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Laughing Gravy

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Posts posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. 3 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Coming from the UK, the only major differences I found were that most Thai's rarely see roundabouts and despite white stop lines being painted on the exit, local customs tend to apply.


    And more importantly, if you are driving down a road and turning right into a side road, any traffic waiting in that side road to turn right in front of you has right of way, it's completely the opposite in the UK.

    What about the Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre (UK). Whilst here, it is Manoeuvre, Mirror, Signal (Thailand)

    • Haha 2
  2. Taxis in Thailand, especially Bangkok/Pattaya are scurge and a disgrace on the country. The wife who is Thai always comments on the disgraceful service they give, constant complaining about why you don't go further or take a toll way.


    The lack of manners and general politness seems to be the norm. I know you may get a good one but most are awful. And before the 'you must be new here brigade' start spouting, thats 23 years experience. Taxis in China are much better, cheaper and more relaible. Taxis in the UK are better, more reliable but more expensive.


    The TAT should look at the Taxis as this is the first impression and mostly the impression is disgraceful. Out with the taxi mafia!


    We haven't had a story about a taxi driver finding 3 million baht on the back seat of his car and handing it in. I am sure we will soon.:cheesy:

    • Like 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, topt said:

    Why would that have any affect on a bank's reasoning whether to keep a non res on the books? Capital Gains tax is nothing to do with them other than if paying HMRC it would probably get paid out of that account......

    For most registered as non residents for tax there is no Capital Gains payable except on property (where details changed from 2015). 

    So I don't see how this can be in any way relevant.........

    You sound like you think the banks are there to help people and are independent from politics. Anyway as I said what friends said. Take it or leave, I don't care

  4. 11 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Sorry, you're saying that that you pay CGT on UK Assets bought 25 years ago!!! - Unless you're talking about Property (and that was pre-2016), you need to sack your accountant fella..

    Obviously you struggle with reading. I said I left the UK 25 years ago. I did not say I bought property then.

    Was that a result of Brexit. There are a few other things that you can get capital gains tax on. Maybe get your accountant to tell you


    I am not going to go into all the ins and outs of things fella . I just gave you a what was said to me. Take it or leave it and jog on.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Carrying that girly Gucci handbag is not doing his tough guy image much good!

    Maybe call him out on that one and see what happens:passifier:. He has a sense of humour but talking about a travellers manhood might be pushing it too far.????

  6. On 5/17/2023 at 8:41 PM, Stocky said:

    UK MPs have urged the government to treat retail investment in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as a form of gambling. This has to be the most clear headed thinking on cryptocurrencies I've seen.

    So there will be no 40% capital gains tax then, as there isn't any on gambling.  Yeah!

    You sound like a spokesman for the banking cartel.


    My awful bank have tried over the last 5 years to prevent me investing in a public traded company (Crypto exchange) for my own good of course (sic). They have told me blatantly they do not want me investing in the crypto. When i tell them i get anywhere between 5 and 16% yield on some coins and the banks don't even pass on their interests rates to customers, they do get upset. The state of fractional banking and the ponzi scheme called banking, which sadly most people just don't realise.


    The banks created a system that you can't do without them. Trying booking a plane ticket or hotel without a debit/credit card. Now they have even told people they can only have 250 pounds a time each day of their own money, because people are getting scammed. Aren't the banks so caring and wonderful!????


    If it wasn't for national insurance payments I would ditch my awful bank of 56 years that I have been with but I can't do the many things without them.


    I do hope people wake up and reliase the banks are worse than the mafia and are the most powerful, political force around influencing policy that suits them.







    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Is it not 100% mandatory to Vote in some Western countries?

    I don't remember it ever been rolled ot in the last 5 elections. Strange that.


    Are you an apologists trying to justify this!


    Yes Australia, you pay a 100$ fine (if I remember) if you don't vote but it does not equate to this nonsense.

    According to the law, failure to participate in an election is not a legal offense, but it revokes their rights to oppose election results in two years, to hold a political position, and to hold a local administrative position.

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