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Posts posted by TheKrayTriplet

  1. Seems that we'll see more photos like this one in the near future.

    The other photo shows the solution. Don't we all know where the money didn't go to?----------wai.gif

    What we are told is that the 120 Million Baht has been allocated against a list of approved flood defense projects. Hopefully that cash is in the hands of the many project engineers who have to arrange for the payment of the subcontractors. At this stage there is no reason to suspect corruption and time enough for a Quantity Surveyors audit to discover if Thailand has quantifiable value in the works completed that reconciles with the 120 Million allocated. If any member of the house has befitted financially from the 120 million I think that they should be publicly Birched.

    Polite correction

    120 BILLION

    "Hopefully that cash is in the hands of the many project engineers"

    Today, it seems there's likelihood that a lot of the cash is in the hands of Hong Kong's anti-corruption agency.

    16,000,000,000.00 Baht recently transferred to Hong Kong from Thailand has been seized by their anti-corruption agency due to strong suspicions it is money obtained illegally. They are now investigating the sources and owners of the money.

    Initial indications are that it evolved from money allocated for Thailand's flood management and Yingluck's government is being asked to explain.

    Further details on the confiscated 16 Billion Baht are in today's other paper.


    The Democrats have based their call on "information" provided by the "Nation Associate Anti-Corruption Network (NACN)."

    Who are they? Here

    "a member of Nation Associate Anti-Corruption Network (NACN) holds a placard while shouting slogans during a rally outside the U.S. embassy in Bangkok August 10, 2012"


    I think we can ascertain a general idea of their political beliefs. No political axe to grind there at all, Oh, no.
    • Like 1
  2. Couldn't they have said this all in parliament?

    Only if the House Speaker allocates them time to do so.


    when they were in power, they could have said it and arrest all the men behind.

    I presume you mean Abhisit and the democrats, yes? They had a year and a half of fresh evidence and several committees on the case and exactly what happened? Nothing, Zilch, Nada.

    • Like 2
  3. This will of course all be solved with the water pushing machines. Being designed in Thailand, they are not hampered by foreign laws and principles like "Newton's law of universal gravitation" (Newton is not my father etc., etc.) so they can push water uphill as well as downhill crazy.gif

    Would Newton even get a visa to Thailand after writing a law that is clearly designed to sabotage the Thai principle of building towns and cities below the water level? Doubtfully.

    You might want to read this, I can't believe you haven't heard of pumps that push water?

  4. Only 700 schools out of 30,000 have Internet connectivity. A good example of how much infrastructure Thailand needs. How could they order all those tablets before setting up wifi nodes? What a backwards priority.

    It is little bit out of topic,but it answers you Noitom:

    couple of weeks ago there was interesting show in BBC about impact of hi-tech gadgets on life in the 3rd world countries.

    It was mostly about smartphones,laptops,iphones,ipads and tablets.

    You see people using them everywhere,even in very remote and rural places without electricity,far from electric grid.

    People need them ,they make biz more efficient,social life more fluid...

    And there was a question:

    how people charge these gadgets without electricity available there?

    Gadgets consume little energy - this is a fact;so people can use alternative sources of electricity like solar panels,wind,micro-hydro,diesel generators.But the most popular are ...car batteries.They do not have electric grid,but 4WD jeeps come everywhere.

    So,this is the way it works in reality - car batteries.

    At the end of the show they made interesting for us here - observation:

    about tablets!

    In rural schools with no electricity, tablets are being used as a display devices instead of projectors or big monitors;bingo!

    Buchholz! school bags with solar panel for every child in your poor school?Think about it!They are also ...Made In China.

    In fact - solar panels are big thing in China export.

    Thank You! At last!

    For all the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism we finally have a Promisingly Profound Purveyor of Positivism.
  5. How odd.

    It cannot be politically motivated as both this warrant and the one before were both issued by a Thaksin friendly government.

    Which would be true if it were the government that issued warrants. In this case it was the Supreme court. I haven't said that the courts can be manipulated but there have been plenty of allegations that this is so by posters throughout this forums' threads over the years.
  6. The best way to control people is to keep them scared and angry.

    One thing is calling people names, the other inciting people, through lies and propaganda, to commit acts of violence to further an agenda; for example doctoring tapes of Abhisit ordering the killing of protesters.

    As you said, you've been called names and you can shrug it of, good, commendable really. Now let's say that a neighbour of yours with a business grudge starts to say that you are a child molester as a ploy to get rid of you, up to the point of enraging enough people into a lynching mob. I assure you, bones can be broken (and worse things) by words.

    "The best way to control people is to keep them scared and angry".

    I can think of no better way of doing that than shooting them in the head especially if they are unarmed - now I wonder where and by whom that has been done in recent times?
  7. Can there be anything more embarrassing for a Prime Minister to admit that an arrest warrant for her brother and main advisor and 'del facto' boss, former PM himself is wanted by the law for failing to show up in court. All politically motivated? or does the PM respect the court, what a squirm this farce is becoming. Your full opinion on the matter please mam.

    Can there be anything more embarrasing for a Judicial system that allows a man convicted to 20+ still walking the streets

    Which would be the next logical step from thumbing his nose at the courts.

    Or, I suppose using them for toilet tissue would be considered more insulting

    than them showing the botton of his feet.

    You don't know what the reference was about, do you?

  8. two blows in a week from the Establishment, first the arrest warrant, then the ombudsman doing this, I bet he'll call it all politically motivated, and within a week pop up in Zimbabwe with Noppodom Pattama still pointing out he's free to travel the world on any passport he likes cause no one recognises a Thai arrest warrant.

    A Thai arrest warrant would be recognised anywhere in....................................................................................................Thailand.
  9. Sounds like the bidders have a pretty low respect for the auctioneer.

    More than likely from previous experience with the NBTC

    You may want to note that the only (failed) 3G auction held before this one was organised by the the NTC. It failed mainly due to an injunction by the supreme court stating that the NTC did not have the authority and would have to wait until its successor, the NBTC was ready to hold responsibility for the 3G election.

    The injunction was due to an allegation from the telephone companies themselves so it's hardly the NBTCs' fault.

  10. Oh dear, lets start near the beginning shall we, atoms. OK, atom structure, what , neutrons, protons and ah, we're getting somewhere now , electrons. Basic physics. See what the Institute of Physics in collaboration with the Nuffield Foundation thinks

    The subject of sub-atomic physics is as closely related to applied electricity as marine engineering is to hydrology (at least they both involve water). But yes, all sciences overlap.

    Now can we return to discussing crap computer tablets that are not being supplied, to schools without wifi and others without electricity, to students who are apparently getting minimal use of them, and whose textbooks were not printed because they had a tablet (or not as the case may be.)

    You cannot be serious. How do electricians get to know the nature of current and voltage (potential energy) without knowing about electrons - it's the backbone of "electrics"? How could anyone take you seriously if you state rubbish like you have, and then attempt to back it up with a laughable simile. What is it with you people that you cannot admit you are wrong.

    Now you can get back to whingeing, something you do know a lot about.

  11. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"


    I saw it full swing during the Red Shirt protests, Abhisit portrayed as a blood thirsty Hitler, literally portrayed on clumsy photo manipulations as Hitler covered in blood. The point of the propaganda effort being that any measure is justified to eradicate such a "monster".

    While Yellow Shirts and all walks of the political life do it, the Red Shirts/Thaksin are, AFAIK, the only ones to employ a concerted, professional PR effort into hate speech and general FUD, for example look at Robert Amsterdam and his firm.

    I think the professional agitators and propagandists don't get nearly enough opprobrium for what they do, they are the men behind the worst atrocities you could imagine, white collar genocide and misery.

    Did you not watch any state sponsored television in 2010? Colonel Sanserm?
    • Like 1
  12. I see lot sof things passing here, but for this I am going to respond. My daughter has also a One Tabler Per Child because she is in Grade 1. All her friends in G1 had their parents coming to school and all had to sign and after that all tablets went home. I have looked at it, and the battery lasts for 3 or 4 hours but as far as I know that's normal for tablets (sorry when I am wrong, I am not a tablet expert). The only problem I have is that for installing an apps I need to have installed google store but to do this I am asked to give a password. The director of the school told me that the goverment will soon have a meeting with school in this region for questions etc. My question will be about this password.

    The educational games that are on it come in handy now for this agegroup, but when this tablet lasts longer we have to update some of it, and I guess for this a password is needed too.

    I have seen loads of advertisements about tablets and around 4,000 baht you can already buy a good one (the Google made tablet is around this price). And I have so far no real complaints about this OTPC from the Thai goverment.

    I am sorry to say, but I think some of you guys grab all the news to spread out your negative opinions. But don't blame the goverment for everything that goes wrong in your own life. When your wife is a bad cook don't complain at the shop where she bought the material.

    It seems that you still have some questions unanswered concerning these tablets. I assume that you can handle those questions because you have experience using computers. Not all kids have parents who know how to use a computer or can help their child when needed.

    What if this tablet would be the first computer the family has ever used/owned? Then the learning curve would be very steep I guess. And the help the parent could give would be very limited.

    You just won't let it go will you. Incredible.
    • Like 1
  13. It's a molded PSU plug, like all the other phones and tablets, the only way you could get a shock is to plug it in with your finger between the prongs and the wall outlet.

    While a 6yo's fingers are possibly capable of doing this, if you think that a rectifier/regulator made with cheap and nasty components (cheapest available) couldn't possibly break down and allow 220VAC to the cord, then you are sadly mistaken and have little idea of the wiring diagram. Stick to physics.

    er, Actually, "Electrics" is Physics.

    Er, actually BS.

    Oh dear, lets start near the beginning shall we, atoms. OK, atom structure, what , neutrons, protons and ah, we're getting somewhere now , electrons. Basic physics. See what the Institute of Physics in collaboration with the Nuffield Foundation thinks

  14. If I understand it right Thaksin "advised" KTB to grant 10 billion in loans to companies related to him even though he knew the companies would never to pay back the money.

    Companies go bust and money is gone...

    (Anybody please correct me if I am wrong (convince me)).

    Isn't the idea of debate that the person who puts the case forward backs it up with links, evidence, that kind of "trivial" stuff, and tries to convince others that he is right? Or does the Forum and certain of its members have a different take on that basic rule?
  15. I hope this thread runs and runs - it's the funniest I've seen for ages. Daily Mail readers on steroids.

    You're not defaming Daily Mail readers here, are you wink.png

    BTW what's so funny about the Supreme Court issuing an Arrest Warrant against a fugitive criminal ?

    It is impossible to defame a Daily Mail reader, by definition. I do not find the arrest warrant being issued by the Supreme Court funny. Perish the thought that I should speak bad of the courts on the TV Forum - they even have rules against it, I understand.

    But the comments, Priceless!

    btw I think even the nation has dropped the
    fugitive criminal
    from its repetoire, you need to get with the times e.g

    "The Supreme Court Thursday issued an arrest warrant against
    former prime minister
    Thaksin Shinawatra for failing to turn up to hear the court's decision to proceed with the Krung Thai Bank loan scandal case".
    (from OP)

    Even the Justice Minister doesn't regard the sentence Thaksin
    received as serious:

    "As far as I know, Thaksin was sentenced to two years in jail - and that was not a severe punishment," he said."

  16. smile.png

    What if the legal government does illegal things?

    Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

    Actually thats exactly what being elected means. Not that fevered nonsense of yours about "
    treating the country as if it was yours
    ". No, the bit about making laws . Thats why parliamentarians are known as lawmakers, that's what they do. They discuss laws between the parties through three readings and if a majority vote for them and the King approves, they become law.

    That was the way, until quite recently when the democrat party plus their yellow shirt supporters starting getting up themselves and encouraged the constitution court to get involved by invoking an unecessary Section 68 claim. Now it seems as if the constitution court make the laws.
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