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Status Updates posted by AlexMcAllister

  1. Best season in F1 for many years... somehow I've lost interest, I'm so happy!

  2. I once asked my Professor of Russian History many years ago, "How do you study history without becoming a cynic?" He replied, "You don't!"

  3. Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can’t Be Dodged | Epicenter | Wired.com http://t.co/cnRXU0K

  4. Apple cash on hand: $76 billion. US Treasury: $74 billion. - CSMonitor.com http://t.co/eu1jzLP

  5. "We are all like sheep to the slaughter" (The Apostle Paul) But not when it comes to News Corp!

  6. Web Browser Add-Ons Let Users Block News Corp-Owned Websites http://t.co/t9T9ojc via @tpm

  7. Come on... it's been a long day . I need some News Corp bashing as much as I need a cold beer!

  8. I want to whip Murdoch with a wet rubber hose!

  9. This should be the most watched vid in history http://t.co/6pQb3Mw

  10. Lawyer for Assange tweets his phone hacked http://t.co/PV0mXDb

  11. Somali Islamists maintain aid ban and deny famine: http://t.co/R7s0Fpo

  12. So what really pisses me off is these gamers who have never even spun a real car pontificating as experts on driving!

  13. Love the way that SE Asian problems are resolved somewhere in Europe, It really stinks of neo-colonialism.

  14. News Corp. = Newspeak... Orwell got it right!

  15. California lawmakers' pay to be docked over budget, Chiang says - latimes.com http://t.co/DPpEhXo

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