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Posts posted by dp4868

  1. Timothy Martin Leyden, chief executive officer of the California-based company, was quoted as saying that the operations in the next few years will be expanded through the introduction of new robots and machinery.


    Not sure that is going to create any more jobs and they certainly won't want any Thai servicing of the robots and machinery otherwise they will never function properly.

  2. Does anyone know if it possible to fit PCX wheels to a Honda Click (2012 125i)

    I want to change to tubeless tyres and was told I needed to replace the alloy wheels as the original ones are for tubed tyres only. 

    The PCX wheels and tyres are one size wider than the Click, but look to have the same brakes etc. 

    Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.

  3. I always get a taxi from departures. At least you can choose a reasonably new one and agree with the driver where you want to go on the meter. There are barriers to try and stop people doing that but they are easy to walk round and once even had a guard open one for me, so its not a problem.

  4. The concept of a points system on a driving license works in most countries where the law is enforced, but how could it work here when around 50% of drivers don't even have a license.

    The first step is to impound any vehicle where the driver is found to not have license, tax or insurance. That will removed a lot of cars and pickups from the roads and most of the motorcycles. The vehicles are only returned when the correct paperwork is produced.

    The driving test should be a real test on actual roads, not just a short drive round the carpark, that everyone takes, no more handing out licenses for payment.

    The above would be a start, then enforce the traffic laws that are already in place and not just a 200 baht fine. Make it expensive to break the law with points so that drivers will think twice about doing it and finally one law for all so that certain people are not just saluted and waived on.

  5. I tried all the local Mitsubishi places in the area and they were all completely useless. I took my car to one of them with an AC problem, after sitting waiting several hours they came back with a quotation to replace the whole thing. I took the car to another garage for a quote and when they lifted the bonnet called me over. The Mitsubishi garage had broken the front grill off, rather than unscrew it.

    I had the AC fixed for a quarter of the Mitsubishi price and had to buy a new front grill. I will never take my car back to Mitsu or buy another Mitsu in future because of there lack of service.

  6. I am legally divorced with no financial obligations to my ex wife. I am moving out of our rented house and want to take most of the furniture and fittings (which I bought). Is there anyway my ex can claim 50% of everything now after the divorce.

    I just want to check the legal possition now before I start moving things out and WW3 starts

  7. I used to have this problem, the last parcel I had sent was about two weeks overdue so I went to the local PO and started to complain. After being passed to several people I was eventually taken round the back to be shown the sorting area. The guy in charge was summoned and after a lot of discussion, he walked off to his desk opened the top draw and handed me my parcel.

    It was an external hard disc and the person who sent it just stuck a label on the box so it was very clear what it was and I assume the guy at the PO wanted it. I demanded to see the Manager to report the guy but all I got was 'sorry' and smiles. They all know what went on and were not prepared top do anything about it.

    It goes without saying I never use Thai Post now

  8. They have got to have the worst customer service in Thailand. You cannot speak to anyone in English, mostly being left on hold for 20 mins plus and then hang up. Either that or being told someone will call back in an hour, which they never do.

    If by chance you do get someone who speaks English they will simply tell you what you want to hear, but do nothing. I got so frustrated I went to their office which is a complete disgrace, seems the last thing anyone wanted to do was answer the phones. They have very limited information they can access so when you do get to speak to anyone they cant tell you much and certainly can't do anything.

    I will never order anything from them again and would strongly recommend that others don't either.

  9. I have been legally married in Thailand for 12 years. I met my wife in Hong Kong when we both lived there and we moved here, got married and settled down. Over the time here she has become increasing Thai, wanting more and more money for her family etc and doing less and less.

    I have got fed up with all this and eventually managed to persuade her into a divorce. My problem now is that she will not leave. The divorce was a simple paper signing so there is no financial commitment to her at all. The house we live, in I have rented for the last 12 years and the agreement is in my name. Everything in the house is mine, I have the receipts to prove purchase. She has her own car, scooter etc, but nothing in the bank. As soon as I give her any money she spends it or gives it to her family.She now she says that she will never leave this house and that the owner will let her live her rent free. I know this to be complete rubbish as the owner is short of money now and because her husband just died.

    How can she stay here in an empty house, because I will take all my furniture and she cant afford to pay the utility bills ??

    I can move, but why should I, I can see me moving and then in a couple of months this house being up for rent again. So my question is how do I get her to move ??

    I have been on this forum for many years so I know a lot of the answers I will get, but if anyone has any constructive ideas I would appreciate the input

  10. The 3BB help Line 1530 has recently changed, so now when you press 9 for English you are told leave your number and someone will call you back. If you continue in Thai language you get straight through to an operator. So now when you internet goes down you leave your number and wait until they decide to call you back so you can report the fault. This can be a few hours if you are lucky to several days, also if your number is know because you complain a lot, forget about anyone calling back.

    I will certainly be looking for another provider very shortly

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  11. The policy hasn't changed its just that if you are in the bank in person with your passport there is no problem at all. The bank I use even direct me to the same teller as soon as I walk in as he can type in English the quickest as the whole process takes a few minutes.

    There is a form you can fill in at the bank but I just took it home scanned it, filled it in and use that now, much easier for the Thai's to understand than my handwriting. My money is in my UK account within 24 hours.

    One tip pay the local charges here but the UK charges in the UK. The bank here will charge 25 pounds for the UK end, the UK bank 7....

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