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Posts posted by skylark

  1. while not about Buddhism, he did have to keep coming back until he got it right.

    and forest gump...very Buddhist mind set

    but then i am not buddhist so <deleted>

  2. my contract has just expired, and part of the contract was a 1 way airline ticket valued up to 32,000 bhat.

    the school did purchase a ticket for me useing cash and gave it to me, the etkt is 100% refundable. The problem is i am not going home my family is here and it would be way too expeinsive at this time to send all of us

    so can i cash that ticket in....it is in my name

    stupid question but i am confused.'

  3. And to me it's a real tast of Thailand

    Green leaf wrapped around dried shrimp, chopped garlic and shallots chopped peanuts and taramind sauce....fantastic

    does anybody know the name of this dish


  4. I think i read this first if a lonely planet guide.

    but in the 70s. I guess 5 Hong Kong Kung <deleted> master traveled to Bangkok to fight 5 top muai thai boxer.

    fights last 6 minutes TOTAL with the Kung <deleted> master being knocked each time in the first round.

    not sure if it's true but if so damm impressive

    regarding the post standard boxing vs muai thai ....spot on one thing is muai thai fights keep their arms a more seperated to block against kicks and elbows

  5. I just finished teaching my first semester at a govt high school in north Thailand. I have some obversations and was wondering is this the norm?

    1. BUDGET: The school just planted new grass for the soccer pitch, installed new goal posts, bleachers and 2 concession stands, yet the teachers here have to purchase our own chalk, white board markers and the school needs many more computers for both staff and students. Also basic construction work holes in the floors, toilets not working etc.

    2.I teach m1-3 12 classes 4 levels for total of 340 students. On average is this a hard group to teach? being a first time teacher I have nothing to comare it to.

    3. My tefl teachers told us to never bend or kneel to student level in Thailand as teachers hold a lot of respect and should be seen at a higher level. But I found that to be total bs in fact when i kneel and talk soft the students smile and respond, they consider me to be very kind and it seems to be paying off based on their work/grades.

    4. The director loves to hold meetings some last 4 hours or more, And we must attend even if I have no idea what he is talking about (meetings are in thai) But I did have a fellow teacher translate part of one meeting and he said the director mentioned the school is behind in academics this took 5 minutes however the director spent 30 minutes telling us about the Budda run where all the students race to this buddha statue, he wanted the teachers to observe, monitor etc .

    5 TATTOOS The director prefers I wear long sleeve shirts and I do but a couple of times they were being washed so I wore short sleeves. Well the students would ask questions in English about my Tattoos. and not just my good students but my ''sweathogs'' as well .

    6. GIRLS With english the girls for the most part are light years ahead of the boy's .

    7. LADYBOY'S many in my classes and they make me laugh. I see Thailand is much more open than the west. I do wonder is this just a passing phase for many of them.



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