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Posts posted by JohnyBangkok

  1. 2 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    "worrying form of graft that is much harder to investigate, an anti-corruption watchdog has said. "

    they seem to be giving up before they start,I dont think it would be hard to investigate,someone

    was given the money to distribute to poor people,poor people never got most of the money.


    I think the time has come for the Government to start taking corruption very seriously,

    transfer to an inactive post is not a deterrent,just think how much better it would be for

    society if all this money was not skimmed off by officials in authority,it must be Billions

    of THB every year.seems everyone has a hand in the corruption jar.

    regards worgeordie

    Lead by example, just look for the most watches!

    • Haha 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

    The above report is "jibberish". 

    Absolutely non-sensical.

    How many Deputy PM's are there ?


    If they wanted to really clean up the corruption it needs to start from the top down, Follow Singapore, they too were bad but cleaned themselves up and the citizens there are enriched with a better quality of life and wealth. Any time politicians are appointed rather than elected by the people, you will get little mini warlords and corruption. You have some good ones but most of them are crap with a hand in your pocket and the other patting you on the back. First I would look at all the "appointed governors" from the BKK and get rid of them as soon as Thailand has permission to have a legal and free election, if you leave them in place they will continue to work for their big boss and you will never get the military out of government.

    • Like 1
  3. Seems like the cartoonist touched a nerve with YL. The truth can hurt I guess.

    Unfortunately, There may be another body floating in the canals with out any arms or legs and head. I do believe the reason that corruption is so out of hand is because of "Big Brother" and this ruling government. They are immune it seems, from their out right lies coming out from Kittiratt Na-Ranong to their Rice Mortgage Scheme of price fixing to pay for votes. The Thai people who gave them power are uneducated and poor and only wanted to have someone to have their back, which little sister or Big Brother never did. Big Brother is intent on getting back all the money that the Yellow shirts took from him (plus more). I am not saying the U.S is any better off with Our latest choice but we do not have a fugitive running a puppet government. How does a millionaire relate to the person who maybe lives on $100 USD a day? They don't they only use that to exploit the people.

    I bet if you had a International organization come in a do a proper and thorough investigations you will find the Thai Mafia all up in this government and would even go as far to as a certain relative being a "Boss". I admire the Cartoonist but also worry about his safety. He will either be harassed continually or vanish under the watchful eye of this so called government. The Thai people should unite and demand a full accounting of this government.

  4. It's the only way I wanna die: drunk, stoned and having an orgasm at the same time...

    It's like recycling, he came and went at the same time. But seriously there are a lot of foreigners dying in Pattaya lately. Maybe Pattaya will over take Phukett as the mysterious death capital of Thailand just like Vietnam over took Thailand as the #1 rice exporter.

  5. Didn't a cop get shot at the last clamp down or was that the clamp down before this last clamp down, DSI tarit has he's fingers in every pie.

    The corruptions is a top down organizational chart. Big Brother is the Thai Mafia in my opinion, I have seen more out right crimes against the people of Thailand's people under this government than any of the ones before. They are stealing money under the noses of the ones that put them in power, as long as they get something for free they care not.

  6. The volume of copyrighted material available on the torrent sites (I prefer kickass) is incredible. As I can transfer to my DVD player with a memory stick, who needs to buy dubious quality pirated DVDs?

    I await the Thai government to block torrents on the basis that it is putting fake DVD sellers out of business.


    I am also waiting for them not allow single women, that could cut into the prostitution business as well. Less boom boom money for the local talent.

  7. Is it just me, or do the Thais overuse the word "resort" here?

    To me the bare minimum would be swimming pools, tennis courts maybe golf and horseback riding, all self-contained in a single large complex. Other than of course when used for an entire town or area, as in "ski resort, seaside resort".

    But I guess there isn't a good English word for "collection of bungalows", maybe "development"?

    Were there 70 separate developments, or just 70 houses?

    And wasn't this supposed to be a problem caused by foreigners? No mention of that here funny enough. . .

    Daddy- where have you been, Mom and I missed you since you ran off, 5555 Nice name dude!

  8. First of- I help train that army and no! Thailand does not have the largest army in the world, Once again some one with out Military knowledge speaking with un-educated mind- At least look it up on the Internet. The Thai Military is not up to the task because of people like Charlem trying to be friends with every country. The Muslims in the south is a big problem because all the other Muslim countries like Malaysia and even the Middle East are bound by religion and culture to help a fellow Muslim even if they do not like that person or people. The South is getting logistical and financial support from other Muslim Cultures to fight their war.

    Private Military Companies will be fighting more wars in the future and if ran properly and with the the Government can be successful- case in point with the NON-AMERICAN company called Executive Outcome, Once again an idiot made a previous commit referring to the Vietnam war and how Vietnam kick the United States Butt, when in fact we lost that war because of our own internal politics. we were not allowed to win that war, And to add to that one of the largest nations in the world was helping- But as would the U.S help out one of our Allies.

    reliably sourced entries.

    Flag State Active Reserve Paramilitary Total Total per 1000 capita

    Active per 1000 capita

    22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png United States of America[181][182] 1,458,219 1,458,500 11,035 2,927,754 9.3 4.7

    22px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Thailand[166][note t] 305,860 245,000 113,700 664,560 10.1 4.6

    Nuff said hit-the-fan.gif

    Once again Ignorance is Bliss for you too my friend- First of all Thailand does not have a large Army the U.S does with Russia and North Korea- Our General are more skilled and in more quantity-Second I help train the Royal Thai Army on several occasions. There are a lot of issues of issues with the Thai Government that will make them fail with the insurance and to boot that Iran and other Muslim Nations are lending assistance as they are bound by there culture. I also believe that you are talking out your ass about Vietnam war, First of that was was lost because our chicken shit pot smoking liberal politicians at he time would not allow us to win. It was an internal issue and there our real information on that- All we had to Nuke them like we Japan- would that satisfy you then?

    I am a decorated war veteran and was a skilled operator for with 10 years of combat until my accident- what do you have besides a liberal ass America hating opinion? I will be in Thailand in June, why not meet up and allow me to give you my opinion personally- Hooah!!.

    PTSD? Your argung with yourself. Thai army using someone in this state of mind for training? Therein would lie a problem uf true. Meet up and what, break a hip. Better off chasing bar girls and telling war stories. Hate to say it, but a lot of public's disenfranchising with Vietnam war came as the direct result of our actions there and due to heavy losses in battles such as Tet or just to take over a hill.

    The actions of our military where similar to that seen in Tak Bai. Fear and adrenal evokes actions and responses directly proportional to the level of fear encountered. I guess one could blame press for reporting, but one still must accept responsibility for their own actions. Aweful war brought out worst of human nature on both sides.

    Once again my friend you are talking from your ASS!- The United States Military trains Armies from all over the world since- Wait for it....the end of Vietnam. The U.S Army Ranger Schools have been training the Thai Royal Army since- wait for it......The end of the Vietnam war. And no I do not have PTSD- I was shot in the Back as our Helo was taking on fire. And I more than capable of teaching some history lessons if you like- And Yes I enjoy your prostitutes and bootleg shit- Isn't that Thailand is for? BTW how is your Mother doing? I hope she is doing fine :)

    You really need to see a doctor my friend you seem unbalanced- BTW I am one of the few Farangs that is allowed to Carry fire arms in Thailand. But lets do meet I will buy you a beer and a hooker to relieve your stress.

  9. Prayuth should be unceremoniously fired. He was far too busy telling the world that the terrorists could be found in Bangkok, demonstrating and singing, while refusing to call muslim insurgents "terrorists" 6500 people have been killed, 30,000 plus wounded and now Praytuth is waking up. It is as with the Thai newspapers, everything to burry the truth. Each and every bombing was either ignored or buried in the middle of the newspaper so nobody would notice.

    The real trouble is that it worked. CNN was far more occupied reporting on a attack from a lone gunman in Africa that killed a handful than even mentioning Thailand. CNN works with the army TV that says it all. BBC showed happily pictures from a HatYai hotel and told the world that it was Yala.

    The army should be purged of there in tire top and senior officers they have failed the people for almost 2 decades when i comes down to Southern terrorism.

    The Thai Government is in Pickle indeed, What is need is a small force of private military in the Southern region- They were approached last year by such a group and they were turned away. Look at the success of Executive Outcomes in Africa.

    Thailand has a large army and more generals than any other in the world and you want to bring in mercenaries?

    First of- I help train that army and no! Thailand does not have the largest army in the world, Once again some one with out Military knowledge speaking with un-educated mind- At least look it up on the Internet. The Thai Military is not up to the task because of people like Charlem trying to be friends with every country. The Muslims in the south is a big problem because all the other Muslim countries like Malaysia and even the Middle East are bound by religion and culture to help a fellow Muslim even if they do not like that person or people. The South is getting logistical and financial support from other Muslim Cultures to fight their war.

    Private Military Companies will be fighting more wars in the future and if ran properly and with the the Government can be successful- case in point with the NON-AMERICAN company called Executive Outcome, Once again an idiot made a previous commit referring to the Vietnam war and how Vietnam kick the United States Butt, when in fact we lost that war because of our own internal politics. we were not allowed to win that war, And to add to that one of the largest nations in the world was helping- But as would the U.S help out one of our Allies.

    reliably sourced entries.

    Flag State Active Reserve Paramilitary Total Total per 1000 capita

    Active per 1000 capita

    22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png United States of America[181][182] 1,458,219 1,458,500 11,035 2,927,754 9.3 4.7

    22px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Thailand[166][note t] 305,860 245,000 113,700 664,560 10.1 4.6

    Nuff said hit-the-fan.gif

    Once again Ignorance is Bliss for you too my friend- First of all Thailand does not have a large Army the U.S does with Russia and North Korea- Our General are more skilled and in more quantity-Second I help train the Royal Thai Army on several occasions. There are a lot of issues of issues with the Thai Government that will make them fail with the insurance and to boot that Iran and other Muslim Nations are lending assistance as they are bound by there culture. I also believe that you are talking out your ass about Vietnam war, First of that was was lost because our chicken shit pot smoking liberal politicians at he time would not allow us to win. It was an internal issue and there our real information on that- All we had to Nuke them like we Japan- would that satisfy you then?

    I am a decorated war veteran and was a skilled operator for with 10 years of combat until my accident- what do you have besides a liberal ass America hating opinion? I will be in Thailand in June, why not meet up and allow me to give you my opinion personally- Hooah!!.

  10. Prayuth should be unceremoniously fired. He was far too busy telling the world that the terrorists could be found in Bangkok, demonstrating and singing, while refusing to call muslim insurgents "terrorists" 6500 people have been killed, 30,000 plus wounded and now Praytuth is waking up. It is as with the Thai newspapers, everything to burry the truth. Each and every bombing was either ignored or buried in the middle of the newspaper so nobody would notice.

    The real trouble is that it worked. CNN was far more occupied reporting on a attack from a lone gunman in Africa that killed a handful than even mentioning Thailand. CNN works with the army TV that says it all. BBC showed happily pictures from a HatYai hotel and told the world that it was Yala.

    The army should be purged of there in tire top and senior officers they have failed the people for almost 2 decades when i comes down to Southern terrorism.

    The Thai Government is in Pickle indeed, What is need is a small force of private military in the Southern region- They were approached last year by such a group and they were turned away. Look at the success of Executive Outcomes in Africa.

    Thailand has a large army and more generals than any other in the world and you want to bring in mercenaries?

    First of- I help train that army and no! Thailand does not have the largest army in the world, Once again some one with out Military knowledge speaking with un-educated mind- At least look it up on the Internet. The Thai Military is not up to the task because of people like Charlem trying to be friends with every country. The Muslims in the south is a big problem because all the other Muslim countries like Malaysia and even the Middle East are bound by religion and culture to help a fellow Muslim even if they do not like that person or people. The South is getting logistical and financial support from other Muslim Cultures to fight their war.

    Private Military Companies will be fighting more wars in the future and if ran properly and with the the Government can be successful- case in point with the NON-AMERICAN company called Executive Outcome, Once again an idiot made a previous commit referring to the Vietnam war and how Vietnam kick the United States Butt, when in fact we lost that war because of our own internal politics. we were not allowed to win that war, And to add to that one of the largest nations in the world was helping- But as would the U.S help out one of our Allies.

    reliably sourced entries.

    Flag State Active Reserve Paramilitary Total Total per 1000 capita

    Active per 1000 capita

    22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png United States of America[181][182] 1,458,219 1,458,500 11,035 2,927,754 9.3 4.7

    22px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png Thailand[166][note t] 305,860 245,000 113,700 664,560 10.1 4.6

    Nuff said hit-the-fan.gif

  11. Prayuth should be unceremoniously fired. He was far too busy telling the world that the terrorists could be found in Bangkok, demonstrating and singing, while refusing to call muslim insurgents "terrorists" 6500 people have been killed, 30,000 plus wounded and now Praytuth is waking up. It is as with the Thai newspapers, everything to burry the truth. Each and every bombing was either ignored or buried in the middle of the newspaper so nobody would notice.

    The real trouble is that it worked. CNN was far more occupied reporting on a attack from a lone gunman in Africa that killed a handful than even mentioning Thailand. CNN works with the army TV that says it all. BBC showed happily pictures from a HatYai hotel and told the world that it was Yala.

    The army should be purged of there in tire top and senior officers they have failed the people for almost 2 decades when i comes down to Southern terrorism.

    The Thai Government is in Pickle indeed, What is need is a small force of private military in the Southern region- They were approached last year by such a group and they were turned away. Look at the success of Executive Outcomes in Africa.

    • Like 1
  12. OMG- That man sure does have the biggest EGO I have seen. It is almost like he wants to take over Thailand with his own little army. It looks like he is trying to gain the a demi god status, Who knows some day he may challenge those who shall not be challenged. If I was some one that was revered and honored I would be keeping an close eye on Him, his brother and little sister- something wicked comes this way. Just my honest opinion from what I have seen in other countries where I operated in.

    If the Thai Schools taught world historyy from out side Thailand- They should read about the rise of Hitler, He sure has the same charisma in my opinion

    Hitler thought he is rescuing the country and wasn't corrupt, but murdered millions and started wars.

    Thaksin is rescuing only himself and fills his pocket, but murdered only 2900 (war against drugs).

    Can't be compared at all.

    I was mainly comparing the Charisma and the potential rise to power- your point is taken :) The point I was making was -he may become a charismatic power that may become a threat to those who shall not be mentioned. Really with an ego like his and the people who he has setup in power- It may be something to worry about. He and Charlem are some scary folks, I also wonder if they them selves are not tied in with the Mafia- I get that feeling for some reason

  13. OMG- That man sure does have the biggest EGO I have seen. It is almost like he wants to take over Thailand with his own little army.


    What, again?

    Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand

    OOps this isn't the first time- My Bad 5555 I just be came interested in Thai politics in 2011 :) I still think he is headed to infamy as Thailand's own little Hitler and those who should not be mentioned should be concerned. I have studied a lot about him and his rise to power- those who do not the past are doomed to repeat it.

  14. OMG- That man sure does have the biggest EGO I have seen. It is almost like he wants to take over Thailand with his own little army. It looks like he is trying to gain the a demi god status, Who knows some day he may challenge those who shall not be challenged. If I was some one that was revered and honored I would be keeping an close eye on Him, his brother and little sister- something wicked comes this way. Just my honest opinion from what I have seen in other countries where I operated in.

    If the Thai Schools taught world historyy from out side Thailand- They should read about the rise of Hitler, He sure has the same charisma in my opinion

  15. That sound great, but once again without Tea money- it will not come to pass to. This new Government does not care about the very people that elected it. How many millionaires are now in the Government there? I now I sound like a broken record, But until the people of Thailand become more educated things will never change- here is a test next time you come a cross a local Thai person ask them where Brazil is at or the United States- They are not taught thing that don't deal with the country- they are kept that way for a reason.

  16. Oh that's a good Idea- The Thai Mafia will get involved and force the use of unsafe materials so the rides will most likely injure people (but as long as it is not the Thai's that are injured or killed- it's ok). If they can not build swimming pools that won't kill tourist I am sure not going to trust my life any thing complicated like a ride. I do business on a high level in Thailand and it is riddled with Low and high end corruption- so this will end up putting Baht in the politicians pocket and not help the economy- (Lot's of Tea money). It's funny how the Thai Government says they're cleaning up the corruption, but high rise buildings are being built illegally - It took me only a few weeks to know who the politicians that are corrupt or worse in with the Thai Mafia- Why can they not find out themselves? Hmm maybe a warehouse official with a 5million USD hiuse in Phukett may be a clue.

    Just a thought,

  17. Every megalomania needs his ego feeding? Taksins red army?

    Thaksin ego to be Thailand first president is as largeas the wart on my toe.

    Has anyone heard of a puppet government? This is what Thailand has at the moment. Big Brother could not yet get back in control so little sister has to do it for him- That is unitl he can gain his demi-god status to rival anyone. Thaksin is taking plays right out of Hitler's play book and the poor people can't see it because they were not taught about it in the Government controled schools. One has to be on the outside looking in to see what is going to happen. It is a shame because Thailand is still a wonderful country, but netherless they should learn about World History.

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