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Posts posted by lehmann

  1. I use all of them, for different reasons, xanax, diazepam, alprazolam and lorazepam. As everybody say, higly adictive.

    For the sleep problem, my doctor gave me Mirtazapine , Ir's an antidepresesant, but in dosis of 7 mg, will not make you effect of antidepressant, is not addictive but will give you a very powerfull secondary effect....sleepy. Will sleep all that you want and more. In fact too much, so take only if you have time enought to sleep next day. But the sensation of resting is so pleasant, than I feel wonderfull.

    Oh....somebody of here use zolof? or sertralina? if you use, pm me.

  2. My neightborn is a couple of a 10 years old daugther, and the parents. They sleep together. First time I wondered they do, and it seems they have sex daily with her in front.

    My wife and me have a son, and I said I will not accept my son sleep with me in the same bed, in the same room in a small bed until he grow, is ok, but when he had 6 months he would need to go.

    At the end she go to his room to sleep with him in the same bed.

    I sleep alone in a superbig bed......I'm very happy that way, when I wanna play, I call her and ready.

    With this hot weather, I preffer to sleep alone...is colder...:-)

  3. (sorry for my poor english)

    In the day when I did (3 years ago) I asked a lawyer and said to me:

    1. You can do a lease contract for 30 years and renew it each 30

    2. You can also do a contract of lend money to her, that she must return you. And as a garanty, the home

    It seems the 2º is better (I do not remember why) , but she must inscribe in the title property of the land. I signed this with her, although she never put in the title land she have a borrow with me. And the bad part, she must declare as an income to the government

    Allow me be evil. If for any reason you need to use by the law, she is the one that have the problem if she do not declare the income. When she sign for the land property, she told she got the money by herself...so another problem for her.

    Besides, I'm a full believe of the GPTLF , so....keep also something you can use in the case you need (Imagine for yourself, there are many things you can hold).

  4. Congratulations to this man.

    I will tell you my experience with a fire in my home in the first days of the month. My neighbourn is an american living with a thai, the rest of the homes are thai people.

    I wake up at 3 AM because i can not breath, all was full of smoke. I tried go down , but unable to do because the smoke. The real problem of a fire is the smoke, this is the dangerous thing.

    I escaped through the window to the roof, and then i jumped until the floor. It was painfull, but only later, because at this moment i did not feel nothing. I called the firemans and meanwhile, I started look through all the windows to locate the fire.

    It was in the kitchen, it seems a wire was not enought strong to support the power of the freezer and burn. As the food were near the fire, it start to burn.

    In fact, the fire was not so big, but the fumes were very big.

    Meanwhile I extinguish the fire from the outside with the water, nobody come to help me. I mean, the neighbourn were so weak to hide behind the window, and just observe hiding himself, as if i could nor see him.

    The other neighbourn (thai) , his priority was getting out the cars from his home, I guess he think they can burn. But of course they did not come to help or to ask me about nothing.

    The rest of the neightbourns, just looked from they terraces or balconies, but none come to help.

    The firemens arrived in 10 minutes, although the fire was already off, they were very helfull and professional. Ask if there is somebody more, if i am ok, blah..blah....and they take care the fire is off. They come later some hours before to let see all is ok.

    As soon as the firemans arrived (10 minutes after) the neightbourns start to arrive asking to know what happened, simulating nobody knew nothing, including the american go down and start asking very surprise about the fire.

    My conclusion? If you have a fire, take care by yourself, because if you expect somebody help, except you have a big luck to find somebody like a volunteer, you are condemned.

    I live at KKH. So, my congratulations again to the firemans of KhonKaen. They were fast and helfull, and not a weaks chickens like the rest of my neightbourns.

    • Like 1
  5. Probably the problems are others, hehe. I did recently pay the taxes for a packet comming from USA. They charge me 33% of taxes. I was scared.....it's incredible. I thought they was wrong, so I check on the web of the government to see what they calculate and how. I located a sample of how to calculate:


    After looking the sample, i decided to close my mouth and do not claim so much, because as the web said....can be much worst. sigh....

  6. Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

    Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

    Just assuming you're serious for a moment, Mao killed by the million only his own people, and that by accident. Hitler deliberately murdered tens of millions of Europeans and others as a part of his attempt at world domination, and specifically tried to exterminate the whole Jewish race. Can you see the difference?

    Sorry, but your data are wrong. Mao caused the direct killing between of 6 to 10 million people in China. Only on the tibet were 800.000 deads.

    In the "laolai" 50 millions of people were imprisioned and it's estimated 20 millions were killed on them

    So.....Mao was much worst than Hitler in terms of death. And seriously, I do not believe Mao give much better conditions to the politic prisioners than hitler.

    Of course, this doesn't make Hitler a good person, but Mao was worst in my opinion

    It's not just about body counts! Hitler destroyed countries, cultrues, and would liked to have wiped out certain races of peoples too. Germany caused two devestating world wars in a relatively short times space which cost the lives of many millions and changed the world forever. China suffered terribly under Japanese imperial forces, and then had to suffer communism under Mao. China has not caused world wars.

    Yes, you are right, but china had make political influence over the neightborns with similar results as Hitler did.

    Take a look at





    Korea (North)....

    The list is long

    In many of those countries, the culture were distroyed, and the population anhiquilated only by the creences (for example Tibet). They anhiquilate (or try) the religion (buda, or any other) and impose a political mind over the people by the force.

    Sincerely, I do not see any difference with the effects you are telling. It's the same, point by point.

  7. Stop bringing your western values to Thailand... they don't work here.

    Hitler is just a historical figure, no worse than Chairman Mao.. so get over it.

    Just assuming you're serious for a moment, Mao killed by the million only his own people, and that by accident. Hitler deliberately murdered tens of millions of Europeans and others as a part of his attempt at world domination, and specifically tried to exterminate the whole Jewish race. Can you see the difference?

    Sorry, but your data are wrong. Mao caused the direct killing between of 6 to 10 million people in China. Only on the tibet were 800.000 deads.

    In the "laolai" 50 millions of people were imprisioned and it's estimated 20 millions were killed on them

    So.....Mao was much worst than Hitler in terms of death. And seriously, I do not believe Mao give much better conditions to the politic prisioners than hitler.

    Of course, this doesn't make Hitler a good person, but Mao was worst in my opinion

    • Like 1
  8. Why not? This is speech freedom . We can agree with them or not, but meanwhile they do not hurt nobody, is ok in my opinion. Anyway, If we hide the history and deny our past, the people will forget what happened. I list on Ebay many times medals of Hitler (militaria items) , there are always some stupid people that complain and many times they shutdown my ad. What they think? The medals and the history will be forgotten? NO. We must tell the history, and do not FEAR it.

    If somebody wanna admire Hitler, maybe we should ask ourselves "why?" , and then look for the ways to fix or educate. The censure is not a way for nothing, we only achieve to make it more fascinating and misterious.

  9. I am a patient with epilepsy (ausences) that was taking levetiracetam and oxcabarmacepin , but now they have changed me the medication to Lyrica. Apart to have ruin my stock of Levetiracetam and Oxcabarmacepin I must invest a lot of money buyin Lyrica. Do somebody a good place they sell in a cheap way? I was at RAM hospital, and they sell to me but at a very expensive price. I'm at KK, but can go anywhere to Isaan

    Any idea?


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