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Posts posted by stopthegreed

  1. Not all Thai women are this way.

    Most women want some things from a relationship, particularly a marriage.

    It is traditional that men provide for the family and the woman cares for the home and family.

    In 'more traditional' cultures this is true more often, as much because the culture is traditional and less varied, but equally as much because the women are not as educated and do not have/not see options of their own (for whatever reason).

    Being clear about what you want from a partner is a good thing to have in a marriage. Accepting your partner's shortcomings is equally as important.

    What do you tell a wife with 2 black eyes?

    Nothin' you told her twice already smile.png

    Yes your right the husband provides for the family, he buys washing machines, and fridges, and has a nice home. But are they happy with that?? NO, they want gold, a car IN THEIR NAME. Its not about the family with these women, its about what they have personally. Keep your money in your pocket, a wedding ring, thats it...Car and everything else in your own name.

  2. All Thai women, and before anyone says it. YES all of them, I can just hear some of you now. Well Im 100% sure my wife is not like that. I have news for you. SHE IS They are interested in one thing only, Money....and the material things it buys. End Of !!!

    I have seen so many times, as soon as the husband dies, the house gets sold, and they move away with their Thai boyfriend. In some circumstances he doesnt even have to die. Oh Darling Im going to visit my Mum for a few days, BULLSHIT.

    My advice to any Farang is stay alone. When you want a bit of company pay for it, as little as possible. You will save yourself a lot of heartache and loads of cash.

  3. I doubt that she will be phazed at all by her political life being ruined.

    Seize the family's assets (the whole family) and distribute them evenly amongst the people they were supposed to help.

    Tough Love.

    I beleive her assets alone are around 64 million baht.

    hahaha, 64 million, treble that. Her assets grew by 140% while she was in office.

    Its really quite simple, make her explain and prove where this new found money came from !!!

  4. I don't know if he did anything or not, but what I do know is that a lot Filipino women can be one very mean, spiteful, hateful, devious bitch if you cross her. Yeah, every country has them, but the Philippines seem to have a special niche for those kind of women.

    Hahaha, You havn't had much experience with Thai women eh ? They have to be the worlds worst...

    This guy may well be completely innocent. The side walks are full of guilty people and the prisons full of innocent people.

  5. Outside of rent, Singapore is not that expensive & I'm sure your Filipina would prefer it there (I know mine does).

    With an Employment Pass (NB not Work Permit/S Pass), she can get a Dependents Visa even if you're not married as long as you can show evidence of cohabiting.

    Have you calculated the difference in take-home pay (Tax is very low in Singapore, check out http://www.iras.gov.sg) to see if the difference is really as much as you think it might be.

    Singapore is an option. I love to know more about the visa situation there, if yiu wouldnt mind PM ing me.

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  6. I am engaged to be married to my Filipino girlfriend.

    The company I work for have told me I have to reside in either Singapore or Thailand.

    Of the two, I would prefer Thailand as Singapore is too expensive.

    My job should ensure I can get a residence visa ( I assume ), so if I married my Fiance in Thailand, would she automaticaly qualify ?

  7. I lived in Hua Hin for 9 years. The people who own these places are making a fortune, but refuse to put anything back. They could employ people to clean up the beaches at ...say...4 hour intevals and at night when it all closed. But they are just money grabbers who believe the good times will always be there.

    Now Ilive in the Philippines and if an area around a restaurant on the beach is not leaned regularly the owners face a hefty fine....Result ? The beaches are spotless.

  8. No this is the home made stuff. I visited a villiage in Issan a while ago and i was shown how they make it. They get fish from a polluted river cover it with watever water is available and seal the jar. Bury it in the ground and let it ferment for up to six months.

  9. Plara? Stinking jars of extremely harmful bacteria. Including. BOTULISM, SALMONELLA, ECOLI, To name a few.

    During the Bangkok riots, people made stink bombs, from plastic bags and this smelly mixture of bacteria and threw them at Police.

    Poisening, is not caused by bacteria. It is caused by the toxin that the bacteria give off when they die. They are constantly mutiplying and dying, and if left long enough the amount of toxin is enough to cause serious health issues. Even death.. Its the toxin that gives off the smell. This stuff should carry a health warning, or better still regulated as a class a drug would be. Or better still. BANNED.

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  10. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/801431-its-official-thailand-fails-the-most-at-monogamy/

    Guess this sums it up nicely, if we use this statistic than 56% of TV's members wives and GF's are playing hide the sausage with other people ...wink.png

    56% ?? its much, much higher than that. Anyone who belives it when they say they love you, is nothing more than a fool. If she is pretty, under 40, and sexy, then she has a Thai boyfriend. Guaranteed.

  11. I'd like to ask people of supporters of both factions a question,

    Why is it not the priority of the law to go after the people that stole the rice and money to fund the project? why are they not in the spotlight? and lets face it,

    It wasn't just politicians, there were warehouse's contractors, millers, large rice growing company's, middle men, go after them and get the money back.

    SHE, was in charge, she allowed it to happen. End of !!!

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  12. And the WITCH HUNT continues

    And if I were her I would of ran a long time ago she has no chance of any fair trial or anything with a government that imposed itself at the point of a gun

    I can not believe what you are are saying.... "A WITCH HUNT" ??? Her personal fortune grew by several billions of US $ during her term in office. She has been asked about this and refused to answer.

    She is just as corrupt as her brother, and all for personal gain. My boss used to tell me, "The buck stops at me". Well the same goes for her.

    She has many questions to answer, so lets wait and see if she does eh?

    I am entitled to my opinion, and without her giving satisfactory evidence and producing proof, of where all this money came from, then my opinion is she is a crook.

  13. The thing that amazes me about this case is that and I am sure everyone of us can relate that the huge amount of stuff ups, pork barrelling and waste over the decades that our glorious leaders in our country of origins have managed to squander over the years, I can relate to the ill conceived badly organized installation of roof insulation under the Rudd the Dud leadership in OZ which cost millions of dollars with companies charging for work not done and deaths of workers , an enquiry was instituted to determine and work out reason why and what has been learnt, no penalties or charges against the principals, one can relate to the Democrats under Khun Chuan debacle with the concrete contract for the skytrain projects or the disappearing Police stations under Abhisit , I rest my case, have a nice Sunday . coffee1.gif

    A waste of Government money yes !!

    But we are talking about Thailand. This Womans wealth alegedly grew by several billion while she was in office, Personal gain?

    Just get her answer that one question. "Where did all this new found wealth, come from" ?

  14. This is rubbish, where ever there are humans there is crime, lets say-- men, women, Thai, English Indian,Muslim, cahtolic christian, black, white, bloody green if you wish. Why would this person be a threat? Transgender , model or not, in this country and the everyday goings on I really can't see the problem here. The Pub is wrong...........

    Maybe...just Maybe.....The pub owner knows something we don't ??

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