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Posts posted by JamesSwan

  1. I agree with the other posters for the most part.I do not agree on "Kissing Thai butt"!I am a "American",and as such,it just does not sit well with me.It "IS" best to walk away from most bad situations,but sometimes that is not possible..just use common sense.As others have posted,most Thai will never give you a answer if they our not 100% sure they will not lose "Face"...It gets old fast!Most Thai our very good and intend you no harm,so just be very careful of over helpful Thai who speak good English...."Trouble is coming your direction"(most of the time)!Try the "Expat Blog"...just "Google" it.I found great information on that site.It also has a lot of people who teach English & work in Thailand.Another Site"Ajarn.com" is for "English Teachers,and it also has many young outdoor types on that site.Thailand is safe & fun...Just pay attention at all times.

  2. I should have done a edit on that post!Sorry about the error on the return.That should have said( Net return,less 15% of the capital gains tax.)=45,000THb-15% Tax=38,250.00THB Net return .I am sure they will also find some other "fees",as is the norm.I do however intend to keep the money in the highest interest short term fixed deposits.If you leave that money to grow(compounded interest)is the safest,smartest way to earn income.If you can live without it for 5 years,then it is a good investment.I think it is much safer than lending,investing money with family(Thai)(GF)(Pig Farms)...Condos will not return your investment in most cases.

  3. "Run Forrest,Run!Mak,Mak!.I have 1.2M in the 3.75% "Bangkok Bank"11 month fixed deposit.That sum of return after Thai capital gains tax is 15% of the interest.If i could move money that now is getting very "Whacked in the American Stock Market",I would do so.As a another poster already mentioned,your amount of money is small in relationship to"Outside Thailand" investments.Anytime you play poker,invest,loan or otherwise take risks with your money,you assume full responsibility.Thailand's generous interest rates for "Fixed Deposits" our very good compared to what is available in most Money markets in the west.Please think twice before you risk your money on investments that promise great returns.

  4. Around "63F"?That is summer weather in Washington state(USA)..People go swimming around there in much colder weather.My wife who is Thai,just can't figure out my very serious need for the "AC",when it is like 90 plus degrees in our home @ night!My "AC" stays on 25/27c...24/7/365...in my room period!Too dam_n hot for me otherwise..RIP,for that poor girl!

  5. Well,it seems that you our way to nice....I can tell you that the "Offers" of help will shortly be coming your way.On the brighter side of your question,finding short term housing is not hard(this forum has many links).On the language side of things...you really need a "Thai (gf)"...If you our teaching English,or going to be doing so,then learning a bit of Thai is in order.As for your money? That also will get lots of attention and offers of help....LOL!The simple answer is to take things slow in all areas.If you our going to teach,then try and get housing included in your contract.The rural areas of Thailand need teachers,and housing is sometimes included.I suggest you open a savings account/debit card(Bangkok Bank has a section dedicated to foreigners needing this help,with or without work permits or long term visa).I would be very careful of help from any source(me included!).Thailand is "Legend" for lost souls & money & your chosen profession of teaching English.....That road is filled full of very deep holes..I would go and visit "Ajarn.com" first before you jump into the fray!This site is for Teachers(TEFL) & such with many jobs,housing,and much needed advice for first time teachers.The first part of this post was in jest(mostly!).Thailand is a fun and safe place to try your hand @ teaching English,meeting like minded people,and having the adventure of your life!Chok dee

  6. When i move to "LOS",i was getting around 33/35 per US Dollar.....That was like 6 million THB ago....The math really sucks for me....I also got killed when the market went south,and had to send money & my butt back to the states to fix my "Retirement Acct/Brokerage"...barrow/margin funds to buy the "Cheap stocks" @ their lows....that worked great for about 1 year.....LOL!I am now a "LOT" less well off!..I feel somewhat grateful to only be losing money on the exchange rate...LOL!

  7. I have run close to 180 G.US Funds in Thai Banks with "NO" problems.I also jumped on the "3.75%" for 11 months(takes care of my marriage visa/secures a Thai credit card)I have the latter on auto-pay to keep from paying any interest....No where on the "Fixed acct." shows that i am also using that savings acct.to procure a Thai credit card,and the bank will @ my request give me a written letter of funds on deposit for my marriage visa,It is a easy to "Kill Two Birds with one stone!".I have use "ATM's/wired funds/direct deposits with no problems".I have in fact had more issues with my American Bank,and just try and get that cleared up from here!I no longer use that bank in the States,but i do have a acct.with "Bangkok Bank of New York"...i send funds direct deposit,both Govt. & Private...anything happens to the funds,"BB" is under "US Banking Laws"..Bangkok Bank is a very good & safe bank,so i would not worry about in-house problems...other issues our your job to take care of..I always check my acct. regularly

  8. No! No!..Somebody has gave you bad advice!I have wired,direct deposited "Millions" of THB over almost four years,and sent a few million out also.In the past i have for my own Govt.(USA) stated the reason.My tax collector(IRS) does require stated purpose on money transfers over (10,000),but does not require any reasons from a "Direct Deposit" from a "USA BANK"..i.e. Bangkok Bank of New York(is a American Bank),if it is your account.I have never had a Thai Bank withhold anything but fees that might have been charged.The simplest way to get money in & out without little "Big Brother" looking over your shoulders is"Direct deposits"accounts,It is without doubt the least expensive and least intrusive & Quickest way.I am only referring to American "Expats",as i did not have information on "Bangkok Banks" dealings with other countries.Chok dee

  9. No! If your money for a "Retirement visa"(800G) is set in a account for the required time period,then removed after the visa is approved,then you can do what you want with it.The exception to that rule is "Any funds for condo,home purchase must come from outside Thailand and documented for that purpose only"!Thailand's rules for ownership of homes,condos & (rarely land),our filled with many "Big deep holes",and you will end up very much poorer..."RENT"!No problems of major concerns.Follow the immigration rules to the letter.Do not overstay your visa,and try to not be overly creative,as "Thais have that market cornered"!Chok dee

  10. I have move funds out of Thailand(800+) during the market melt down,back in 09..sent from K-Bank to my USA bank.I only did a standard wire transfer with no "REASONS GIVEN"..I also just moved the same amount "INTO" Thailand from (USA) using the "DD" deposit to my Bangkok Bank acct(Social security/Govt. funds)..It seems that if you use that method(if you have a BB acct/direct deposit acct,the fact you our connected with Bangkok Bank,who has a licence to do business in America,and it is your Bank of record(at least having a acct there"USA" no reporting to oversight agency is required.I might add that if you use a "Fixed acct," for your visa requirements,you can get a "Credit card using that same acct.as security.The bank will issue you a letter for immigration for fixed funds,with no mention of it also being used to secure your credit card..thus "Killing two birds with one stone"..it works with the benefit of really not causing you extra money(secured card),as the money remains fixed as long as you keep the credit card,and i plan on never moving that money out.This method has only one drawback,as the funds will need to remain in that fixed acct for three months after you decide to give up your credit card.it also should be noted that your payments for the card can't be deducted from the secured fixed acct,thus requiring a second savings acct,to service the card,I am using a direct debit/pmt in full every billing period to avoid "20%" interest charges...hope this helps on more than one front!

  11. Two out of the three Credit reporting companies located in America,do have Thai connections.If you just "Google" credit reports Thailand,then you will indeed come across them & web sites that will redirect you to the "NCB" site.They have their foot in the door,but i believe the first response to your question is still valid.I do know this information is correct as of two days ago.I was also checking on the reporting agencies,as i have a American Express"Thai" card,along with other credit issues.I would not be concerned over Thai "NCB" reports,as i have had them for three years,and they do not hurt or reward you as such.If you need a credit card in Thailand without a job,work permit,or "PR",then "American Express" is the way to go.American Express is much easier(way easier!),then fighting with Thai Banks.I had "AMX" cards from the states,so just showing my "Bank Savings/deposits,was plenty good.I did not have a "House Book @ that time or Thai "DL",but was married with a "O" Visa.My Thai family is pretty much middle class,but they have a very hard time figuring out that "Paying your bills on time",is the norm!This "habit" has not seemed to hurt their ability to get credit cards,car loans,or other consumer credit lines.It is somewhat funny too me,as i bring in more money per year,than all three Thai wage earners.Thai credit seems more based on having 'Cosigners/Thai family" & pay slips,then any real ability to service the loans.I have no real clue just what the Thai credit reporting agency really bases their scores on....It sure in hell is not about paying on time,credit usage,or even the real ability of the borrower to repay the loan.I believe it is "Mai pen rai" scoring system...correct me if i am wrong.Chok dee

  12. I have a similar problem(albeit,no children).If you our a UK expat,then i suggest contacting "Edward Jones Investments" in the UK.I use this company in America,and have a living trust,that lets me control that trust from "The Grave".I have a Thai wife,no children,but she as most Thai women our "Slaves to the parents".I do not wish for the family to take her retirement money i will to her.I use a trust administrator(Edward Jones and have a co -owner/family who i can trust to follow my wishes).The trust is set up outside of Thailand(a must!)I can suggest you buy a annuity for your daughter(sold by Jones(John Hancock).That instrument is very good in long term financial planning,especially for children(Minors).I am sure you have heard the term"Trust Fund Babies",this method is very sound & safe in protecting assets for children.I have no idea about your reasons for not wanting to not use your home country.I can only tell you that asset protection is very well covered in many Internet sites.I have set up secured 'DD' direct deposits to my "Bank of Bangkok' acct.This method works very well,as nobody but the acct.holder can receive the funds(In person,no debit,and in the case of death,funds go back to the trust ,not a Thai family member.I am no expert on Thai laws,but i do know how to protect my assets from others that i wish to keep away.The perfect annuity pays interest that is deferred from capital gains tax,until it is annualised by the owner.I would never trust Thai lawyers & banks & laws to protect your legacy,so plan on some way to do this outside the the country of Thailand.Chok dee

  13. Your first question of how much & how long for funds in a Thai bank our very clear.400,000THB for Three months the first time you apply.The second time is two months.The money needs to "SIT UNTOUCHED"!Only the Male Spouse(usually the case) is counted as the required income,your wife(Thai/husband Thai) do not count,unless you already had got that visa prior too Oct 2008,then both would be combined.I am doing this for the third time.I use a "Thai Visa" Expert(Thai),and i did this also for the Marriage Visa.I have kept the same person to work with,even after she switched companies.It is a very good way to get things done without doing the "Thai dance"!I pay for the service,and it gets taken care of.As some have pointed out,Thai officials can at times be hard to figure out.I pay somebody else to do that chore.I have a "Fixed" account this year(400G),and will keep it that way.I believe that Visa rules will change,and not in our favor.It is my hope i can get the same bank deposit in the future,but it is better to plan on them raising the amount for both Marrage & retirement visa's.I also suggest that you spend the extra 2000Thb for a multible entry stamp.I have used it twice to go back to America for "problems".I spend around 300.00 usd for everything(10,000Thb).I am not sure if the three day letter from your bank is correct?I got that letter two weeks before my date to redo everythin.,I also did the Embassy letter,again no problems,but as mentioned,it may have changed.Bangkok Bank is a good choice for "Fixed" savings acct.It also does American Govt.Private Funds "DD" direct deposit through "Bangkok Bank of New york.I was able to use the same one i set up for my social security,to deposit funds from a private Trust acct. in America,then move the proceeds to a seperate savings acct.that has debit card attached.@Bangkok Bank(Main Branch Silom Rd.)I use that Bank(Bangkok Bank),as they really our interested in your/my money.It is good business to treat (Farangs) with respect & service.I get both from this bank.I have found it to be in my advantage to use Thai Nationals who speak English to perform work with Thai officials.Chok dee.

  14. I Think that "BB" is better than any other bank in Thailand.This is after two other accounts with "SCB & K-Bank,the latter has done "Zero" for me and the 6 millionTHb i have deposited over that time period.Bankok Banks main Silom branch can & will set up Internet banking.I was not charged for that service.I have both Govt. & private direct deposits being taken care of by "BB".I must say,that the service was very good,as was their "English speaking staff" "zero" problems.If one is going to live here,than you need to loose your attitudes about what you think is owed to you by Thai business and Thai people in general.Living in a country that is not your own,presents lots of problems and confusion.My problems have always been around my need to have things done my way,and the language barriers.I always go with a Thai native speaker if their is a need to talk with the "Big Boss",and that has proved to be a very wise choice.If i need to converse in English,than i go to the main branch and ask for help.It is helpful to ask,rather than demand for service.Thai people love to assist you .I have had worse service in America for every kind of banking issue i can think of.Thailand is growing up,and its people our learning.Making blanket statements about two minor banking issues has no merit.I still bank with K-Bank,but i do not bother fighting over issues that will not be resolved by me getting "Jai ron".Thai people our more helpful if you just go about it their way,as it is their country & culture.Jai yen,yen.

  15. Yes you can do it with a 30-day tourist visa.(SCB)I did my first Savings Acct. there three years ago.I have since opened two other acct. @ K-bank & Bangkok Bank,the latter does "Direct deposit from the States for both Govt.Private companies.I was not married on the first acct.I have since married and opened the others.The posts our mostly very correct about each bank giving you different answers.I do suggest that you go to the "Silom main Branch of Bangkok Bank"!Bangkok Bank does international business with many farangs and their home country banking institutions.The Customer service people @ Bangkok Bank speak very good English,and that is your biggest problem in dealing with with "Thai Banks" in general.If you choose any bank in Thailand,go to the downtown main branch.The smaller branches our a "Crap Shoot",and nobody wants to get in trouble by giving out wrong information or giving you help.This is not "Kansas Alice",so forget about trying to get the best fees,online banking(they charge for it) ,if they decide to open a account for you.You will hear "Mai Dai" alot,but any branch of any bank in Thailand can pretty much do whatever they choose when dealing with farangs,so keep trying!Chok dee!


  16. I bank out of the States,not the UK.The SWIFT thing has nothing to do with your fees.Everything depends on two banks.If a third bank is involved,then expect problems (Fees).Bangkok Bank seems the best of the lot in getting everything &everybody on the same page(at least with USA banking)Bank of Bangkok New York,does all government "Direct deposits"(Social Security and Embassy government checks)as well as private companies.They charge the least & provide the best exchange rates.I had a third party bank in the past,and it was a (BIG PROBLEM).Chohg Dee!

  17. Big house and two "A/C's",5 wall fans,two floor fans,three TVs,washer,lights mother -in-law who is afraid of "Ghosts",so between her & my "Always on bedroom ac & two computers..avg is @3,000Thb..family of six.In America ,I would be paying close to 400.00usd per month(12,000Thb)it is a bargain..The "Ghost" part means the lights & TV stay on......LOL!I did rent a condo for 6 months and that electric bill was in the 2,000 range(70sqm with two A/C)Your bill seems very normal.I would be wanting to see the "REAL " figures,not a word doc.Proceed with caution dealing with any kind of billing not coming from a know & trusted source.

  18. toy, tel : 0894903198 , e mail : [email protected] , Thailand: lic.36081

    Address : 111/83 Ammarinnivate 3 Saimai Road, Bangkok 10220

    6 years exp. (This guy is my Brother in-law) and has done drawings & supervision for my new home in Bangkok,speaks English and is currently doing a big commercial factory(5 buildings 3000 sqm each),so your job should be quite simple.Best of Luck,James.

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