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Posts posted by FarangTalk

  1. Best of luck, here's hoping to the end of The Convicted Criminals Governemnt

    Not in this century.

    This is how democracy works in Thailand, Forget waiting until the next elections you take to the streets anytime you feel like selling a gimmick like a coloured shirt or wristband ... who needs elections anyway.

    Typical spoiled brat antics and they are all as bad as each other.

    Least some food stalls will be doing a roaring trade for a few days smile.png

    Oh yes! Sit quietly whilst your country is plundered and then in another four years you get to sit quietly whilst another bunch of thieves are allowed to run amok. The people protesting en mass about what they rightly see as malfeasance by their 'rulers' is true democracy. Look it up. Doesn't happen like this in the West, BUT we have a system of checks and balances to keep them in line and stop them taking the piss too much. This country, doesn't.

    The Shinawatra family has taken the piss far too much and for far too long. They won't survive this.

    Good smile.png

    Thailand has arguably more checks and balances than in the West.

    The reason they are not being used is the same reason they were never used against Thaksin in 2006; lack of evidence and a weak case.

    • Like 1
  2. It is not about corruption.

    It is about ousting a democratically elected government and moving back to an undemocratic system as was called for by Suthep yesterday.

    Get over your obsessions with Thaksin and see through the smoke and mirrors.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    These people, business people, educators, students etc are holding a peaceful protest against a puppet led, disgrace of a government. They are exercising their constitutional right to do so. As long as they remain peaceful, they should be supported by anyone who values democracy.

    You obviously haven't been listening to what Suthep was saying on stage yesterday. Calling for a return to something similar to the pre-1932 system.

    Really, that's what it has been about all along, with the smokescreen of removing this government through allegations of corruption and malfeasance.

    The right wing PAD were very vocal about returning Thailand to an undemocratic system also, this is just a continuation of their earlier attempts to consolidate power, overthrow an elected government and return Thailand to the dark ages.

    It really is quite terrifying that educated Westerners can't see what is happening here.

    Could you elaborate on what Suthep is calling for?

    I posted a link earlier in this thread.

  3. It is not about corruption.

    It is about ousting a democratically elected government and moving back to an undemocratic system as was called for by Suthep yesterday.

    Get over your obsessions with Thaksin and see through the smoke and mirrors.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    "Get over your obsessions with Thaksin and see through the smoke and mirrors."

    If you mean the smoke and mirrors of of the PTP, then yes the people are beginning to see through, hence the anti government rallies that are happening as we speak and to be honest, they see through the smoke and mirrors of the Demos as well. They are just trying to get rid of the worst offenders first.

    If the next govt tries the same, I think they will be met with the same. It may look like the protests are the same old hat to many, but it's a real warning from the people to the government. Enough!

    People are aware of government corruption, not least of all myself but that is not the issue and never has been.

    If this attempt to oust the government succeeds and the PAD, Democrats and Suthep get their way there will be no more democracy for Thailand. End of, done and dusted. It will be mere lip service to appease the US and other Western nations.

    Any protests or attempts to unseat their position will be met with force. Expect to see numerous arrests under article 112.

    It will make the sharpened sticks and catapults of the red-shirt thugs look like a picnic.

    This has been planned since 2005/06. It isn't a spontaneous event caused by government corruption and incompetence but that is what they want you to believe.

    "Oh look at the last government, look what they did! Better we install our unelected cronies instead, we're far less malevolent and benign!"

    I was here when Abhisit was premier: more democracy than now. No mass arrests.

    I was here when Surayud was premier: even not elected the government acted more democratic than this and organized free elections (which were won by Thaksin, so no fraud) and no mass arrests.

    I was here when Thaksin was here and he started his war against drugs with 3000 dead and half had nothing to do with narcotics and at that time he was very proud of it.

    I was here at several elections where I always saw vote buying from Thaksin. While I admit there might be vote buying from the Democrats, I never saw it.

    From all the governments only Thaksin tried to destroy the system of checks and balance and the separation of power. So make a reality check.

    But you weren't here before Thaksin, and that's why most people are obsessed with the man; they simply don't know anything else.

    If Abhisit was truly more democratic he would have been elected in a general election with a mandate from the people. He wasn't. He never has been. He came to power after a deal with the most corrupt faction in Thai politics and a judicial coup.

    When an election was called the people again chose a Thaksin affiliated government.

    Save the allegations of vote buying by Thaksin parties only, that is one of the main reasons why the Friends of Newin faction was recruited by the Democrats.

    • Like 2
  4. The deciding factor will be Isaan. That is like Texas+Kansas here. Nothing moves here without them in the floor level.

    That is Thaksin's ace and he's waiting to play it.

    However if the Isaan masses descend on Bangkok in numbers the planned civil conflict would be an inevitability and then if would undoubtedly force the military to step in, which is what Suthep and his cronies are hoping for. It plays into their hands.

    I expect later today the anti-government protesters will start to up the ante and become a little more belligerent.

    • Like 1
  5. protester's leaders are well connected at the very top and well sponsored, so they are not scared of any future charges against them

    Thats right the tiny amart using it's money power and influence to oust yet another elected government, and clowns on here supporting it!

    There are none so blind as those that will not see.

    • Like 1
  6. Suthep announces the aims which is an abandonment of the current democratic process.


    Or not:

    BP: Also, Sunday night, Suthep did say “democratic system with the King as Head of State in a true form”

    As BP clearly points out that was a different speech. Now read the article properly and stop misrepresenting what Suthep said.

    • Like 1
  7. You went from what the article mentions is relative to a RHD car and then included the drivers license, one doesn't necessarily have to do with the other, what about International drivers licenses? I think it has more to do with the dangers of the RHD drive cars in a LHD drive country and it makes sense that those countries with RHD come into the 21st century and drive on the correct side of the road that dominates most of the world and that region with borders opening more and more and new highways being built from and through countries along with ASEAN as well..

    Chirst! Those regs are convoluted! You'd almost think they were written by a Thai. It seems the Vietnamese are taking lessons from them on writing regulations, this is going to impact them more then anyone else when ASEAN comes into effect but it doesn't say you can't drive on a foreign license so I don't know why you are bridging the two.

    RHD is and was the correct side throughout history.

    This practice was common throughout medieval Europe, until it was changed by the French. During the French Revolution in a bid to turn absolutely everything on its antithesis, the driving laws were changed to "keep right." Napoleon quickly adopted the right-hand rule as law for two reasons--a display of absolute power in even the minutest of details, and the singular fact that the emperor was left-handed-- according to Ed Wright's "A Left Handed History of the World."


  8. Looks like the predicted civil conflict is ready to kick off in earnest.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    So what do you want, a nobel prize?


    Yeh I wouldn't mind one.

    Look great on my mantlepiece next to my Academy Award and my Booker Prize.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  9. Incredible that people have deluded themselves into believing they are actually getting insured with this 500thb fee, or it will somehow cover them when in Thailand in case of an accident.

    You will get nothing.

    You will still have to pay full price for medical treatment if you do not have insurance regardless of having paid the 500thb fee.

    This fee is only to cover those that did not pay, and is not an entitlement to medical care nor will it be an insurance policy.

    Personally I do not see why I should be made to pay for the actions or misfortune of others.

    • Like 1
  10. The Thai business sector is virtually begging for the end of this administration.

    Or just an end to the divisive machinations from the Democrat Party and their backers, and an end to the political protests designed to oust an elected government by undemocratic means. Which would be a far easier and a less detrimental solution.

    Let the electorate decide at the ballot box in 2015 or before.

    Of course, keen observers will note that the Thai political landscape remains tainted by those opposed to democracy, and throughout Thai history Thaksin remains the only PM to be re-elected, and the only PM to serve a full term in office.

    History also shows the cycle of coups and ousting of governments outwith a democratic and fair practice has been harmful to Thai economic progress and is the reason we find ourselves at the current impasse. What is it now? 9 coups and however many judicial coups?

    • Like 2
  11. I don't believe the police wants to enforce the rules.

    I see very often see roadblocks, usually at the same place, people passing there are people going to work, probably always the same people.

    Very few people put on a helmet, even they must get caught very often.

    People have accepted to pay once or twice per week 50 or 100B in exchange for the right not to put on a helmet.

    The police is perfectly happy with this, because it's a fixed extra income. People are also OK with it, because it's just a small amount to pay.

    If people would get real fines and started use a helmet, the extra income of the police would disappear ... I am sure they (the police) don't want that.

    Further on, people riding motorcycles are working class people, they are easy to get money from ... you wouldn't want to stop a guy in a mercedes.

    Why not, a guy driving a Mercedes has tons of money and the police could extract an easy 1000 Baht from them. Working class people in Thailand by definition have no money.

    The guy in the Mercedes will potentially have much more money than the Policeman, thus will be of a higher social status and cannot be reprimanded. It is dangerous for the Policeman to make a person higher up the social ladder to lose face.

    Scooter riders are fair game as they are normally not very wealthy therefore will not have much social standing or connections so are ripe for exploitation.

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