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Posts posted by Sheri

  1. The source for the statement that condoms were not found protective was from JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association), 8/25/93 Vol. 270 #8, 11/16/94 Vol. 272, p.1478.

    Here are some highlights,

    "Condom use was reported in 61.5% of men...but was not shown to be protective of prevalent HIV infection...the epidemic of HIV infection has spread widely among young men in northern Thailand, despite reported frequent and recent use of condoms during sex with female CSWs [commercial sex workers]...Indeed, those who reported ever having used a condom with a CSW had a higher HIV prevalence..."

    Read what it says. Those who used condoms had higher HIV infection rates. You can go into denial all you want, but the facts are written in the scientific journals, of which JAMA is quite prominent.

    Not all scientific studies support the belief that condoms are protective of HIV. This is only one small example. Why is it hidden from the publics eye? It's not. It's just that the public doesn't read the scientific journals, they go by media propaganda in the newspapers where journalists are paid to write amusing tales on HIV that sell their paper and magazine. And of course, such amusing tales include that of one-legged Germans who have magical abilities to persuade innocent school girls to drop their panties at the wave of a few thousand baht. If it were really that easy, why are all the farangs hanging at the Nana Plaza in Bangkok where the old hag whores are charging the same ballpark figures? Don't they know they can get much younger, fresher and more beautiful Thai school girls simply by choping off their leg, forgetting to shave, dying their hair orange, and then driving around the school yard in a worn out jeep?

  2. I've decided to open a school in Thailand for farangs, "The Art of Making it with Thai School Girls", based on the techniques of the one-legged German.

    The course will be one month and offer the following guarantee:

    1. You can enter any city in Thailand and have over 450 Thai school girls at your command for any sexual acts you desire, even sex without condoms.

    2. It doesn't matter what you look like. Even if you are missing a leg, an arm, an eye, an ear, we will teach you how to make all Thai school girls instantly fall so in love with you, they will be at your total sexual command.

    3. Your age need not matter. Thai school girls don't care how old the guy they sleep with, anyway.

    4. Even if you are HIV positive, we will teach you how to convince the high school girls not to be concerned.

    5. We will teach you how to avoid all discussion of pregnancy with any of the girls, so even their parents and friends never raise a single concern, in spite of the fact you won't be using condoms.

    6. Don't worry about getting arrested for having sex with high school girls. We will show you the secret of avoiding confrontations with the police.

    This and more when you join our school...

  3. Actually, pregnancy is pretty much a death sentence for a high school girl. She will completely lose face, having to drop out of school (unless she gets an abortion, which is illegal) only to be ridiculed by all her friends, family, neighbors, etc. Her life will be in shambles. On top of it, once the word gets out it was the German farang who paid her for sex, she will be branded as a whore, she will be given a death sentence of AIDS (HIV positive or not) and in a very realistic sense, her life will be ruined. Expect to see such a girl hanging on Beach Road in Pattaya, doing short time for 300-500 baht a session.

    Pregnancy is far worse a fate than HIV, because being pregnant is visible. You can hide the fact you're HIV positive, live with it for years on end (only about 10% die), and enjoy a long life without anyone knowing. Try doing that on your 8th month of pregnancy while still in high school.

    More so, pregnancy would be an issue if the girls were either virgin or had limited sexual experience. The fact that nobody seems to give a hoot about any of them being pregnant indicates they were already sexually active, were already making use of birth control - which means they could very well already be HIV infected.

    If you argue the German infected them, you must argue they were virgins. And if you argue they are virgins, you must explain why mom and dad aren't a)climbing the walls at the possibility their daughter is pregnant, and :o insisting the guy marry the girl.

    The whole article is filled with absurdities. No high school girl sleeps with a farang without fear of pregnancy, unless she's a pro. And if she's a pro, who's to say she already wasn't infected with HIV. Maybe one of them gave it to him, and you're her next target. That is, assuming she finds herself working down in Pattaya or Bangkok in the months or years to come.

  4. Doesn't it surprise nobody that of the so-called 500 school girls who tested HIV positive, NONE of them were tested for pregnancy?

    That alone tells you the whole story is bogus. The first thing on a girl's mind when she has sex with a man is, "Am I pregnant?", not, "Did I get a disease?"

    This alone confirms the story is a hoax. Nobody goes out and tests a whole school full of school girls for HIV, ignoring the pregnancy tests. First concern of any parent will be if their daughter is pregnant, not if she has an STD. Since that question was never even raised in the topic of discussion, it undermines the whole story. It's all bogus.

  5. So let's add up a few of the facts here.

    A German national accused by a community in northeast Thailand of spreading HIV/AIDS among local school girls.

    And who is this "community"?

    Well, for starters, we got anywhere from 100-450 Thai whores who will allegedly do anything for 4,000 baht short time. Gee, that's a credible source.

    Then we got his nasty HIV infected wife, who obviously has a grudge against his ex-husband. Another highly credible source.

    Then there's the Thai neighbors. Oh, gee, neighbors never gossip, do they now!

    What a team of reliable sources we have to go on! Gee, you almost got me convinced. But wait! Hold on! There's just one little problem.

    "Health authorities in Chaiyaphum have not been able to determine whether Schiemann is HIV positive."

    What! You mean after all this, we don't even know if the guy is HIV positive to begin with?

    Ha! Shows how naive all of you out there were to buy into this story in the first place. What people will believe when it appears in the media! Never ceases to amaze me.

  6. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    You see the photo of this loser?

    Now tell me 450 Thai high school girls slept with him! Yeah, right and they were all blind, were also missing a leg, and they had all mistaken him for a Thai citizen who just graduated from high school! That's why so many slept with him, they thought he was a college soccer stud!

    By the way, is there any way to get this German guys phone number? He's so cute, I too wanted to have sex with him.

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

  7. "He would cruise in his car, looking for groups of young people after school and offering them the equivalent of their parents' monthly wages to have unprotected sex. They generally agreed."

    "They generally agreed."

    Of course they did, because:

    (1) all high school girls throughout the country of Thailand are sleazy whores who would do anything at the sight of a 1,000 baht Thai note, and,

    (2) all one legged farangs in their 50's with a car are super studs, who can magically seduce high school girls, who otherwise would have saved sex for marriage or a Thai boy they have fallen in love with.

    Sorry, but Thai high school girls don't just jump in a car with one legged farangs who cruise the streets, and it takes a heck of a lot more money than the salary of any parents' monthly wage to convince even the more hardened hooker to have sex without a condom. Go to the Nana Plaza in Bangkok, bar fine a few of the hookers, and then tell me how easy it is to convince them to have sex without a condom. You might learn something.

    If you ask me, the journalist who wrote this article is the one who should be in jail, not the one legged German, who, if he was lucky, might have gotten at best, a few 45 year old Thai teachers into bed on the whim he just might slip them the ring on their left hand's forth finger. Perhaps that's exactly what happened and why his ex-wife had such a misfit.

    This article is nothing but a bunch of propaganda and those of you who believe it are as dumb as the girls this German allegedly slept with. Actually, you're all dumber, because at least the girls got paid for their stupidity; all you got was brain damage.

  8. Condoms are NOT protective of HIV in Thailand. Read the scientific journals and learn something for a change:

    "Condom use was reported in 61.5% of men...but was NOT shown to be protective of prevalent HIV infection." (my caps)

    Condoms PROMOTE HIV in Thailand:

    "Indeed, those who reported ever having used a condom with a CSW (commercial sex worker) had a HIGHER HIV prevalence." (my caps)

    Condoms DO NOTHING to stop HIV in Thailand:

    "The epidemic of HIV infection has spread widely among young men in northern Thailand, DESPITE reported frequent and recent use of condom during sex with CSW's". (my caps)

    (Source: Journal of American Medical Association, studies on HIV infection in Thailand).

    If this German had used condoms, it wouldn't have made a difference, except to possibly infect more girls.

    Quit reading media propaganda on AIDS and learn something from the scientific journals, you may actually have to use your brain to think. I know that's dangerous for some...

  9. Folks, let's get real here! Put on your thinking caps for a moment and take a look at what is being said.

    The article says,

    "A German national IS BELIEVED to have deliberately infected more than 450 young women with the HIV/AIDS virus..." (my caps)

    This is a common trick of journalists, to alude to what is "believed" by an unknown source, giving it the appearance such a belief is based on factual and empirical data. Note the article makes no reference to who believes this, thus it could be a drunk who believed it or some NGO who already has made up their mind all farangs spread AIDS to all Thai girls. Now, if the article said, "Dr. M, along with a medical team of AIDS experts from around the world, after 6 months of careful medical and scientific study, concluded there might be a connection between 450 girls who were found HIV positive and a German national", the article would begin to take on some credibility. It says nothing of the sort. All it says is that someone, whoever that is, believed the guy may have infected 450 girls with HIV.

    Now, let me ask you this. Is the fact that something is believed, any type of proof that it's factual? If so, we would have the following "facts":

    "A loyal Christian is BELIEVED to go to heaven when he dies..."

    "A faithful Muslim is BELIEVED to be rewarded with 7 virgins when he dies..."

    "The Hindu god Krishan is BELIEVED to have had 16,000 wives..."

    "A woman is BELIEVED to have been abducted by aliens from another planet..."

    "A man is BELIEVED to have gotten pregant..."

    "A ghost is BELIEVED to have visited a Thai bar girl at her room last night..."


    "A German national is BELIEVED to have infected 450 girls..."

    If you believe the last statement, you might as well believe all the former, because there's no more scientific or empirical data to support either. Guess it all comes down to how naive and gullible a reader you really are. And I BELIEVE that what I just wrote happens to be the truth! Swallow that pill and see what happens!

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