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Posts posted by Otis

  1. This is disgusting. Putting any part of the blame for a rape onto the victim for how she dresses is the kind of logic to be expected from the Taliban or Saudi Arabia. My opinion of Prayuth has just sunk even lower.

    Maybe it is time for Thailand to have a slutwalk.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't think the General was blaming the victims. He was advising people to think about behavior consequences. Yes, he did step into a "PC" no win heap. The ivory tower people are quite correct in theorizing that any rape is a crime committed by the perp. This is true of gold necklace snatching. In the real world these crimes are fact and one can do things to reduce the chances of them happening. For instance, I recently saw a Thai lady get up from her table at a restaurant and remove her gold necklace and put it in her purse. It doesn't garrantee she will not be robbed of the gold but, if not seen, it does not tempt. How many times have we heard to not leave valuables in view in cars? General Prayuth was just reminding people to use some common sense or streetsmarts. The General's flaw was not enough sugar coating .

    Just sayin'. oc

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  2. The whole idea of clean and free energy is silly. There are no free lunches.

    Anytime energy is changed and moved from its place in nature, there is a cost. Solar and wind are sources of energy that can be tapped but, there will be a cost. We just don't seem to think the cause and effect through.

    For instance, has anyone considered what happens if the earth's wind energy is redirected into electricity? Say on a massive scale, such as 50% of a global economy. It will reduce planet wind production by an opposite factor. The law of unintended consequences will most certainly slap the planet with a severe penalty.

    The earth will stop spinning and all the people will fall off. Not bad for earth, but pretty rough on humanity. And soon, in geologic time, the cycle will start over minus the idiots and the innocents.

    In conclusion; Don't mess with Mother Nature without consulting her. oc

  3. Stray dogs are noisy, dirty and dangerous disease carriers. They are an absolute menace everywhere and should be put down humanely.

    If those people who like them want to adopt them and keep them in their homes, that's fine also (though I pity their neighbours).

    I recall a few years ago enjoying a lunch on the beach in Pattaya, when one of the soi dogs started making a lot of noise. The dog was announcing the arrival of a cobra (the snake not the military exercise). People were too busy running to stop and give the dog an "attaboy award". So, not all soi dogs do all bad. Some may deserve a bus ticket To Sakhon Nakhon but, not all. oc

  4. you reap what you sow,  my dad always said to me Son,don't shit on your own doorstep,you took her back to your home so she knows where you live,  big mistake just be honest with your girlfriend and tell her the truth,Grow some balls if not this other girl will own your balls forever.



    How can this be a problem?  It's a wonderful thing to feel wanted by someone.  This guy has it X2,  I am so jealous.


    • Like 1


    so....some kind of magic or just interfering with market forces? A populist measure if ever I saw one....or is it the government's intention to take control of the entire food chain from paddock to platter?........this is a grand plan and historically famously fraught with problems...v. China under Mao and Russia under Stalin.




    Sounds like it is just for city folks (Bangkok).  Favor for a diverse political constituency?  No such thing as a free lunch but, an artificially market price reduced lunch?  That's a workable plan.  Just not free market pure.  just sayin' oc



    Hangouts....Thai Visa Bar.

    Just go for a coffee1.gif ...or even drunk.gif


    Ps, is Pattaya really the middle of nowhere?







    I thought Pattaya was the middle of everythingthumbsup.gif



    Tolkein called it middle Earth I thought.




         Well, there are a lot of Orcs, Trolls, Dwarves, Forest Elves, a few Hobbits, and a sprinkling of Ladyboys.  You might be onto something here.  Middle Earth, Thailand.  Got a nice "ring" to it.  whistling.gif  oc




    Mr. Costas have you got this bird's Facebook address?

    Oh god, he's probably been milking her.



    Definitely I bet she could drink her weight in Badger Milk.



    There is a lot of Badger Milk produced in the "Badger State" (Wisconsin, USA).  Very rich milk. Adds a lot of weight quickly.cheesy.gif  oc 



    Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.

    BS, the USA has the largest prison population of any nation on earth... Where you getting your stats, the barstool? 
    Correct. 1% of us Americans are in jail mainly because of our drug war and secondly because they now serve in place of the mental institutions that we used to have.



         Let's not forget that many Americans are the sons and daughters of horse thieves, highwaymen, religious crazies, and freedom and equality freaks.  So, many of us have a genetic predisposition to flaunt the law.  Some of us more so than others.  On the bright side, the US has pretty nice jails relative to other countries.  smile.png   oc


  9. I would completely agree with all political parties being disbanded and made to register as new parties after a suitable waiting period.  I think under the circumstances we have had it is also reasonable that all past ministers at least be not permitted to contest for 5 years.  This may put some new blood in the party but still enables competent people to contribute later if the people do want them.


         New names, new parties brings to mind a few folk wisdoms.  "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  If it walks like a duck, looks like duck, quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.  A turd by any other name is still a turd.  The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.  The velvet glove hides the iron hand."

         However, "Hope springs eternal.", has a positive ring to it.

         For daily optimism, I recommend;  "Yesterday is gone, tomorrow never comes, today is the miracle."  Go ahead and make your day. smile.png  oc

  10. It would take at least 10 years to fix many of the structural flood control issues (at great cost). Many countries react vs pro-actively deal with these types of issues (New Orleans is an example), it is not just a Thai problem. Politicians often defer these types of problems - and hope that they are not tested because most make political calculations and avoid the necessary investment.

    Are ye saying New Orleans was a proactive or reactive situation? I heard it to be a very clever Republican proactive plot. Why says you? Because, who else would build a city 3 meters below sea level in a hurricane zone and then fill the city with Democrats? Just bouncing ideas around. oc

  11. The street vendors are something that many tourists seem to love. On one hand the nation is pleading, rather unsuccessfully to date, with tourists to come back, and on the other they're removing the sorts of things that make Bangkok so attractive to a large percentage of those that do come here.

    This is a truism. Hell, I'm still pissed about the elephants being outlawed. The charm of Thailand is being pecked away little by little. So, enjoy while you can. oc

  12. the first part of a very funny drama, I loved the word gaggle, next episode please

    What a story!

    Is life imitating art or is art imitating life? And y'all thought those Thai Soaps (not soapies but television shows) on TV (not Thai Visa but television) were fiction. oc

  13. There is no freedom of the press in Thailand. They Thai press is in a constant state of denial about what is really happening and how it happens in Thailand.

    Sounds like the mainstream media in America. Although, there is a free press, it seems to commit the "lie of omission" repeatedly. And, the "news spinning" by the media and government is incredible. Fortunately, there are alternative news outlets in America. oc

  14. "Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

    What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Totally agree, where are the statistics on women who lick women....*like

    Assuming Lesbians to be represented about the same % of population, that would mean 6% to 34% of the population is Homosexual or Lesbian. Factor out the rich and smart that aren't making babies. That would leave only the stupid and poor heterosexuals to marry and make babies. That leaves about 15% of the population making stupid and poor babies. Thailand is going to have to move some of the rich and smart class to the not so rich and not so smart middle class, and a lot of the not so rich and not so smart middle class, to the stupid and poor class to get the population growing again. Or Thai society and culture will disappear.

    Can you imagine Thailand with no Thais? Only Expats, Cambodians, Burmese, and Tourists is the image that comes to mind. Yikes!! oc

  15. So...they are putting in a former THAI airways failure to replace a failure on the way out to replace other failures elsewhere?

    What a reshuffle. They are taking all the worst wealthy do-nothings and assigning them positions of equal benefits in other companies and state enterprises.

    Reform my butt. This is so cosmetic it could be used as Pattaya Lipstick (or more like Foundation).

    Literally, same same but different. There seems to be about 75 of these Lords of Inaction in the country, and they are constantly reassigned and never replaced. New blood is always related to old blood by them to keep the established palms and wheels greased. It's not cronyism, it is in plain fact feudal.

    Maybe I should think of it as being more like crop rotation....blink.png

    Regarding crop rotation; It is quite probable, they use the same fertilizer and only change the numbers around a bit. Yesterday more nitrogen, today more phosphate, tomorrow more "lao te khun". oc

  16. Read the little TV Poster's witicisms at bottom of posts. One in particular jumps out for this question.

    "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

    I apologize to the author for not giving credit but, I searched and couldn't find a post. oc

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Indian smuggler paid for by a Nigerian. It is driving me crazy on my visas here, what category do the Nigerians fall in? Please clean them all out.

    Not all Nigerians are criminals you know.

    To use the phrase "Clear them all out" at best represents an unfortunate state of thinking.

    And that is a charitable, benefit of doubt, assessment of the phrase.

    For a start lets clean out Sukhumvit from Soi 3 - 11 every evening until they are all gone. Many of those guys are in the drug trade.

    I believe General Prayuth is doing that. Stop in the neighborhood about 11:00pm and have a looksee. oc

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