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Posts posted by jinn007

  1. Glad this prick is dead! sorry it took so long! Glad that they got one of his son I hope there were more! But 35 miles from the capital of Pakistan supports that this country was hiding him for years especially the size of the compound which stood out like a palace! This government has lots to answer for and U.S. should seriously think about stopping support this country with money! If they are being overun by Al Quada they deserve it. They should keep his body frozen and once the World Trade Towers are built should throw his body down from the top to celebrate. I myself am heading down to Walking Street tonight to celebrate with some ping pongs.

    Nobody said this man was not scum. But i think you are very short sighted. And maybe the U.S. should remove their troops from around the globe and concentrate on all the shit they have going on in the U.S. And let those who have oil decided who to sale it to and who not to sale it to and then maybe the world would be a better place for all of us .Have you ever served in the armed force? most of the soldiers believe that they are doing no good for the countries they are based in and would rather be at home having a cold one not walking around waiting to be shoot ,blow up in some shit hole were the majority of the countries people think you have no right there . When the f** k will it end.

    You are the idiot that you are! Short sighted, I suggest you look in the mirror! I'm just as liberal as the next person but people like you just don't get the big picture! I don't agree to everything the U.S. has done and I had certainly preached what is happening today to our own domestic economic problem! You are the type of person who say don't drill for oil but is the first to complain why gas is so expensive. You are the type of person who protest that we can't cut down one tree and have a house in the woods and when it burn down you are the first to wonder why it happen and quickly ask where is FEMA and my cash? You are the type of person who claim jobs are being shipped out of the country and is the first in line after Thanksgiving outside Walmart buying everything that is made in China. You are the type that complain when they have to be scan at the airport but the first to cry when something happens. You are the type that is ruining our education system by complaining that our teachers must teach this way but at the same time say they are paid too much. You are the type of person complaining about high taxes at the same time complain about why our State and Cities have so many Fee's. In the end you are the type politicians behind close door call " Stupid "

    you just don't get the big picture because you are the type that is so self righteous that you are blind that the U.S. goes out and help and yes hurt others around the world but tell me what country doesn't do the same. Can you tell me China or Russia is better? Do you see any of the Middle East countries turning down our aid? You have no facts that " most soldiers " believe that they are doing no good " but I'm sure there are some! This is a volunteer nor forced army! Our country good or bad did not attack first like they attack on 9/11. I would like to live in a dream world like you but I can't! I didn't serve in the Armed force but <deleted> does that have to do with being a American? Loosing a niece and nephew on 9/11, I think is enough! Good or Bad you enjoy democracy in your life because of it. I too would like the U.S. to stop giving money to everyone while within our own country is dying within but I'm realistic it isn't going to happen no matter who is in charged.

    Maybe you would appreciate what you have if you lost someone close to you who never had a choice to live! I'm mad at America just like you but we didn't fly planes into buildings and strap bombs on kids to get back at us!

    I am deeply sorry for your lose's and hope this will bring closer for you.I to have lost many a good friend to war and not all of them have been volunteers in the armed forces as to the fact that i have know proof that most soldiers do not want to be in the countries they have been dispatched to,well maybe you should take up with a few of them once they have returned and this might give you better insight as to what there actual views are and not what there views are after they have been debriefed. As per you not serving in the armed force that is your choice and a damned good one maybe that is why you are still around today .As per politicians calling guys like me stupid they are probable right because i am one of the idiots that fell for the line democracy, liberty, justice, free and fair .As to the U.S. giving aid to every one this we know is true but some times there aid is in the form of arms which end up back on the soil they came from and help cause destruction on the very soil they were made in.As per the fact that all countries do the same does not make it right or justify what they do ,and yes kid's strap bombs to them self and blow up innocent people but some of those kids have had there counties invaded and have seen the there families friends and loved ones killed raped and worse before their very eyes,would you not be angry, confused , and store hatred and swear revenge.This is not a perfect world BUT AS LONG AS THE FAT CATS ARE CALLING THE SHOTS AND GREED IS FIRST ON THE LIST THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE IS IN DANGER ! The big picture is very clear.Self righteous no used YES .Two wrongs do not make a right, do not judge a nation buy one man.And yes maybe BIN LADEN got what was coming to him and yes a lot of families may now put a closer on the event's 2/11 i fear that a lot more innocent people will pay in blood and thus said there will be many more grieving families that will need closer in the near future ALL IN THE NAME OF PEACE.

  2. Glad this prick is dead! sorry it took so long! Glad that they got one of his son I hope there were more! But 35 miles from the capital of Pakistan supports that this country was hiding him for years especially the size of the compound which stood out like a palace! This government has lots to answer for and U.S. should seriously think about stopping support this country with money! If they are being overun by Al Quada they deserve it. They should keep his body frozen and once the World Trade Towers are built should throw his body down from the top to celebrate. I myself am heading down to Walking Street tonight to celebrate with some ping pongs.

    Nobody said this man was not scum. But i think you are very short sighted. And maybe the U.S. should remove their troops from around the globe and concentrate on all the shit they have going on in the U.S. And let those who have oil decided who to sale it to and who not to sale it to and then maybe the world would be a better place for all of us .Have you ever served in the armed force? most of the soldiers believe that they are doing no good for the countries they are based in and would rather be at home having a cold one not walking around waiting to be shoot ,blow up in some shit hole were the majority of the countries people think you have no right there . When the f** k will it end.

  3. (OBAMA) No matter how long it takes justice will be done. ( WHO WRITES THIS CRAP FOR YOU ?) (OBAMA) We give thanks to the countless intelligence and counter-terrorism professionals who've worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. (sh t hope they weren't beaning paid by the hour) Ten years later truly amazing just can't help wonder how many people were heading up this team and how many tax dollars were spent . Wonder what all these people will do now? (maybe the tax payers will provide a well earned holiday for them.) I keep hearing that 3000 innocent people died. Yes that was on2/11 but how many other innocent people have died in the last ten years and how many innocent people have been torched and how many are still in jail ?(OBAMA) There's no doubt that ALQAUEDA will continue to pursue attacks against us. Talk about adding fuel to the fire well done i am sure that we can all celebrate now.Lams amongst the wolf's is the thought that comes to my mind.How many more innocent people will have to die in the quest for U.S. justice ?.(OBAMA) We can say to those families who have lost loved ones to ALQAUEDA terror .JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE. And what will OBAMA and the American people say to those who have lost innocent friends family and loved ones IN THE PURSUIT FOR WORLD PEACE or are they gust casualties of war?.God bless America. I wouldn't crack open the cold ones just yet.

  4. I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife ... Well I am glad things are going well for you there in S.A. but it does deprive you of the rejoinder "That's OK, dear ... I'll find another one" ... Personally I prefer the Thai equivalent of the Joan Collins (OBE)-type as I have enough goodness stored-up for 2 or 3 vixens.

    Thats were your wrong i have the best of both worlds. And don't like having scrambled eggs ever day for breakfast.

  5. I think you gents are missing the point being made.Yes there is good and bad in all nations .But the Thais have got it down to a fine art of extracting cash and other goods from farangs and each other, and can preform this simple task with a smile on there face, they don't call it the land of smiles for nothing, take you to the cleaners so to say.(a fool and his money are soon parted ) I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife (yes you guessed it she was a bar fly) we run a business in south Africa a Thai spa and i only employ Thais and have done so for the past seven years and in this time have come to know the Thai way of thinking quite well i could probably write a book on the subject of scams iv'e come across in the past seven years even the wife will try and pull one over my eyes now and again,but this comes from pressure from family e.c.t. who are always on the bum.This brings to mind the old saying LIE WITH FLEA'S AND YOU WILL BE BITTEN.

  6. Don't feel bad about your decline,its normal my self and a friend made an application at the Australia embassy in south Africa, gave me the same bull shit as you not enough funds my intention of my stay period was in question,they made a balls up of the date i sent in my application all so stuffed up the type of visa application i requested . But heres the strange thing i own 2 houses my own company have a decent bank account, my friends application was accepted oh by the way he works for me doesn't own any fixed property his bank account is not to great .SO ALL I CAN SAY IS UP THE AUSSIES . It might be nice if some one other than the tea girl actual looked at the applications sent in. Thus being said don't leave your wifes money in A BANK IN AUSTRALIA as she might never get what you intended .

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