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Posts posted by Tengu

  1. 6 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    Nothing like tipping off those involved that they are going to get arrested. Plenty of time to destroy evidence, intimidate or pay off any witnesses or do a runner!


    Probably similar to the reason they are planning on arresting 'The Don' here in the USA after sort of announcing it on Friday and why they come forth with such an insignificant charge.

    If he takes a runner people will (unconstitutionally) consider him guilty. But such a jury would more easily be impaneled. 

    If he sends around brown envelopes there is a high likelihood that someone will turn states evidence then there will be another mess. I would expect those brown envelopes to have little to no connection to the Don himself but to others for whom a scrap of paper with the word Pardon, might be enough.


    The blunt and Cragganmore single malt have gone to my head so I'm gonna take my head to my bed.




    • Confused 3
    • Haha 1
  2. On 3/3/2023 at 1:20 PM, harleyclarkey said:

    Why do the PC brigade (think western feminists)  get their knickers all in a twist over prostitution ......the oldest profession?.

    Why interfere in a consensual arrangement between 2 consenting adults?

    It, of course, should be legal and regulated. 


    On 3/3/2023 at 5:22 PM, 1happykamper said:

    Exactly. However, the root of this issue goes back to puritanical thinking that all sex is wrong for one reason or another..unless married. The natural act of sex is taken far too seriously in most cultures. 

    It seems that in most wealthy nations many women are able to control their men into compliance by making them "sleep on the sofa". That is to say do things my way or no sex. All the while they put on 25 kilos and want to hire a maid and have a nice car so they can go to the movies and tea with their friends. It also seems that Thai women don't seem to dislike sex as much as other women, even other asian women. I have also talked to a few who say that their Buddhism doesn't make sex, even without marriage, such a sin. There is also the fact that many of the less well developed countries where there is relatively easy access to prostitution have had this made so sinful since their first day of school by god telling them that enjoying their bodies (boy too--don't spill that seed!) is a terrible sin. And what hypocrisy, F until your genitals are sore then go confess to holy man, pray for a while. Wash, rinse, repeat. Is it any different in the Philippines, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Russia?

    There would be a lot less rape in the world if prostitution were legal, and regulated and taxed. 

    BTW, has Thailand gone totally to hell since some people can legally buy and use marijuana?

  3. On 3/1/2023 at 7:23 PM, wwest5829 said:

    The first question which came to my mind was if he was spraying the water all over and the water shorted out the electric water heater. Autopsy will reveal if that happened. I think more plausible than the Major having a medical condition at first glance. As always we are just guessing.

    Where did you learn that it was a Major? I didn't see any mention of rank or branch of service. I'd have to go back and read the article to even be sure that they mentioned the victim's gender. 

    Jumping may be one of the leading causes of death in Thailand and Russia but please let's not jump to conclusions.

    • Confused 1
  4. There are far too few details in this story to pose any relevant answers, (IMO). 

    Details like: How many times has he made these spontaneous trips? Whose money is it? How does she know that he sends money, and how much, to Thailand? How does she know he goes to Thailand? What is their relationship beyond "married"? What are the real potential outcomes of divorce in GB if all assets are in the name of one spouse? What happens if the key doesn't open the door when he returns.


    Apparently he doesn't care what she does so the ball is in her court.

  5. From ladies I have talked to, both in Thailand and the US, it is not uncommon for ladies to work in the sex industry to support the family back on the farm. I have been told that the boys/men aren't responsible for that and that the family doesn't ask where the money comes from. In a bar in Thailand I am pretty sure of their occupation but at a non-bar or a party if they tell me they work in a restaurant, or office, etc., I have no reason to doubt them. 


    As to fake id it seems that it is readily available in the US for high school kids to buy alcohol. Most convivence stores and liquor stores are run by non-native people who aren't particularly fluent in English but are anxious to sell their inventory. I find it highly that it is difficult to believe fake id is more difficult to obtain in Thailand than the US. Also if the operator of business in Thailand (where there is no prostitution ????) doesn't know how to get fake id for underage ladies, whether Thai, Cambodian, Malay, or.... The story also seems to indicate that these ladies were brought to these men's rooms. I don't remember whether at a hotel or in a room attached to the bar establishment. If in a hotel, I understand that the hotel is required to inspect the id of anyone to rent a room, and anyone not registered.


    All from that aside, I do believe it is difficult to be blind to a female under the age of sixteen unless that is what you are looking for and that is creepy, IMHO, if not reprehensible!  I know how shocked I was to see a very young lady at a boat party in the US sitting on a on man's lap who seemed to enjoy beer more than the gym. I asked a friend what that was about and was told that it was his 22-year old daughter and she had been traveling around the world for more than a year. There is also the fact that it is fashionable to have a bald pubic area which I was surprised at until later when I was shown some Playboy mags.

  6. Pardon me, I only read the first page of comments. I only one that surmised likely issues at home.


    No doubt, if the allegations are true, this businessman belongs in jail. 


    Could that she needs money because she ran from home where her father was raping her on a regular basis and her mother did nothing? Or she was being offered for sale by one or both parents and now the home economy was severely impacted. I can think of many reasons why this could be a better option than being at home.



  7. Wow--You gotta love the internet. Lots of information and nonsense all in a big pile. If you never had a course in critical thinking you may be in trouble.


    Windows 10 can be downloaded from Microsoft for free at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10


    It will yield a clean (reasonably up to date) copy of Windows 10. It will NOT give you a legal license key.

    If Windows 10 has ever been legally activated on the computer it (the computer) has a lifetime entitlement to be re-installed and activated.

    Please note the word LEGAL in the previous two sentences--keys that are purchased from eBay, Lazada, Craigslist, or anyone other than Microsoft are probably ILLEGAL and you are participating in copyright infringement also sometimes refereed to as theft.


    Of course if you purchase a new computer from a reputable company--like directly from the manufacturer--with Windows pre-installed it is probably fine. Although there has been software found on some machines that was "calling home" even on those machines.


    The best you can do to be sure that your Windows installation is clean is to use the Media Creation Tool to install on a new hard drive.


    Considering that there have been more than 400 security patches to Win-10 in 2020 I don't know why anyone would want to run an unpatched  version.


    The real question is why are you using Windows? There are metter choices and you don't have to spend Apple money.

    Why not just get a Chromebook/box or load some version of Linux and be legal? Linux, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and almost all the software you might want is available for FREE!




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  8. This thread is tl;dr so likely I am repeating someone.


    Death numbers get peoples' attention but are of little long term concern.


    The importance of "social distancing" is to lower the incidence and thereby not overwhelm the medical and postmortem infrastructure. Ventilators, ICU beds, protective gear, etc. Lowering the incidence curve also allows the herd immunity to grow for the primary virus before it mutates too much and becomes immune to whatever treatments evolve.


    The tragedy is we are an arrogant species that is smart enough to understand that there will be new viruses, sever earthquakes, tsunami, hurricane/typhoons/cyclones, and consequences of climate change. But we are not intelligent enough to be prepared.



  9. 3 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Of course the co-ordinates are conveniently blurred out so nobody can verify that the image is not faked.


    And, that looks an awfully intact aircraft for one that's come down in dense jungle.


    If you really want to find it here is what you know:

    It is in Cambodia

    It is on Google Maps -- It is possible that it is Google Earth

    The copyright is 2018

    It is in a clearing in otherwise pretty dense jungle

    It is at the intersection of two provinces--the dotted lines that mark the province boundaries if you go full screen  on the video at the beginning

    The angle produced by those lines is about 145°-150°

    If you can clearly see something to get an idea of scale like a road you are zoomed enough to see the plane. The wingspan is longer than the width of most roads in Cambodia.

    Get a province map, a protractor. and in a few hours you should be able to find it.


    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  10. Are you sure that the storage device isn't what is known as a "hybrid" drive? Hybrid drives were an idea that Apple was pushing for a short while years ago. The idea was that the spinning drive had a very large cash and software that managed it. It never worked well and was soon dropped. Make sure that it is simply an SSD with no spinning drive.


    Asus, like virtually all computer companies include software like anti-virus, games, and other "trial-ware" because they are paid to do so. Many of these programs can cause problems. You do not need, nor should you ever use more than one anti-virus and Win 10 comes with Windows Defender and Microsoft updates the virus definitions almost daily. Multiple AVs will conflict with each other because they detect them as virus like activity. Anti-virus suits usually have fairly heavy over head and most importantly they have been shown to be vectors for "infection". I will let you do the searches to make up your own mind on these points.


    Go to Microsoft.com--not any third party site-- and download the Media Creation Tool and build a memory drive with Win 10. Back up any data and format the entire SSD and install windows 10 from this disk. 


    After you have a known good installation go to Windows update and check for updates. Then when the updates are all installed of to the beginning of this paragraph and do it again. Don't believe that your system is up-to-date click "Check for Updates". continue to do this until you have rebooted and checked two times and it tells you that your computer is up-to-date.


    Next set-up an Admin account seperate from the initial account and password protect it. Log into that account and set the other account to standard user not administrator. Never use the administrator account unless absolutely necessary. Intruders only have the privileges that you have unless they have physical access to the computer. 


    Make sure that UAC User Account Control is turned on so you have to use the Admin password to authorize the installation of any software. UAC can be annoying--deal with it--.


    Good luck.

  11. I absolutely agree that it is lunacy to deal drugs or flaunt any law, especially one that is enforced with extreme penalties. That said, it is interesting to note that while all of these are controlled substances, calling MDMA and marijuana narcotics is stretching the definition a bit--these are not addictive substances. And the quantities of ketamine and meth were small enough to not mention. 


    They did violate the law and will go to prison where is is likely that truly addictive narcotics will be available to those who can afford them. 


    One notable part of this story is the lack of weapons. It seems that people doing marijuana and MDMA aren't particularly paranoid. 


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