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Posts posted by mrjonyoung

  1. On 5/3/2015 at 10:22 PM, andrewrooney said:

    Mostly? It will avoid all the toll roads, but there are a couple bridges like Rama 8 that aren't toll roads but bikes aren't allowed. Otherwise you should be good.

    There are numerous roads you can't drive on.  Even if you select AVOID TOLLS and AVOID HIGHWAYS Google maps does not avoid motorcycle restricted roads completely. 

  2. So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

    I should be ashamed? Did you study at <deleted>? You cant really be that simple minded. The Father just did the same thing! How is that any better?

    It is very presumptive to think the Thai was wrong. She must have had proper documents to exit the country, and I am sure she might have had some reason for leaving even if it was that she just didn't love her husband.

    What did the child want? that is the real question.

    My wife just left with my 1 y/o son 4 days ago. I still have my 3 y/o daughter. At this moment, I don't know where he is. In Thailand according to the law she has the right to take her children where ever she wants. AND so do/did I. Had I known that before I would have beat her to the punch. But is it right? Am I gonna snatch my kid and go hide somewhere because Thai law allows it? Hopefully I can contact my kids mother, my legal wife, and settle this in Thai court. I hate my wife, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love our kids.

    All said and done, there is just too much missing information in this story to justify this radical move. The fact that it's his "X-wife" is most confusing.

    When did they divorce- before or after she left? and Who was given custody and from what country?

    I am not fond of Tai people, but they have the right to their family members as well, no matter how hard it is to accept that right now.

  3. My expectations are: 1. To let Thai schools make my children happy and 2. To leave any real education to extracurricular activities.

    I know one guy who has home-schooled his 12 daughter with good results. But, socially she is deficient. Most of us dont have the will or the way to do that, besides.

    I think with a good personal plan for home education you can supplement what Thai education lacks (which is almost everything except maybe math).

    FYI I am teacher on the university level and have 5 years exp in TH schools.

    My biggest recommendation for young learners is Starfall.com. My 3 YO daughter loves it and her English as well as counting and shapes and ++ are coming so fast!

    I worry about this topic and dont think you can just let thing happen as they will. Thai schools seem just fine up to the age of 4-5 and then I will have to make some harder decisions.

  4. Anyone seeing activity like this?

    Myself and 3 other teachers just received 6 month contract renewal and no pay raise (2-3% is standard and was given last renewal).

    We have been given no specific info about why.

    All 4 teachers are from different countries and been employed between 1 - 8 years. Myself only 1 year.

    Since we can only speculate as to why, (no money etc) I wanted to know if others out there have run into the same mess.

    I do not wish to mention the name of the University. It is a well know and respected government school with relatively high standards.

    Thanks for any info you have. Very concerning activity for those of us with kids and no marriage visa.

  5. The daily dose of what?

    Suggestions welcomed here:

    Exactly. Maybe I should stop reading ThaiVisa because between all the stupid jokes and bad taste this country scares the crap out of me right now. Too much death and negligence. I have children here and don't feel like I can protect them from the stupidity out there. Yeah yeah, I know "Don't like it, go home!" Right?

  6. Not sure where you are based but that wholewheat flour is also sold in Best supermarket near the dolphin roundabout in Pattaya.

    I used to live in Pattaya but moved up north to Chiang Mai a few years ago when the Russians invaded. Nothing against the Russians, just giving a reference of time.

    It just so happens that only after 2 years in Chiang Mai, the Chinese invaded. blink.png It's still nice though. Just have to be careful when driving because they are hell on wheels.

    I'll ask around up here and see if I can find the flour. Baking my own sounds like a good idea.

    I got an English friend who's Thai wife makes some killer bread in the bread machine. I am inspired to ask her for the recipe. It was a dark bread, really dense and very flavorful, with lots of seeds and some nuts. Had a slight sour taste with a nice sweet finish. Course I'd rather just pay her to make it for me. I will post the recipe once it is divulged.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    PM to lift martial law, invoke Section 44 of interim constitution


    Is he waving to his imaginary fan club in this picture?

    This guy is so full of himself that he will never hand over the power until his last breath.

    It isn't very clear but is that the hunger salute or the Carabao salute?

    he is making the "i lub you" sign.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I'm beginning to suspect that all is not well inside the German airline industry. First, you have a group of Germanwings pilots refuse to fly their planes after this crash. Adolf Galland, they're not. And, now, the keys to a plane with 149 people on it being given over to a 28 year old just two years out of the company flight school. Soft, soft, soft. Not exactly the same sort of stuff that went into Ernst Udet, who had the decency to do himself in while alone. These Germans seem emotionally fragile, sloppy, and downright weak.

    What a load of nonsense!!

    So because of one nutcase you classify all German pilots as emotionally fragile??

    Are you German....................................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4
    Actually its good that the pilots did not fly.. they might have felt stressed after this accident. They lost two coworkers who they might have known well. Stressed people make mistakes.. that is something you don't want on a plane. So in a way they chose for safety.

    If you loose close co worker in general it will impact you and sure you can act tough and step over it.. but if that causes you to make errors. That would be real bad.

    (just speculating here on the reason but seems valid enough)

    I dont want a pilot that cant deal with stress 24/7 no matter how emotional he may be.

    I think he was dealing fairly well. If it is true that his breathing was normal then that shows something very strange in deed. It is pretty difficult to put ones self in that situation, but I am 100% sure that I would have been experiencing fast breathing; even if it was intentional. There could be more here.

  9. Not everyone is a rich falang. I am of simple means and on salary from a university that does not afford me to save much. I have 2 kids who I would do anything for. If I got sick it would not be too long before I would lose my job and run out of cash. Then what? Am I a dead beat? "Scurvy bilge"? i "live" here whether or not I have permission. I dont have the 400K that would make my visa option simple so I am stuck. It is not a stretch to think I could become an intentional over stayer should the circumstances arise. I don't like the "black list". Life is not black and white.

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