    "Russia is urging you to think twice before making a decision on an operation in Syria," he said.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has welcomed the British parliament's decision not to sanction the United Kingdom's participation in a possible military operation against Syria, noting that this decision was an absolute surprise to him.

    "The British parliament's decision on Syria is an absolute surprise to me. It shows that there are people guided by common sense there," Putin told journalists in Vladivostok on Saturday.

  8. NeverSure, c'mon your own president Mr Obama is saying:

    On Friday, Obama said such attacks threaten U.S. national security interests by violating international norms against the use of chemical weapons. He said he had not yet made a final decision about what course of action to take in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons, but said the world "has an obligation" to maintain the norm against the use of such weapons.

    norms = laws

  9. MOSCOW, August 30 (RIA Novosti) – US President Barack Obama should be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize if the United States carries out a military strike on Syria, Alexei Pushkov, head of the Russian parliament’s International Affairs Committee, said Friday.

    “If the United States attacks Syria without UN approval, the global community should demand that the Nobel Committee strip Obama of his peace prize,” the senior lawmaker wrote on his Twitter page.

    He added that the United States did not have the right to speak on behalf of NATO or the global community.

    “The United Kingdom’s refusal to support aggression against Syria is a serious blow to the arguments of [armed intervention] supporters in both NATO and the US,” Pushkov wrote.

    UK Prime Minister David Cameron suffered a historic defeat in a vote on Syrian intervention on Thursday, when the UK parliament voted down a motion calling for a “strong humanitarian response” to the two-year civil war.

    Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” according to a statement on the prize’s website.

    Activist site RootsAction.org has gathered nearly 24,000 signatures on a petition to revoke Obama’s peace prize because “his increasing intervention in Syria promises the loss of even more than the nearly 100,000 lives already needlessly sacrificed.”

  10. The organizers of the Miss Universe 2013 show intend to hold the event in Moscow in spite of the "anti-gay" law.


    ... and another piece of information for those who might does not know:

    SPI Group which produces Vodka "Stoli" (Stolichnaya) and "Moskovksaya" is not a Russian company. These brands even are not sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. The headquarters of SPI Group is in Luxembourg. The production is exported from Latvia. Only some ingredients are imported from Russia and the Group has one of its factories in Russia. ....whistling.gif

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