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Posts posted by tormok

  1. The police found a suspicious package yesterday.

    Meanwhile, police yesterday found a suspect package at Benjakiti Park on Ratchadaphisek Road next to Queen Sirikit Convention Centre. When the package was unwrapped, a brand-new rattan ball and sand were found inside, creating the impression it might have been a bomb and causing panic.


  2. Attached here is a King Cobra I caught in my yard in Chonburi a couple months ago. I prefer to catch and relocate them far away as opposed to just chasing them away which is usually only temporary. It's one of a few cobras I have caught in my yard, in addition to numerous reticulated pythons (one of which ate a kitten we'd recently found and were taking care of). A snake catching pole is easy to make and catching them is not all that difficult, though the pythons will grab on to anything they can and it can take as much as two hours to weaken enough to pry them loose. I'm lucking in that one of my two dogs is very good at locating snakes and alerting us to their presence while keeping a safe distance (thus far).

    That doesn't look like a King Cobra to me.

    Looks like a Cobra to me.

    The Indo-Chinese Rat Snake (Ptyas korros), which looks similar, has a much larger eye.

  3. Its best to treat any snake with a hood as a Cobra, therefore dangerous,

    just leave them alone,as more people most likely get bit provoking them.

    Snakes are not poisonous,a common mistake,they are venomous.

    regards worgeordie


    Curried Cobra is not too bad, but, like shrimps and lobsters you really got to hold the lid down when you drop it in the pot.

    Everytime I've seen a cobra catched, they start by cutting of the head and bury it. Then the snake is skinned and cut into slices before put in the stew. I've tried it once, but it's extremely spicy. Usually eaten with lots of lao kao.

    I don't know if the burying of the head is some kind of superstition or just to get the dangerous part of the snake out of the way.

  4. If you have coconut palms, remember to turn over the compost every 4-5 weeks.

    After I made my first composts, which I didn't turn over too often, we had several young coconut palms starting to die.

    My wife said it was because of the composts, which I didn't believe at first, but after some digging in the composts and some searching on the net I found out that she was right.

    The Coconut rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) likes to lay eggs and have its larvae develop in a compost.

    When I first startet to turn over my compost, I found lots of larvae. After starting to turn over reguarly I now only find a few each time, and we haven't lost anymore coconut palms.

  5. if you are ever in bkk there is the best variety i have ever seen at the specialist market stalls just north of jj market building in chatuchuck. not sure if they have the common stuff you want but they do have beautiful other fresh water plants well groomed and aesthetically displayed

    if you say where you are others with local knowledge could perhaps help

    Hi. I'm not too familiar with JJ Market. Could you bea little more specific please? Is that the area on the road which leads up to Mochit Bus Terminal? Thank you.

    Paste this "13.802811, 100.549164" into http://google.com/maps

  6. Thanks Tormok and no, I do not encourage my dog to kill snakes or anything else for that matter. I try to rescue and remove as many snakes as possible before he gets to them, but I don't watch him every second he's out and it's his natural instinct.

    And actually Felipesed I have done my research on Roundup/Glyphosate and it may be considered to be the safest weedkiller, but it is toxic and there is gradually more and more research proving it to be so. Monsanto may wish to prove otherwise with their vast gagging ability, but there are many people trying to ban it's use to protect the environment and those of us who care about it.

    Yes, toxic to broad-leaved plants, but not much else.

    Less toxic to snakes than your dog!

    Are these the same people who managed to effect a ban on DDT after reading a badly-research novel, which is why there is a malaria epidemic now?

    I'm one of the people worrying about what the cocktail effect of all these herbicides, insecticides, additives and you name it, will do to us and our environement.

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  7. Please, do not use round up. Not only does it harm all birds, butterflies, bees, snakes etc, but you and your dogs will be ingesting it too one way or the other and it's a very toxic substance.

    I realise it's not easy to get rid of weeds without a fair amount of effort, but for your health (if nothing else) and everything around you, you need to think again. Covering the area with a good mulch of coconut or something similar will keep the weeds down and am sure there must be other products that are organic.

    I have heard that using sulphur powder will deter snakes, but I have never tried it.

    I have an ex Soi dog who regularly kills the snakes that come onto our property. He's killed 4 cobras already and a multitude of other snakes, both venomous and non. I am always afraid he will get bitten or spat at in the process, but he snaps them from side to side so fast they don't have a chance to take hold. Keeping fingers crossed it stays that way.

    You encourage or allow your dog to kill snakes, and presumably any other ground living creature, yet "advise" against using Roundup.

    Roundup is considered to be a most benign herbicide, does not accumulate in mammals and has a short activity.

    Perhaps some knowledge before commenting would not go amiss, and also rethink your standards as obviously your dog is more of a hazard to the wildlife than any application of Roundup.

    I don't see any encouraging in mls' post. And you don't allow a dog to kill snakes. Some dogs just do it.

    One of our ex dogs did the same. She was the main bitch of the house and killed all snakes she came by. I have no idea how I should have disallowed her from killing cobras.

    And I totally agree about not using Roundup/Glyphosate. There's absolutely no need to spread that in out invironment.

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