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Posts posted by rockinrobin

  1. Hi all. I would like to start the process of vaccination and thought that the pink ID card would be a good place to start. Without reading through the numerous threads on this subject, my understanding is a yellow house book is mandatory to get the pink card. However as I own the condo I stay in I have a blue house book not a yellow one. I haven't bothered to get my name put into the blue book yet but would be willing to start the process if it's possible as a foreigner.

    So my question is : can I then use the blue book to get the pink ID card if it has my name in it ?


  2. 6 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    HI Richardlg,

    I just PM-ed you the latest update of the Roadmap to convert to a Non Imm O - retirement Visa.

    The process-steps to be taken are still same, but the document now contains much more info on the requirements to be met in each step (as well as caveats).  

    Also please note, that since end of February there is now FINALLY the option to subscribe to a somewhat affordable thai IO-approved health-insurance policy.  LMG Insurance now offers such a policy for 6.000 THB first year premium in the 51-60 age-bracket.  Obviously the policy is worthless content-wise, but it can be used as an entry-ticket to meet the health-insurance requirement when applying for your OA-retirement extension.  At that price it is worth considering as it would avoid having to exit Thailand and start the process to convert to a Non Imm O - retirement Visa and subsequent extension.

    Hi Peter. I PM-ed you too, can you send me the same details you sent to Richardlg ? Thanks.

  3. Sorry to be an ignoramous, but as a pissed off True Visions subsciber who only watches it for the football (after they took the cheap American option and got rid of the BBC), what would be the easiest/best option for me to switch to another signal. The option of cable isn't even possible where I stay as the condo isn't connected to the local grid. As it is a condo a small dish (same size as TrueVis') is the only possibility. These " Dream boxes" and other Vietnam satellite signal details are all well and good but I need some details in layman's terms, i.e. where do I go to buy a box/dish, what name of box, how to set up etc. Any advise would be gratfully received, thanks.

  4. Asahi beer the same quality as made in Japan ! What utter nonsense. It taste's the same as all the other Thai beers , a mixture of fizzy water and chemicals, using rice as the cheaper grain source. The main barrier to foreign beers entering the local market in Thailand is the profit margin from selling to expat foreigners is too small. Tourists don't care what they drink as the surroundings take precedence over the product ( anything cold while watching a beach sunset or a pretty girl gyrating around a steel pole) and Thais have been indoctrinated over many years to prefer the awful local piss. Granted, with the alcohol advertising ban , it is difficult for new brands to establish themselves in the Thai market but that can only be remedied by hoping that the more enlightened locals encourage their countrymen to be a bit more adventurous ( I know , it won't happen).

    I travel frequently to Vietnam and the beer there is just no comparison to here as each village and small town seems to have a brewery and in the big cities there are brewers making German Weize beer and Czech Pilsen as well as the international beers that actually taste like their original cousins, Carlsberg, Heineken, Tiger etc. I know it's just a pipe dream but couldn't just one of the local brewers produce a similar product that's actually drinkable .

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