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Posts posted by Pammalitta

  1. Here's a question that's, I hope, within the topic thread.

    How come none of the Thai women speak English with a British accent? I've only met one that did. All the others speak English without the British accent.

    I've been to other countries where those who've learned English do speak it with a British accent, but not Thailand. How come?

    I think American movies and series affect us more?

  2. Actually we have a bit of a running joke. At her counter is the machine to print out the queue coupons. And at least one out of 5 person coming in have no clue how to use it, and end up bugging her about it, where she has to reach over the counter and press the button for them. There's already a big sign in Thai with instructions, but nobody seems to read it. So I am thinking to make a sign with step by step pictures and big words on "How to get your Queue ticket", in Thai and English of course, maybe a flashing LED arrow pointing at the printer button. This would really be a gift to the post office, but it should benefit her and really break the ice?

    Isn't it easier just to ask her out? :lol:

    I'm sure any girls will be happy if someone shows interests in them or ask them for a date straight away rather than being subtled about it. But that's just my opinion.. as a direct and straight-forward person.

  3. I think it's cheating.

    When i was dating my bf the first week. I found out that he was flirting with another girl he met online before he met me and still continued chatting and called her sometimes. He said he never met her but from their conversations, he wanted to meet her even after we started dating. I told him he could do what he did before he met me but i would quit dating only him and give myself chances to meet other men, just to be fair.

    What i did to make sure was... called the girl and told her he was dating me and it was her call to date someone's boyfriend.

    Then both of them stopped contact each others.

    The thing is how you can trust them again?

  4. Hello Abby. :) Nice to meet you ka. I live not far from Ratchada and this month i work in Central Latphroa on saturdays and sundays so if you have time and want to practice Thai, just let me know so we can have a cup of coffee. Anyway, Central Latphroa is really crowded. I hardly breathe lolz.

  5. According to OP, from my opinion, i don't think postal office workers are well-educated, possibly manager or higher positions, they are. Also it depends on the area you live in as well. In a small city, they tend to have lower education compare to the big city. I just took a peek in their recruitment, it varies from grade9, vocational degree and rarely bachelor degree. About being well-paid, i don't think so. The salary starts from 203, 224 baht a day up to 9-10k baht a month (only if they have a bachelor degree)if they become a government officer (since we have used term "government employee" rahter than "government officer" which are not only different in terms but other things as well such as healthy benefits and work contracts and so on).

    About the language barrier, i think u need to figure out yourself... so far i've never asked a girl out for a date. :lol:

    About a girl being single or not... u mentioned she doesn't wear a ring. I don't think you should apply western cultures to here. She may have a boyfriend who doesn't live with her, or she may have a boyfriend who lives with her or she is married but doesn't wear a ring or she's a mistress or in case you both are meant to be to each other, she is Single.

    Some girls, as far as i have heard, are quite easily distracted and open themselves to better options. They may have boyfriends/husbands but they are not satisfied with them and they don't mind going out with other men either Thai or Farang for better things.

    No matter how educated they are or how much money they make. Most of my female friends have gotten master degree at least and some doctoral degrees and are dating quite decent men. Still at some points, some of them are not happy with their boyfriend and they date with other men time to time.

    I think this also applies to men as well. Don't get me wrong about it.

    I agree with other posts to ask a favour from your thai female friend to check her out. Perhaps she knows someone at the post office? so you can get insiders' information. I'm sure if she is still single, they know that too.

  6. I would suggest Hydroquinone 4% concentration and taper off as soon as yo are satisfied with the result. Usually HQ is quite safe in certain concentration and time. It's also very effective and fast! When u taper off it then u may add VitC, arbutin, kojic acid on and on..

  7. ผู้โดยสารที่จะไปรถไฟฟ้ามหานคร สามารถเปลี่ยนขบวนรถได้ที่สถานีนี้

    Poo duay sarn tee ja pai rod fai far ma-ha-na-korn, sa-mart plien ka-buan rod dai tee sa-tha-nee nie

  8. Poo doay sarn tee ja pai .. ผู้โดยสารที่จะไปรถไฟฟ้ามหานคร สามารถเปลี่ยนขบวนรถได้ที่สถานีนี้?

  9. Today i'm going out with my friend. She's applying to work full time at the same clinic i work so she will be busier as much as i am very soon. We are going to shopping a bit then going to Oskar Bistro. Once she starts working, we may not have time to go out much anymore. *sob sob*

  10. If you dont enjoy a good book(which is relative to each and everyone) you're clearly trying to be as dumb as you can. Everyone can find a book they fall in love with. Once you do you will see that you can get even more deep into the story than with a movie, with no effort. Usually people who hate book also have never went through beyond page 20-30 (which are usually the most boring) or they read books of no relevance to them. If i had only read french literature books where the story takes place in 1500 to 1800.. I would of never wanted to read an other book in my life..<br /><br /><br />It's your choice not to be part of humanity though, hating those who look down upon you for ignoring our history and culture have all their rights, just as you have your right to be in your outcast sanctuary.<br />

    Then i have a problem. I read Lord of the Rings in English once and i fell asleep after 10 pages. Hardly understand those words. Had to open a dictionary most of workds there. Soon i gave up.

  11. <br />i have never seen a public liberary those here<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />We have a lot of book rental places. It costs around 5 baht for cartoons, 10 baht for magazines or more for novels. You can rent it for 3 - 7 days. SO they don't have to buy books.<br /><br />I like collecting books but i hate them everytime i move ( since i move every 1-2 years). They are heavy and use a lot of space. Really hate that.<br /><br />I have a question. A friend of mine complained when he saw me reading/watching cartoons. I'm sure i'm not mental retard or low IQ, just want to relax. I also like watching history channel, animal planet, discovery channel and travelling channels. It depends on my mood that day. Anyone has suggestions?
  12. As a Thai, I read almost every kind of books : fiction, non-fiction, travel, self-improvement and textbooks. I also read interesting articles from the internet. I just don't read on the train, i prefer to watch people get on and off the train.I don't think books here are more expensive than abroad. In fact, i think there are cheaper here. ItI think some people here are ignorant. They don't care about the outside world and live in their small world. Of course we learn about our history and as they don't pay attention much, they soon forget. Personally, i haven't read and watch political news since April last year. It was too depressive for me.

  13. @PAM:…..Luncheon and shoes scouting?……sounds great!!thumbsup.gif At the moment I live too far, I will pm you when I'm in town.

    In addition: I don't know if you can plan your vacation several months ahead or not. Sometimes in Febuary I will be in Chiangmai, If you are free at the time we can meet up there also. That is, if you want to explore gardens and hillsides of Doi Intranon. My uncle is one of consultants for the king agricultural research project, Doi Intranon station, mostly it focuses on the rural development through growing cash crops instead of opium. I very want to go and see some of his works up there, you're welcome to come along, if you're interested in this kind of stuff. Just to give a head up, if you want to get out of bkk.

    Let's keep in touch until then,


    @Doji : It would be nice to see you ka.

    I will be in Chiang Rai from Feb27th until Mar16th. It's not far from CM. Let me know when you will be there :lol:

    @Nadine : I think there are good and bad Thai men as men all over the world. I have heard stories about bad Thai men but i've never dated that type of guys myself.

    My ex Thai bf is a very nice guy. He is very well-educated. He doesn't drink. He doesn't smoke. He never cheated me. He was very nice to me. We broke up because he's a mommy's boy. :D His mother was really the pain in the __. Now we are still good friends.

    Other Thai men i dated were very nice too. There is no stereotype of Thai men so far as i have seen.

    I wish you good luck with your Thai bf ka. ;)

  14. For the sake of comparison I recentlly ( in May this year) paid 15,000 at Califonia Wow for one year, and with restricted use to the Esplanade gym only.

    Maybe I got done, who knows, but I am making excellent use of it.

    Has anyone paid an annual price at True Fitness at Asoke???

    I fancy going there when my membership at expires next year

    They offerred me approx 18,000 baht for 18 months membership a few months ago. Can't remember if everything is included.

    I have a life time membership with california wow but since i felt their trainers were trying too hard, i stopped going there (at Jasmin tower br).

  15. B)

    "Normal uni bird" . . . rolleyes.gif

    There must be loads of farang who think that Thai people only have sex in the missionary position with the lights out after a heated bout of furious and frantic sniff-kissing, or something.

    Agree with Trembly. This topic is getting funnier more and more. :lol:

    Don't worry your not the only one there are plenty of guys who have it worse then you. Buying houses and then getting kicked out by the gardener who is in fact the husband of the wife.

    THere are plenty of nice Thai girls so dont worry.

    Where? :unsure:

    Everywhere in Bangkok!

    For example, Interchange and Exchange towers, i see many office ladies all over the place. You may start by giving her a smile and say hello. B)

  16. My suggestions :

    1. Stop drinking most juices. Allow only 1 box of unif which contains 80-140 kcal a day. Thailand has many fresh fruits to offer. Why do u drink fruit juice which loaded with sugar???

    when i was on a diet (even now) i don't drink juices. I drink diet soda instead when i have a crave. Some contains caffeine and it keeps me awake when i work late (i don't drink coffee-ok i drink it rarely).

    2. Cashewnuts have high calories. Other nuts also have high calories and high cholesterol too. Almonds are good for diet though..it helps to reduce your appetite but not the whole package

    3. Read lables everytime you eat. I showed my ex bf he should read lables, he stopped snickers ever since. :lol:

    4. Allow yourself some sweets. It's necessary to treat yourself once in a while.

    5. Don't sleep late. Best is before midnight. It affects your growth hormone releasing.

    6. Don't eat late. At least 4 hours before bedtime. Same reason as no.5

    7. Have breakfast or fruits within 2 hours after u wake up.To prevent your cortisol rising.

    8. More protein in the evening will help you not hungry in the middle of the night.

    Personally i prefer a man with a slight belly. I like to squeeze it. :D

  17. I know many of you find it difficult to accept what I have said. Why? Because it doesn't fit the typical "thai girl cheating on farangs" accounts that some of you are exposed to very frequently. I bet some of you already have an idea of what my situation will be even before you entered this topic. You were expecting a 60 years old farang writing about how his 20s-30s years old Thai gf, who is a bargirl from Pattaya/Phuket/Patpong/Nana etc, cheated on him. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.

    Like some of you, I really hope that I am writing a fictitious account. But this has happened. I am confident to say that I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't go to bar and I am certainly not fat. Therefore, I will never find a girlfriend who exhibits these behaviors/traits.

    Another thing some of you seems not to know is that there is more than one way to to be infected with STDs/HIVs. The way some of you posted seems to suggest that you believe you can get STDs/HIVS through sexual intercourse ONLY.

    Anyway, I had a talk with her yesterday and she is getting married. She told me she has been with this "brother" of hers for more than 2 years. In the end, what I got from her was a "sorry". That's all.

    In the beginning, I thought that by avoiding girls who exhibits traits that I dislike(as described above), I will be able to reduce the number of problems that might occur in the future. It did help me in the past and will continue to help me in the future. Sad to say, I missed out something called "Gik". I didn't know such a culture exist until JohnnyFeelIt pointed it out. Thank you JohnnyFeelIt.

    Lastly, I have finally moved on.

    I'm glad you move on. Even a relationship/marriage can end.

    In my opinion, She lied to you because she might think you were a good candidate or she was just lonely. Kissing but no sex is tricky. Personally i don't count it as cheating.... i may be wrong :lol:

    There are many nice girls in Thailand.


  18. Botox is very useful for hyperhidrosis. It has medical journals supported already. Once you sweat less and your smell will get better as well.

    [spicy food makes u have undesirable odor too... avoid it if u have that kind of problem... don't make me fainted in BTS/MRT plz plz plz]

    You should give it a try (in case you concern about it). It may cost a lot at the beginning but in long term, if you have injections regularly, let's say it lasts 6 months for the first time. The latter time will last longer.

    Dramatic result. You can see the change within a few days.

    Anyway, due to previous posts... i'm Thai and i don't sweat much at all. :D

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