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Posts posted by PhoenixRising

  1. Looks like they want them to move and take over the airport again? Last time, they kept shooting RPG's in, almost every night, until the demonstrators had enough and marched to the airport.

    They were furious because so many of them lost limbs and lives while the police sat around and did nothing... the reason why they lost their tempers and took it out on rather innocent police officers, running over one repeatedly as the camera was rolling. You can never understand what's going on now until you go back on youtube and watch the hundreds of hours of video taped violence from the two years leading up to their occupation of the Swampy poo airport.

    I'm placing high bets that the commuters will be the ones to commit the MOST amount of violence in these shut downs. If I were in their shoes, commuting FIVE hours to work ONE way and FIVE hours home, leaving me with only a few short hours of rest, I'd be ready to get violent or give up and pass out ANYWHERE. Who wouldn't? Drivers will PLOW their way though the crowds of people out of rage. Security guards will probably use their guns on them and that's when the whole thing gets out of control. Yingluck should step down before it gets to that point or she will be blamed, at least in part for the events. And the election should be postponed until the internal matters are quieted down.

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  2. This nonsense about the Malays being safe because they are far from red area is either ignorant or they know some insider information they aren't sharing. Reds have proven themselves quite mobile, in case they haven't noticed. Not only that, but Reds are like spiders. You can't always see them, but they're always there waitiing around for the opportunity to catch an easy meal - they leave behind their cobwebs as evidence of where they've been hiding out. Some of them are so poisenous their bites can kill humans.

    I think RED zone refers to a hot zone or danger zone

    Not a reference to PTP/RED

    Okay, but the article didn't make that very clear did it? I thought they were referring to the 'other' Red zones, I don't think the anti-government protesters would take too kindly of the press refering to their demonstration sites as 'Red zones' when you take into account that the Reds are their enemies who've they've been fighting against.

  3. This nonsense about the Malays being safe because they are far from red area is either ignorant or they know some insider information they aren't sharing. Reds have proven themselves quite mobile, in case they haven't noticed. Not only that, but Reds are like spiders. You can't always see them, but they're always there waitiing around for the opportunity to catch an easy meal - they leave behind their cobwebs as evidence of where they've been hiding out. Some of them are so poisenous their bites can kill humans.

    FYI, the term Malay is usually reserved for Malaysians who constitute the Malay (Muslim) population within Malaysia. People from Malaysia should generally be referred to as Malaysians. Malaysia comprises of Malays, Chinese and Indians.

    I know it very well! I used to live and work in Malaysia. We all know that that Malaysian government is primarily Malay and ONLY thinks about their Malay brothers and sisters. Tamils and Chinese are not exactly tolerated. My former boss's Thai-Chinese father was killed by the Malays over their intolerance of the Chinese presence in THEIR native land. That country is ALSO in the verge of civil war with so much ethnic polarities.

  4. This nonsense about the Malays being safe because they are far from red area is either ignorant or they know some insider information they aren't sharing. Reds have proven themselves quite mobile, in case they haven't noticed. Not only that, but Reds are like spiders. You can't always see them, but they're always there waitiing around for the opportunity to catch an easy meal - they leave behind their cobwebs as evidence of where they've been hiding out. Some of them are so poisenous their bites can kill humans.

  5. The situation here, unfortunately, will not get any better as Suthep and the Dems do not want an ELECTED government. They want to be appointed by who knows who. They want to go back 50 - 60 years ago. That would not be a democratic government.

    Well, in all fairness, the Red-shirts wanted Thaksin back and installed without an election, so they are no better. In case you haven't read the history on Thailand, the election process hasn't been a perfect bed of roses for the country. There are countries that don't have elections (e.g. UAE, Qatar, Vietnam, Laos, China, etc.) that have far more peace and security than many countries that do have elections (e.g. Malaysia, the Philippines, Greece, etc.). Elections do NOT bring peace and security! In Thailand, they spell disaster!

    • Like 1
  6. The whole world needs a better class of political leadership. Most people don't have the courage to stand up to them. Not so in Thailand! Call them idiots, but at least in Thailand these 'idiots' know how to kick politicians out of office without millions getting killed and throwing the whole planet into a world war.

    Not so peaceful anymore. Congratulations you idiots, keep dragging the legitimacy of the anti-government movement lower and lower.

    This country urgently needs a better class of political leadership.

  7. 'Hopefully a little bit of tear gas will sort them out.' Yeah right! Since when has a little bit of tear gas EVER sorted out a mob of Thai anti-government protesters, especially around Government House? Check the history books on this! There's always a first time for everything I suppose.

    • Like 1
  8. Red shirts, yellow shirts, they are all stupid people that can't see they are being used.

    Nothing in these protests are for the good of Thailand.

    Just so you know, the yellow shirts as well as the pink shirts, multi-colored shirts and various other lessor knowns have gone the way of a curable STD that has run its course. These students and other anti-government protesters have a different identity with different leaders. I believe Suthep was under attack from various yellow shirt leaders, so he's not exactly a yellow-shirt. How they chose to identify themselves remains to be seen.

  9. Media reports that it was a Red-shirt supporter (soldier in civilian clothes) who was shot dead by the students who carried a gun and fought back after they were attacked with weapons. Because both sides are having 24/7 round the clock rallies so close to each other, they knew it would further cause more deaths to continue on. So it's good that they cancelled before things get worse. I'm sure people are tired of it around there.

    Do you have any link(s) to such "media reports", other than Jatuporn's announcement to the reds or Richard Barrow's tweets, the death was a red supporter?

    This one, from the Assoc. Foreign Press, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/685650-1-dead-four-people-shot-at-ramkhamhaeng-university-after-clashes/#entry7104820, reports on a 21-yr-old being shot dead, no affiliation (pro- or anti-government) is mentioned, while this one, from the Nation, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/685650-1-dead-four-people-shot-at-ramkhamhaeng-university-after-clashes/page-2#entry7105161, reports it was in fact a Ramkamhaeng student that was shot dead.

    Try the Bangkok Post for one.

  10. Knowing the Red-shirts, they went home to get some much needed sleep after last night. Rest assured, they'll make more plans to regroup at other venues to protect their democracy 'baby.' Love or hate them, you have to admit that Red-shirts will never go away. They just take a rest after a setback. As sure as the sun will rise again, they'll be back.

    • Like 1
  11. The contract for Red Shirts to rent the stadium ended on 30 Nov. This is the reason for the dispersal and not the reason implied in the article.

    LOL, since when has an expired contract ever pulled a rug on tens of thousands of Red-shirt protesters? Has anyone ever told you that contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on? I'm sure the stadium owner couldn't disperse then even if they wanted to. And it's not like they can't come up with the funds from the man in Dubai to cover their rent. I"m sure he'd be more than happy to foot the bill.

    • Like 1
  12. Media reports that it was a Red-shirt supporter (soldier in civilian clothes) who was shot dead by the students who carried a gun and fought back after they were attacked with weapons. Because both sides are having 24/7 round the clock rallies so close to each other, they knew it would further cause more deaths to continue on. So it's good that they cancelled before things get worse. I'm sure people are tired of it around there.

    • Like 1
  13. Yes, of course I would need at least two, maybe three trolleys. I don't think I can manage two by myself. These are very large containers and boxes. We're talking about 120 kilos here.

    How can I find the 'alternative' porter service? That would be ideal as I think they could stay with me until I'm fully checked in.

    BFS looks good, but more for VIPs as it is quite expensive.

    Taxi service that would do it for a tip? That would be great, but they need to have a HUGE taxi. Even the extra large size is not really big enough. I would rather have a van.

  14. I have flown in and out of this airport dozens of times so I know it fairly well. This time is unusual because I will be relocating out of Thailand with an abnormally LARGE amount of bags that I cannot possibly push or carry by myself. I have called and they have no service to help me with this. Most international airports have porter services to assist travelers with their luggage, but not this one. Plenty of rip off scam artists and touts though, but that's another topic, I know.

    So what can I do? Maybe I could make two trips, but I would have to leave my stuff there in some type of storage holding place so I can go back and get the rest of my things. Does anyone know if they have this service to store bags temporarily for passengers? I don't think there is a shuttle service that will help me once I get INSIDE of the airport, or could I be wrong. Getting to the airport is covered. I don't need any help with that.

    Any good suggestions, please on how to get some help INSIDE the airport?

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