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Status Updates posted by JuliaThazinMayerhofer

  1. 65.4 kgs and 14.8% bodyfat today - so close to my goal to reach 64 kgs and 14% by June 11 (My B-Day). All or nothing for the next days :)

  2. Plan for Saturday: 1.20 hrs cardio and a little bit of arms in the morning, 1.10 hrs cardio and back workout in the evening. Let's go crazy :)

  3. Oh yeah - 2 hours of cardio today, good back/chest workout, weight down to 67 kg and 16.5 bodyfat - feeling strong, physically and mentally - life is sweet :)

  4. My sister made me so proud and happy today - told me that I look great and she wants to become a fitness model :)

  5. Quote for the day: "What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve". Master your mind, envision to be the best every day and surround yourself with positivity - that is what bodybuilding has taught me :)

  6. Woke up half dead - maybe too crazy legs workout yesterday night :) No pain no gain

  7. What motivates me everyday? To be the best version of me that I can possibly be and to be an inspiring role model for others :)

  8. Perfect Saturday: 1 hour cardio in the morning + weights and 50 more minutes of cardio in the afternoon and then my long awaited cheat meal :)

  9. Julia's words of wisdom for the day: Our thoughts determine our outcomes - gotta stay positive and never give up :)

  10. looking for a cheap second-hand bicycle in Bangkok. Anyone got a spare one lying around and want to donate to me? ;)

  11. 2 weeks without carbs now, 1 hrs 50 mins cardio everyday, plus weights - low energy, feeling tired/exhausted and my whole body is aching/burning. But my mind is still strong, will never ever give up and make my dream come true :)

  12. two days after doing legs I still have to walk like a penguin and every step on the crosstrainer and stairmaster burns like fire - I love it though :)

  13. People have asked me what motivates me to spend endless hours in the gym and stick to a strict diet. Here is the answer: I love the bodybuilding lifestyle, I love dealing with the mental and physical challenges pushing myself to the limits. And I love to see the transformation from 90 kg and 35% body fat to 68,5kg and 17,5% body fat currently. With passion, commitment, consistency and focus you can achieve everything :)

  14. favourite day of the week: legs day - time for my "Oh Yeah Training", time to go crazy :)

  15. Inspiration for the day - Oh Yeah Training with David Mayerhofer this is how crazy we workout back in December 2011:

  16. Brutal legs workout today and then still hit it with 40 mins cardio - now details coming out in the upper body, proud of myself but more to come :)

  17. Oh yeah - training with Mr. Thailand today - happy Julia :)

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