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Everything posted by elgordo38

  1. My favorite pair of glasses broke at the little screw that holds the lense in. It snapped and the lense fell out. It is possible to unscrew the top part of the screw as the head is there but the bottom part of the screw is imbedded in bottom. I can see two alternatives have the bottom part of the screw drilled out and re threaded for a new screw or put a tiny screw with a bolt on the bottom after drilling out the bottom part of the old screw. A third option might be to put a small slot on the bottom half of the screw and turn it out. I live in Chiang Mai and know that 75% of the eye glass places will throw up their hands and say "no can do you buy new frame" There must be some hidden jewel of a repair man in the city that can accomplish the task as I described it there always is but it is a treasure hunt to find him. Thanks for any help you can offer.
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