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Posts posted by Jamiesiam

  1. Iam UK citizen, age 49, have lived in Thailand for 24 years working for a company which was under BOI sponsorship. Suddenly I find myself redundant, I want to stay here and can get another job which will provide a work permit. What's the easiest way to do it?

    I have been told that when my company gives back the work permit, I will then have 7 days to get out of the country and reapply for a category B non-immigrant visa. The closest place to apply for one of these multiple entry visas is Sri Lanka apparently. Is there an easier way?


  2. For example I still haven't found a decent Italian restaurant in Thailand.

    Huh? Have you tried all of them? Gianni's Giusto. Calderazzo, Zanotti (even Papa Alfredo if you want a more American style) to name a few of the very top ones, there's totally about 200 Italian restaurants in Bangkok, surely there's somewhere that meets your approval. I have been a frequent visitor to Italy over the past 20 years and feel qualified to comment on the Italian restaurant scene in Thailand, I think we are damned lucky to have so many good ones here.

    The only bad experience I had was in Picola Roma in Chiangmai which was the worst food and worst service I have encountered in Thailand.

  3. Oh God help us more Singaporeans to cope with, I don't mind people with superior attitudes but on such a large scale!!!

    You can bet your life that if Phuket wasn't suffering so badly from lack of tourism we'd have been told to Pi** off as Thailand doesn't want any queers, but looks like the need for hard cash can overcome moral scruples in the dear old land of smiles.

    Did anyone notice it clashes with Bangkok Pride's Pride in the Park?

  4. When I think about it we must have more English language listings magazines here than in many English speaking cities.

    I just saw the latest offering, the name escapes me and at 80 Baht per copy I'm not attempting to find out as what I saw at first glance put me off.

    This new guide which looks for all the world like Bangkok Dining and Entertaining did a total hatchet job on Himali Cha Cha (Sukhumvit branch) Now I'm not saying that Himali Cha Cha is the best place in town but the food id not bad. Actually the reviewer in this case concentrated on the decor rather than the food.

    I ask you, the decor? who goes to any restaurant for the decor? and do you know any Indian restaurant apart from the Rang Mahal that has great decor?

    Apart from that I was a bit disturbed to see that this publication accepts adverts.

    So what happens if Himali Cha Cha advertises with them? do they get a good review?

    Generally speaking I am saddened by the lack of independent restaurant reviews here. We have BK magazine, Guide of Bangkok, Time Out, Metro, Tatler, Bangkok Dining and entertaining plus the newspapers. All of these are dependent on advertising revenue so I'd question the honesty of most of the reviews.

    Frankly I'm sick to death of the all too familiar sycophantic grovelling you get from these ill informed freeloading, journalists who would praise dog sh** if it was served free. There are a few exceptions but not too many I can trust. Why don't we use this forum to discuss restaurants? maybe that way we could get some honest idea of where to go and not end up being let down all the time.

  5. This is an issue I seem to encounter quite often. Just why people always seem to ask me if I know where the lizzies hang out escapes me anyway as far as I can gather, there are a couple of bars on Soi Sarasin, same strip (but opposite end) as Brown Sugar. I think there was a place in Duchess Plaza on Thonglor and also I have heard that Vega a cafe style place on Sukhumvit soi 39 is a popular haunt.

    I think the Utopia gay and lesbian resources site is the one referred to, that may have some details. One thing is for sure if you are looking for a lizzy equivalent of Telephone or DJ then I'm afraid there's no such thing.

  6. I saw enough on Friday night on Silom road to convince me that this has gone beyond "fun"

    Some of the water slingers had very mean and aggressive expressions and many were so drunk they could hardly stand.

    There was a mob on Silom extending from Patpong down to Robinsons and not one policeman in sight!

    By all means people should have their fn but let them do it in a designated zone, Sanam Luang, Lumpini wherever so that us old fogeys can walk in peace or at least they should try and limit the water slinging to one night!

  7. There are a couple of places, I suggest you do a web search or look on Dreadedneds or similar, the Sawatdee forum also has an archive with info about Samui.

    One Gay friendly place is a restaurant and bar between Chaweng and Lamai called The Cliff, great music and drinks!

  8. I find this very difficult to understand. Under FDA rules this is strictly forbidden in Thailand. FDA is the customers assurance of quality. Are Yorkies products and premises FDA aproved ?

    Since Yorkies service these Villa stores at least twice each week I find it difficult to understand why his own staff did not pick up on the out of date products. Since almost all fresh products now sold to Villa are sale or return what possible advantage could be gained by Vila staff in re dating these products?

    What indeed?

    I've been a Villa customer for about 13 years and am always very wary about their products. Sometimes they just don't bother to re-date anything and just leave it on the shelves.

    Oh and what about all those lovely Christmas delicacies still on the shelves even now and the Beaujolais Nouveau which sells year round? and and and, the list goes on :o

  9. I wrote to The Bangkok Post and Nation suggesting this but I suspect that they may worry about the advertising revenue they get from hotels too much to publish! Perhaps other forum members can put this idea about a bit and even e mail hotels requesting them to donate!

    I like your idea Jamiesiam. I think regardless of where you are, in Thailand or reading this from abroad.. you should simplify your new year celebrations and give a little extra to which ever relief agency you wish.


  10. I see our PM will not be attending any countdown or parties for the new year!

    I have a small suggestion to make regarding new year celebrations.

    This year it is possible to spend anywhere from 3,000 to 20,000 Baht on a New years eve dinner and party at one of the big hotels. How about those intending to spend a fortune cancelling and doing something cheaper and sending the extra money to the relief effort?

    Beter yet why don't the hotels give a share of the profits to the quake victims?

    I urge people on this forum to contact large Bangkok hotels and ask them what they are doing to help.

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