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Posts posted by princessa

  1. The te to a marriage is generally consent. A dog cannot consent to marriage.

    I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that. In some cultures first cousins can consent to marriage. In some, ten year old girls are said to be consenting. In many cultures, representing at least a billion people, no one really cares if the woman consents or not, and yet they marry, have children, grow old and die.

    So I'm afraid consent is neither a prerequisite nor a test of marriage.

    Once again, what is your problem with same sex marriages exactly, other than that accepting them is complicated for you by some reasons.

  2. I'm amazed at how many gay rights supporters are on this site or is there a lot of hypocracy involved. I bet you make gay jokes and use politically incorrect words with the best of us or is there more to it with some of you ?

    dear child, gay jokes largely depend on context, and good humour doesn't raise questions of political correctness.

    but I would indeed stay away off that "best of yours" crowd.

    @ khunken

    let the troll be

    @ Spalpeen

    what is your problem with man/man or woman/woman marriage.

    • Like 1
  3. This is stupid, homosexuals should hav the sames right as heterosexuals do, they should be able to get married, adopt etc the same that hetero.

    Homosexuals do have the same rights as other people. They're free to marry a person of the opposite sex any time they like, just like the rest of us. This current fad for same sex "marriage" undermines and trivialises the importance of real marriage. Before long they'll be demanding the right to marry their dog, their mother, their iPad or God knows what else. Where does it stop?

    We hear ya. Because clearly asking for marriage equality is a "fad" in a world where closeted gays are humping each other while being hetero-married otherwise.

    I've never seen any real stats about long term societal effects of legalizing same-sex marriage, but I and many others will see it in our lifetimes.

    Meanwhile, you are free to move to Iran and enjoy your "real" marriage with up to whatever wives they're allowing over there, and maybe have some undercover mother/dog/ipad play too.

    • Like 1
  4. How about regular shipping time from Europe to thai with dhl? Was send out on 12 of December today number 20 still not areived!

    dhl courier or dhl global mail?

    if courier, I believe you can call them and push to get a refund, times like those are unacceptable (unless they have some valid reason behind it)

    dhl global mail, which I believe you're referring to, is carried by local postal services outside of Europe, I'd expect it to be here in 8-10 working days (up to 2 calendar weeks basically.)

    Might be slower due to Christmas madness coming up - my shipments weren't affected, though.

  5. Using regular postal service does not insulate you from rapacious customs agents.

    Today I received a package, sent by US Express Mail, and it went through Thai Post. The value was $60. The package was labeled "gift" as it was sent by relatives. It was about 6 small bottles of vitamin supplements I use for therapy.

    Thai customs charge: $20. That's a 30% duty charge.


    I wonder what guidelines are thaipost referring to exactly when adding charges...

    Got one of my regular vitamin orders taxed yesterday (les than $ 60 declared worth, ended up paying 500 & something baht (30 % VAT + 10 % sales tax on top that)

    A similar valued box arrived finely this morning tho, same as all of my orders through past year.

    DHL shipments got charged unhumanly all the time, so at least they have some consistency.

  6. midasthailand, aeroflot knows their passengers much better than you.

    your glass of wine is 5 liters of duty-free booze for Russians, some (if not most) of which gets consumed during the 10 h flight.

    I can say that my own experience with aeroflot on a non-drinking plane was miles better than flying with emirates from MSK to BKK simply due to lack of drunks.

    I also don't think the no booze rule is enforced in business class by the way, and unless you turn vodka into gold with a single touch, you will not want to fly on a plane with Russian drunktards.

  7. Thanks! I'm up as I can't sleep. Unusual for me. Just feel horrible. This is now day 3. I have a friend who got it last week also, took 3-4 days to recover. NO FUN!

    I'm currently suffering with the same symptoms as others described, for 3rd day already and it sucks;

    sulidine (< 50 baht; 1 pill x 3 times per day) does help me to some extent, it also makes me sleepy and drowsy quite a lot.

    not good if you're working, not bad if you can't get a proper amount of sleeping I assume.

  8. Once a friend of mine guested in a Russian village. He couldn't manage to stay there a planned week and left after 4 days. The reason was alcohol abuse by the locals. For 4 days he did not see a single sober face. They drink really hard guys.

    Lol, I've seen this topic in my e-mail newsletter and clicked the link immediately.

    Only one question so far - why did your friend go to the Russian village without consulting any other Russians first?

    and he could cope with lack of very basic utilities like water heating and decent electricity that would be natural in a poverty struck area, but couldn't make it through drinking?

    Russians DO drink quite a lot compared to other nations, plus 420 is strictly banned here, with penalties no being much different from heavy drugs, the legal drinking age is also pretty low (and in lots of cases, parents don't give a shit about their kids getting drunk, they'd be more worried if kids don't get wasted probably).

    Imagine a Siberian Tennessee, except booze is dirt cheap and other relaxing substances aren't available at all.

    Does not apply to all of Russia, by all means, but the villages here are getting on the edge of extinction. People who can work and have their brains in place move out to larger towns or cities.

    Laughed irl at Russian tourists in Dubai story - know that crowd, hate that crowd.

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