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Posts posted by Sheppo

  1. This reminds me of back in 1998.  I was living in Jakarta and it was the height of the riots.  I was fortunate in being able to get out of Jakarta on the Friday to fly to Singapore when there was a total curfew in place.  Thousands of people were cramming the JKT airport endeavouring to get out of there.  Most were of Chinese extraction with their home and vehicles already burnt and wrecked


    I needed to fly back to Jkt on the Monday.  I arrived at SG airport and found that I was ONLY passenger on Boeing 747 that was fully crewed. It was making the flight to Jkt to take out another full load of refugees


    An un-forgetable experience but I had to get back to JKT to save my own home, which I did

  2. Roll on the next two weeks for then I can see for myself. Never a thought of not travelling to Thailand again.

    Just so suprised that australian government has not raised bar to go to a higher level of security.

    It is not the groups of terrorists I worry about, it is the single ones that wish to become martyrs

    Merry Christmas everyone. Don't let these bastards stop us!

  3. I have visited Thailand many times both on business and pleasure

    I have spent many hours in BKK clubs at both of the main locations.

    Have also been to many other places normal visitors do not see.

    NEVER once have I been offered an underaged girl in Thailand

    I will say though that several times in Cambodia I was offered young girls (& boys) and was horrified when it happened

    The same thing in Georgetown, Malaysia when visiting Penang. Rickshaw driver offered to take me to place with many pre-teens upwards

    Thailand of course does have prostitution, without it tourism would decline and so many families in villages with food or money being sent to them

  4. The headline is correct..."Fewer deaths and accidents reported"......the real figures would never be released!!

    You need to learn to read before you make stupid comments

    The heading states "121 people have been killed and 1,281 injured on Thai roads " Why are you saying would never be released

    You are just typical of the knockers on this forum that wish to knock everything

    Thailand would be much better without you.

    • Like 2
  5. Usually fly in after 9:00pm then taxi to hotel. Hit Soi Cowboy about midnight and stay 3-4 hours. Stay in BKK 2 or 3 nights.

    If this crackdown happens then taxi straight to Pattaya, forget BKK. Can be in Pattaya by 11:30 and enjoy early hours of morning and save money

    It is about time Thai government think properly about tourism.

  6. Why in the hell did it take China so long? There were reports of calls to passengers mobile phones ringing out when called. Maybe the some of the wreckage was floating. Until they find the cause I believe Boeing will be so very worried considering the reports that there were problems they know about in the 777's. Tomorrow I fly QF to my beloved Thailand. Will look out my window as we fly over and pray for those lost. Then Soi Cowboy tomorrow night!!!

  7. Water from roofs is not dangerous to drink. Asbestos fibres mix with the water and go straight through your body. I have spent three days researching this!!! Asbestos fibres, only when dry and inhaled into your lungs may stick to the lung lining as they have minute barbs on them. It may take 5 - 10 - 15 years or more to manifest themselves and grow to form a type of cancer.

    Only yesterday I had a new client, 18 years since he worked with asbestos, now breathing difficulties made hi vist specialist. Diagnosed with Mesolthelioma with projected life span less than 3 months. Devastating for him, his family !!

  8. Kogan, in Australia has a great Air Purifier It has HEPA filters and also a secondary mode to combat viruses in the air. The air in room is turned over 5 times in one hour Check www.kogan.com.au They will deliver ex their Hong Kong distribution centre direct to you Cost is $AU 89 I have used for 2 months and it works 100%

  9. White Asbestos is as dangerous as any other asbestos. I wish you had seen a 44 yrear old man that died here just a few weeks ago. His only exposure was to white asbestos. He dies of Perotoneal Mesothelioma just 4 months after being diagnosed. He weighed 132kg on diagnosis. At autopsy he weighed 46 kg. A lingering painful death in front of his wife and children.

    Some people in this world still believe white asbestos is not dangerous. These people are the manufactuers that use it to make money in their businesses. The Canadian Government up until a few months ago allowed the mining of white asbestos but under presuure of scientic evidence and the WHO the mine is thankfully closed and sealed.


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