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Posts posted by ScarySpouce

  1. YOU can help by NOT CANCELING your visit to Thailand.

    The Thai people rely on your visit to keep their jobs to survive!

    Well said!

    Don't let shock-tactic reporters ruin peoples' lives, or peoples' holidays.

    After much deliberation, I am NOT going to cancel my holiday, particularly after reading reports from this website. Thank you for making things alot more clearer than Skynews or BBC. :o

    I arrive in Phuket on Mon 10th Jan after staying a few days in Bangkok. It was always my intention to travel with more or less and empty case to fill it for my return home with Thai crafts and goodies. I will now fill my emptish case with baby milk, shoes and toddler toys. Any other suggestions?

    Where in Phuket Town is the best place to drop this off?

  2. Depends on where you're booked to visit.  If it's a hotel that wasn't affected, I don't see what the problem would be.

    Thank you for your responses. The area is Pamwa Bay, which for browsing around the hotel is not really effected.

    As for the Insurance Company it is an existing policy that I have and enquiring with other insurances companies, it would seem that all are very much the same. If I knew of the situation before travel then I wouldn't be insured for anything that happens or occurs as a result of the disaster.

    I suppose in short, what it means is that if I broke my leg triping up they would pay the medical bill BUT if I broke my leg triping up on debris as a result of the disaster, then I wouldn't

  3. I feel rather selfish considering what others are going through right now, please forgive me if this comes across glib.

    I am due to come over on holiday from the UK on Thursday (6th Jan), I have been given the option by the travel agent to either cancel the trip (as advised by ABTA and FCO) or continue my holiday (bearing in mind that my insurance will not meet any cover for anything that happens as a consequence of the disaster).

    I feel that my money could help Thai's to get their life back together, however, a lack of being insured does play on my mind. :o

    I have watched, read and listened to various news coverage of the disaster for 7 days now and have heard contradictive reports to the Thai Government have not got their act together to they have.

    I would welcome your views and comments.........Should I stay or should I go?

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