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Posts posted by jago25

  1. 2 hours ago, gamini said:

    The UK government doesn't care at all about its citizens who live overseas. We are subjected to the most ridiculous new rules and regulations.

    The UK closed its consulate in Chiangmai and now wants to sell the British Embassy in Bangkok in spite of the fact that there are probably 50 times more UK expats living in Thailand now than about 20 years back. 

    We have to apply for a new passport in a communist country Hong Kong


    I didn't know I could renew my UK passport here in Hong Kong. More info?? Thought it was international post only 


    2 hours ago, gamini said:

    they won't give Thai wives a passport. They make difficult regulations and rules to make it impossible for wives to to live in the UK . When I got married in Thailand a long time ago I got my Thai wife a UK passport a week later.

    The British Embassy in Bangkok used to give a great party on the Queen's Birthday with great food and drinks for all UK citizens. Thai consulates Also gave parties in Chiangmai and other large cities'.

    I had money deducted from my salary in the UK to pay for my pension. But I couldn't get one because I didn't work long enough there. This is grossly unfair.

    I'm sure others can add a lot of complaints.

    I think that citizens from some Third World countries get better treatment from their embassies in Bangkok than those from the UK




  2. Buy a ledger HW1.1 or ledgerwallet nano if you need ETH. 

    Split the recovery phrase into 3 parts using http://point-at-infinity.org/ssss/demo.html on a secure offline computer (difficult...), 

    print it out after testing and send 2-3 parts via registered post to different relatives who live at different addresses to store somewhere safe. 

    This is a total PITA by the way but I wasn't able to find something better. 


    An alternative could be find a cheap phone, install Mycelium on it and just put the backup phrase in a safe but that's only as secure as the safe. Possibly just split into 2 parts but without properly splitting with teh shamir method. This again will probably be fine on the basis that hopefully people won't know what the words are and have the ability to fix the split but it isn't the best 

    • Like 1
  3. Google search came up a bit thin with wood sculpting - I'm looking for furniture making and similar.

    Just wondering if any of you know of a nice work working course in Thailand or indeed anywhere in SE Asia that might be cheap?

    Just checking because it's a bit expensive in Hong Kong.

  4. Funny thread :D

    So we have:

    - an investment decision gone bad, not wanting to lose face

    - just generally loving cows

    - the tradition from parents

    - emergency fund; for when not paid for rice

    Of these the emergency fund seems to make sense to me. I saw a similar but less extreme thing with old cars in Argentina. It makes sense to put a lot of work in if you're getting economically shafted every 10 years.

  5. There is always a choice.

    If someone kills someone you love, you can always choose not to be reactive.

    Life is that harsh. That is the test.

    I know there is a possibility someone may try to effect me this way. I do what I can to be prepared.

    By doing this you appear to allow your enemy some ground but this is the price. It can take a long time and a lot of loss before change- that passion has to overpower the virulent nature of violence. This is the determination required to win a war, not lazily hitting straight back into the cycle of violence. If you win through violence then you never really won at all, such as the allies in WW2 are discovering right now - the energy just bounces around and comes back. That's what we see here with Russia and Israel. Time to let go.

  6. Perhaps Thailand needs some assistance in calling out lies in an assertive and friendly manner. Some people act the way they do because no one has ever called them out on bad behaviour. 

    Doing this is so unexpected so if you do it in a kind way then all you get is stunned silence as coming from this direction you are saving them face.  


    I really enjoy doing this. Curb your enthusiasm as it takes some skill to get right. 

    • Like 1
  7. My thoughts and sympathies for all those individuals and families caught up in this.

    I've never been to Thailand. It a place I keep on the radar to motivate me at work in the west with a dream that someday I might be able to bring enough wealth to the country and form a more natural life somewhere in the countryside.

    Well done from a military perspective. This is clear leadership and this sends a very strong signal - that Thailand isn't the laid back holiday destination outsiders view it as. This plays into the military coup holiday makers have heard in the news and just exagerates it even more. You are not welcome is the message I'm getting here. I don't like to take holidays to places like this.

    No matter what country this kind of thing happens in, it always happens when the country is in a mess. When times are good, people vote in a certain way, when times are bad people vote in a way that typically makes economics even worse in a self fulfilling spiral. And the whole thing goes round in predictable cycles. Same with immigration.

  8. I'd like to know a bit more about what's going on here.

    You say that it's due to ignorance, but is it? Plenty of Brits (embarrassingly I have to add - it makes me wince it really does) joke with this. John Cleese's famous goose step in faulty towers of course. Later, was it Prince Harry who also got caught trying to get mileage out of the taboo with his Nazi costume (such is art, everybody's interpretation is different... I thought it was either a brilliant political comment or a fascinating insight into the insecurities of a young king-to-be...)

    Terribly insensitive for gypsies and jews of course. The Che parallel was a point well made even if it's not quite the same situation it dies highlight the ignorance of the young in particular.

    Personally I am trying not to find it hilarious. If you see this, need to reprimand these kids and tell them why.

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