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Posts posted by Munson

  1. 5 hours ago, rozand said:

    What is coming to the market, i guess it is the-oil mostly. Quite different in way of taking then a joint. Not much fun to "misuse". More worried about patenting something that should not be patented, like many other food and health resources. Greed.

    I can assure you that the oil is very recreationally enjoyable, as well as medicinal ????

  2. 1 hour ago, khunPer said:

    Science is the best documentation for proof – and thanks, I know Rick Simpson and his efforts quite well.


    I'm extremely positive for alternatives to common treatments, and medicine, but we also need "real world" documentation, and scientific results takes time. It's a difficult balance, and so far CBD seem to be the scientific in favorite...????



    All the CBD hype is simply because it's legal and therefore highly profitable. The magic is in the whole plant, including THC, and none of your science will convince me otherwise. Research has been stifled by prohibition worldwide for decades, and I'm very confident that future research will bear me out. 



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  3. 47 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    According to science cancer cure research is made with the cannabinoids Δ9-THCA, CBC, CBD, CBDA og CBG (Δ8-THC and Δ9-THC are not included in the list). THC (Δ9-THC), however, is used for pain relief in connection with chemo-therapy, and pain relief or sedative in other treatments, for example sclerosis...????


    Science is still lagging behind the real world, where thousands of people are curing serious diseases, including cancer, with cannabis oil - containing high levels of THC. Google Rick Simpson and educate yourself.

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  4. Something I've never seen mentioned in the KT threads is the popularity of Ketamine on the islands - a young lad that I spoke to recently said it was being sold in a lot of bars in Ko Phangan over Xmas, so I'm sure it's the same in KT. I don't know much about it, but I know it can put people in a semi-comatose state, just in case that's useful to uncovering the real story here. RIP Luke.

  5. Given the importance of electronic trails in criminal investigations in recent years, it's fair to assume that the UK cops have followed up this aspect from day one. We know the UK and US partners have extensive electronic espionage abilities. This crime happened on a tiny island with limited cellphone masts, in the middle of the night when phone/SMS traffic would be very low. I think Scotland Yard know exactly who did this crime on that basis alone, whether they will be allowed to prove it is another matter entirely.

  6. Have they had access to the suspects yet, taken their own DNA samples?

    I would have though that would be number one on their priority list.

    No point, becauce the DNA tests the reliable Royal Thai Police took cannot be proven is from the crime scene. Maybe, or probably the DNA tests were taken from the accused (victims) ????

    So, you suspect a vast conspiracy between all the people involved in collecting and testing the semen found at the crime scene and further suspect the suspects who have no problem saying they were threatened into confessing forgot to mention that the police also made them give sperm which the police then went back and replaced the sperm from the crime scene with and changed all the initial DNA reports at the numerous labs involved in comparing the DNA and got all these people to remain silent?

    Just curious why? Many more scary things have gone unsolved in Thailand and eventually they almost surely would have determined whose Semen it was in the victim. Clearly they are not scared of the headmans as they accused him publicly of the murder early on only to later have to clear them as they did with other suspects including Farang and Burmese.

    That kind of vast conspiracy would be required in the First World, but all that would be needed here is a large envelope and a firm word from somebody at the top of the food chain and bingo - history is rewritten, DNA results, alibi, whatever you can afford. You are well aware of this.

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