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Posts posted by toklong

  1. Thanks Naka. Kind of figured that but not sure.

    This brings up another question.....why are the water police (i.e. coast guard) doing undercover work in markets (is it a wet market :o )? Aren't they trespassing on somebody else's ground. They want to see weed

    MrPaddy......... I my friend was out last night and couldn't be contacted. Will let you know what I he finds out.

  2. There are many good questions here. The Volunteer Farang Tourist Police would be able to answer these questions but they don't want you to know their level of involvment with this incident.They also don't want you to know who they are.That's why the questions are not being answered here on TV.If you are a VTP or have an association with these people you won't have any visa problems, or civil rights concerns.

    I asked my friend about the farangs in uniform. They were not tourist police volunteers - or at least they were wearing Immigration uniform jackets. In his words it was "two scary looking guys, one with pirate-style ear rings in both ears, speaking English with a thick Eastern-European accent, but unable to pinpoint where they might have been from." I suggested they might have been Indian-Thai's but he insisted they did not look like Indians.

    I have seen ol Goldeneer the pirate and his buddy takling with the VTP before.They share information but they don't hang around together.Your friend is right, they are indeed a gruesome twosome.

  3. Anyone know what's going on? I have been told by a first hand observer that Immigration came in large numbers (40-50 Thai officers + a handful farangs in Immigration uniform) went door-to-door through the thousand rooms checking visas for all farangs found. Anyone wanting to leave the area was checked by Immigration at the exit. Anyone found without passport and valid visa was taken to IDC. Have been trying to find any news about it but so far it's all quiet.

    Anyone know what's going on? Are the authorities trying to kill what little tourist interest there still are?

    This Thread Needs To Be Moved To A Bigger Forum For Wider Dissemination...

    This is bigger news item I believe... I've not heard of any of these raids previously and I'm sorry that Pattaya Fox or someone else with prior knowledge of similar occurrences hadn't had a thread on it earlier.

    This is something people should be told of and made aware of that can happen. Indeed, people don't always have the papers on them. Can you explain more about the title's name? Where is Nirun Village. Is it an apartment building or hotel? What constitutes a typical resident there?

    Regarding the high number, to me, involving 50 Police Officers and "farangs"? Were they the Volunteer Farang Tourist Police? Were the Police from Imm. or City?

    As to the philosophy of the situation, I'd side with the OP. There's an untold number of civil rights concerns, among them are probable cause... or the obvious lack thereof. Another one being this is, after all, Thailand and any assorted number of things at any assorted time and place can sour, even when it's not justified.

    Going to IDC? What happens to those without a passport on them? Detention until the passport is presented in person? Fined? What are the numbers of foreigners that were taken there in this operation (great photo, btw buriamboy :o ) How many still remain for whatever reason?

    first they came for the Jews...
    Strong words... but ok, I'll buy into that. This is a strong situation... and it's fair-dinkum that strong words are used in the response to it.

    I liked the response of the distinguished former Governor of New Mexico Jingthing saying don't answer the door. :D That's actually a very good point. What would they do? How far would they take it? What would Richardson the man himself do in this situation?

    There are many good questions here. The Volunteer Farang Tourist Police would be able to answer these questions but they don't want you to know their level of involvment with this incident.They also don't want you to know who they are.That's why the questions are not being answered here on TV.If you are a VTP or have an association with these people you won't have any visa problems, or civil rights concerns.

  4. Back in the UK I would often nod in agreement at complaints that Immigrants did not appear to want to assimilate into British society.

    In fact I actually asked a Pakistani why he and his family lived in UK but retained their Asian

    customs........."Why should we" he replied " We don't like your Customs and Culture".

    So I asked "Why are you here then?"

    "Because we can have a better standard of living" was his reply.

    Now I find myself seeing his point of view more clearly.......

    I have almost no desire to 'Go native'. Although I respect Thai Culture, it is not MY Culture.

    When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

    I quite like Buddhism. But it is NOT my Religion. So I don't go to the Temple with my Wife.

    I don't support MY Family in the UK. So why should I support HER Family, who are almost complete strangers?

    But,I happily give my beloved Wife a better standard of living than she ever dreamed of.......

    Yeah! Yeah! I hear the "When in Rome" brigade firing salvoes. But I don't think I am being unreasonable do you?

    I worked very hard for every penny I have, and I object to the idea that I must now meekly hand it over.......After all if I get sick I will need it to pay the Hospital bills.

    "When I am inside my house, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND !"

    "Buddhism is not my Religion so I don't go to the Temple with my Wife"

    "Why should I support HER family, who are almost complete strangers"

    "I happily give my beloved Wife a better standerd of living than she ever dreamed of..."

    Did your beloved wife forgo her culture and values and assimilate your culture to receive this better standard of living?

    "You respect Thai culture". Respect=Deferential or high reguard, to have esteem for.Deferential=Courteous submission to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another.

    Unreasonable, No, after all its up to you what you want to believe in. Please excuse me for saying that you may be a little disrespectful of your Wife and her culture. When your married it can't always be (ME) and (I).It sometimes has to be (WE). Sorry, but you asked....Good luck, try to see her point of view. I asked wifey her opinion about this. All she said was Kii Neow.

  5. Can the government mark the nails and other items with some type of microscopic marker sprayed on at the shops? DNA seems to identify a lot of criminals nowadays why not add artificial 'DNA' to items that the enemy seems to be using regularly if they really believe there is a serious problem with that particular item. The government probably could probably even mark suspects without them knowing such as when they are checked at road blocks. They could even mark motorcycles so that they would leave traces wherever they were parked or stopped eg- at the scene of a shooting. Maybe I've seen to many of those forensic crime shows on TV. Is the Thai government trying anything creative? Have they?

    Good Idea. They can keep all the information the gather in their nail file to nail them later.....

  6. Just behind my estate (the Diana on Soi Bukhao) there is an area occupied by what look like squatters huts. In addition to people living there it houses quite a large number of very noisy cockerels. They really disturb the peace, and often start their dreadful racket before sunrise.

    Does anyone have any bright ideas on what can be done about this? The Diana management have complained to the police, to no avail. Also, isn't there the danger that they might be carrying bird flu? Maybe there is a readily-available poison I could chuck into the area? HELP!

    Just behind my squatters shack is an estate that is occupied by what looks like a large number of rich farangs.They really disturb the peace, and often start their dreadful whining shortly after moving in.

    I can not understand why some of the farangs are so unhappy.They stay in a nice room with a bed and pillows.They have air conditioning, TV, WC, a pool,and food when ever they are hungry.

    I have no money, no education,and no where to go.I want to work but have no opportunity.My family sleeps in the dirt.The dirt turns to mud when it rains.I worry about snakes,rats,and mosquitos biting my children at night.I did not choose this life I was born into it.

    We are happy to have some roosters as they help me make money so I can at feed my family.I am sorry that my roosters make such a big problem for some of the farangs.Please don't poison my roosters vickersvc10,How will I take care of my family?

    ...try trading places with the squatters for a day...................

  7. Pattaya will continue to expand and will continue to improve it`s facilities.

    Tammi you must always remember that Thailand is a developing country and it takes longer time to improve situations here.....................but isn`t that all part of the charm of the place?......that`s why we don`t go to Blackpool....we go to Pattaya. :D

    There are far worse places in the world to be believe me :D

    you can get anything you want in pattaya as long as pay for it :o


    At boyztown

  8. I just can't believe that someone would do this. A Tourist going to all the trouble of geting a battery, taking out the acid, filling up his gun with it and then spraying it at total strangers.

    Just doesn't sound plausible.



    Three years ago, in Pattaya, I was sprayed with a watered down bleach solution. It trashed my shirt but didn't burn my skin. Yes, there are some tourists out there who do this.....

  9. By admitting that "We have permission from Howard" established a connection or affiliation of a business,personal,or working realtionship.One can only speculate as to what that realtionship might be.Thank you for coming clean and please excuse my curious nature.....Cheers :D

    Do you have a problem with that toklong? :o

    You sound like a "flamer" to me... :D

    May I remind you of an excerpt from the Forum Rules...

    'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, ...

    I am not a "flamer," I am a framer :D I did excuse myself to him as I am doing to you now,and I apologize. :D

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