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Posts posted by chargers2011

  1. Where can I watch the AFC and NFC championship games this weekend. They are on at odd times. I think the AFC game is on at 3:00am and the NFC game is on at 6:00am. My order of preference is:

    1. Bar

    2. Hotel bar/restaurant

    3. Hotel TV (will they have it on TV at the hotel?)

    4. Online (what website can I go to?)

    I'll be staying at the Bossotel Inn and would like to watch the games near there.

  2. My wife is a Thai national with American citizenship. She wants to bring her mother-in-law to America. She wants to get her mom USA permanent residency (a green card). American lawyers cost too much money. I can fill out the paperwork in America, but my mother-in-law would need help in Thailand with all that she would have to do (paperwork, interview, etc.). My mother-in-law lives in Chaiyaphum. Anybody know any good Visa companies/lawyers in Bangkok or Chaiyphum that charge a fair price.


  3. Will the Sports Corner Bar be showing Denver Broncos/NE Patriots game. I believe the game is on LIVE at 8:00am on Sunday mourning. What about the New Orleans/SF 49ers game? I think that one is on at 4:30 am.

    Just got off the phone with HomeRun Bar. They will be playing the NO/SF game live. Don't steal my seat wink.png

    Where is the HomeRun Bar? Will they be serving beer at 5:00am in the mourning?

  4. Here in America, on the weekends, I go out and about during the day. At night, I drink my beers and watch sports. I find going out to the bars in America kind of boring (or maybe, I'm boring). I'll be going to Thailand soon. There, I love going to the bars. I'll be bar hoping every night and drinking on average 10 Singhas. The bars are a lot of fun in Pattaya/Bangkok. American bars suck, unless you're a young 20 something or a regular old alcoholic barfly.

  5. I've been drinking for 23 years and a functional alcoholic for about 15 years now. I don't drink everyday. I usually just drink on my days off. When I was single, I didn't worry about my drinking (one of the good things about being single). Now I have to keep it under control because I have a wife and a young boy. I know when I get drunk, my wife looks at me and thinks "what a loser". Last week, I decided to quit drinking until my next vacation to Thailand in November. I've never quit drinking before and I'm sure it won't be easy. I want to drink again, but I want to do a better job of being under control. I want to keep it under 6 beers/day on my days off and during vacations. I'm going to do my best to control it, because I don't want to be like my sister and two brothers. They can't drink at all because they became alcoholics to maximum.

    Best of luck, mate. Make the most of your sobriety, and you might not want to go back...

    Your health will benefit, though you might not notice it at first, and you'll be able to get more done; I'd have never got the job I'm in now if I'd been drinking - I'd not have been so positive and fresh at the interview, even if I had had nothing to drink on the plane over... just the general lethargy of too many late nights would have taken its toll.

    See you in November!


    It's only been a week without a drink for me. You are right, I do get so much more done. I get to spend a lot more time with my boy and wife (although I still need my alone time). I exercise every day and I'm committed to getting rid of my beer belly by November. Also, things are much more easy going. I'm not in a hurry to get all family duties out of the way so that I can drink. I'm even going to start meditating. I'm 44 years old and I can feel my body deteriorating. Time for a change.

    I was able to quit for 2 months. Back to drinking usual. I buy an 18 pack of beer on the weekend and I drink at home. I have it under control right now, but it will only get worse in the future.

  6. In America, letting a 2 year old baby swim in a sewer would be called "child endagerment" and could get you arrested. I guess I'll let my boy boy swim in the pool at the hotel instead. Also, Ko Larn sounds like a nice day trip, thanks. Would it be ok to let him just walk and play in the water in Pattaya, without dunking his head? By the way, he has never been to the beach and he might enjoy it.

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