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Posts posted by scottide

  1. On 10/12/2017 at 6:44 PM, jeab1980 said:

    So if this old codger had attacked you with a machete. Then ran into you with his cas forcing you to fly into the airvand land heavily on the road. You would just walk up to him once you had caught up and said fair dinkom mate.? 

    I know i wouldnt.

    Perhaps I did not make myself clear.  I meant that to strike a person whilst they are looking away from you is a coward's act.  The police were there to handle the incident no matter what your view of the RTP.  No, I wouldn't be saying "Fair Dinkum Mate" either.  The old guy's behaviour was disgraceful indeed.

  2. My sympathy to the families of those deceased and injured. It saddens me to see some of the comments on this ppst. I have just returned from a wonderful holiday in Phuket. I loved the place so much that I would like to live out my days there. More importantly - I loved the people who treated me ( a foreigner) with respect, as I also treated them. I love the Thai culture and the people and would like to see the country more open to allowing foreigners to take up residence in their Asian jewel.

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